Chapter 0068 – Black Jeopardy: Madara, It’s Already Wasted~!!

The world’s first prison in the propulsion city, located in the windless zone in the first half of the great shipping route, the security is extremely tight, the whole of the propulsion city is a huge tower-like structure submerged in the sea, its foundation is at the bottom of the sea, and the entire propulsion city is surrounded by huge sea kings. The prison is guarded by a naval warship.

Usually you can’t see ships advancing into the city, but at this time they are surrounded by pirate ships, cannon fire, smoke, the world’s first prison has the biggest riot at this time!

The sixth layer of the pitch-black dungeon exudes a quiet and terrifying aura, this is the infinite hell!

The monster figure in the cage is silent, and the eyes inside are either death row prisoners or life imprisonment.



Suddenly, a roar of pain broke the tranquility of the cell, causing everyone’s dissatisfaction, but then everyone’s eyes also showed a fanatical look,

“… Is it! ”

“Hahahahaha!!!! I didn’t expect it, Magellan!!! I thought that if I attacked to that extent, I would die and the venom would soak my whole body, and Blackbeard would not die under the Dark Fruit ability, but the pain I endured would also be doubled.”

Looking at the countless figures in the darkness, the corners of Blackbeard’s mouth opened fiercely.

“Hello everyone, prisoners who have been imprisoned in this prison for life have no dreams to speak of!”

“Anyway, the rest of your lives are just waiting for death…”

“I’m sure you saw it in the video.”

“Great times have come!!!

“This era has ushered in the end of the day!!!”

“Those who survive will become my companions and see the light of day.”

“……… In this era, add your last killing!!! ”


The heavy iron chain made a tooth-piercing sound, and at this moment, every pirate worth more than 100 million had an unprecedented frenzy on his face.

“This is not their time… But it will be up to them to end it!!! ”


His eyes couldn’t stop trembling, and the Warring States looked at the yellow ape in front of him in disbelief.


“That is, he is from among the most vicious fugitives in the world. Take away the most elite members. ”

“Chaos… All chaos…”

“This era. It will be the most taboo existence in history.”

[Night, quietly passing, the first rays of morning sunlight spilled on the world, illuminating every street corner in Uruk…]

[In the past, prosperity did not appear, and the streets and alleys were shrouded in silence……… Scratches on the walls… Roadside debris. Tables and chairs were beaten in the house……… The messy scene around is a little sad]


【People who live here. I don’t know when I have quietly left, and the breeze blows on the side of the street, and it is not dust, but beautiful flowers…]

[Even if the darkness recedes, the morning light comes. But this time. There are no more people on the street]

Jing, no vendors hawking, no walking couples on the street, but symbolizing the beautiful flowers are still blooming silently……… So it fell…

[In the temple, the sun shone on Gilgamesh’s back, and after commanding everything, the king looked around, and the beautiful minister he trusted the most was still by his side, bending down and nodding to Gilgamesh with a smile]

[“Well, the king’s gaze rested on the seat for a moment, the oldest king Gilgamesh smiled slightly, walked towards the outside of the temple, Wang Yanguang fell under the temple and the 500 Uruk people announced to all the citizens who remained in Uruk! “】

[The people gathered at the temple stood up and dragged the tired body to look at the king above]

[“That was half a year ago, when the Warcraft Front was being built, King Ben told you that no matter how you struggle, Uruk will perish, whether you want to run away or indulge in pleasure, because despair is okay to plunge into the underworld! “】

“But you said you were going to fight! Rebel even if you already know the ending. ”

, the breeze blew, the king clasped his hands to his chest, his expression was calm, but there was a hint of satisfaction in the eyes of the scarlet snake, because his people… It’s really satisfying [“Uruk is really a happy city, its history, life, people, including King Ben, Uruk will be destroyed, this cannot change the fact, but there is no need to worry! Why! “, white clouds quickly drifted over the blue sky, and at this moment, it seemed to have experienced the change of times! 】

[“Because, as long as one person witnesses the dawn of victory! Our way of living will be deeply engraved in his heart! “, Wang’s voice became more and more angry, high-spirited, and the tired people couldn’t help but widen their eyes, and their backs straightened. 】

[“Even if you die! No heirs left! Will will also be passed down from person to person! This]

“It is the essence of human power, not through the bloodline transmission of knowledge crystallization, life chain, Uruk destruction, not our destruction!” We must bathe in the dawn of victory and shine brightly, and pass on the era with that light! ”

“Listen to my elites!”

, Wang Meng waved his solid arm, and the high-purity hairband fluttered in the wind,

“Deny the Primordial God and open the moment that belongs to us as human beings!” This is a true battle of goodbye to the gods! Give your lives to the King! ”

“To bring Uruk glory. Passed on to future generations!!! ”

【”Oooo!!!oo “Children, youth, old people, at this moment at the same time slammed their arms into the sky, in response to their king! 】

[Who cares about death!!! 】

[They are his people, and he is their king!!] 】

[The only thing they recognize Wang!!! 】

……… Winter wood church.

“Is this really you?”

, Rin Tosaka’s gaze is compared back and forth with the one next to him in the video. The eyes were full of amazement.

“No matter how you look at it, this and you are completely two people!”

, After a rough explanation by Gilgamesh on the side, at this time Rin Tosaka had become numb from the problem that he was the reincarnation of the two goddesses.

Is he being shared by the goddess of Venus and the goddess of the underworld? It sounds strange, but it seems like an honor.

Although after that, Ishtar also appeared in the video throwing his own cattle, so that the existing king couldn’t help but be angry even after seeing it now.

At the same time, I also asked the doubts in my heart.

“Do you have twin brothers? That’s your brother! ”

, Although she is a pseudo-eldest lady, Rin Tosaka, a magic family, can still be said to have done her homework in terms of interpreting Yingling.

But at this time, he asked such a stupid question in disbelief, and this record has never appeared in the [Epic of Gilgamesh].

“Huh? That’s Benyu! ”

Gilgamesh was angry when he saw this face at this time, frowned slightly, and snorted coldly, you waste female miscellaneous cultivator, that is King Ben, what are you questioning!”

“No, it’s certainly impossible!”

, Rin Tosaka shook his head, and the two horses shook and waved their hands to firmly signal that you would not be alone at all.

Especially that paragraph.

“To bring Uruk glory… Passed on to future generations!!! ”

Even Rin Tosaka, who has been unhappy with this golden pickup truck, actually thinks that the other party is a little handsome?

“… Miscellaneous cultivators, King Ben asked you, yes or no…”

Gilgamesh’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a chill appeared in the eyes of the scarlet snake.

Let you enjoy the epic myth of Benwang, and after watching it for a long time, I have been doubting the identity of Benwang.

“… Haha, of course a person, the great king has been like this from beginning to end! ”

The tone is firm, respectful and respectful, and I can’t fault it in the slightest.

In the dark night sky, a little golden light emerged, and then countless golden ripples appeared behind Gilgamesh out of thin air.

Looking at the sword and gun halberd emerging from the ripples, Rin Tosaka spat with difficulty.

Don’t say that he is alone now, even if he adds his own running heroic spirit, he may not be able to beat this king.

The girl was colored, so said.

Shirou Emiya: “…”

“This should be the stage of the late royal stage.”

After reading the [Epic of Gilgamesh], Shirou Eimiya opened his mouth and said that he knew that this time should be when Gilgamesh experienced the death of his best friend and returned to Uruk in search of the elixir,

“That’s awesome, Wang.”

Do not care about death, but use the last time to promote the development of the era, whether it is watching the king of that stage, Gilgamesh is indeed an excellent king.

Shirou Eimiya couldn’t help but praise.

“Hahaha, that’s right, that’s it, it’s really King Ben who likes people, praise more, King Ben keeps you food and clothing!”

On the bench, Wang frowned and laughed loudly because he felt dissatisfied.

Shirou Emiya: “…”

Well, sure enough, it’s their own delusion, this is not a person at all. In the Demon Tail world, people who have magic power and can use magic are called “Magisters”, but generally speaking, they need to join a “guild” to be officially recognized as “Magisters”, and because of this, many “Magi Guilds” have been established.

The fairy tail guild blonde girl Lucy looks at Gilgamesh in the video, as if she turned into a little fan girl. The eyes sparkle.

“Natsu, Gray, this king is so handsome.”

“Hmph, I will become so strong too!”

Looking at Lucy, Natsu snorted in disbelief. And the cold Gray is silent.

Today, many wizards gathered in the guild, little Lori Wendy, Elusa, the fairy queen…

At this time, a small figure with a mustache, a beige trench coat, and a kind little old man with a red shirt came out of it.

It seemed that a gust of wind could blow down, but no one in the crowd showed a contemptuous expression.

Because this inconspicuous-looking little old man, Makarov, is the current president of Fairy Tail and one of the ten holy wizards!

“Everyone, the matter of the Great Demon Fight has been decided, and it is up to me to announce the list of this battle, Natsu, Gray, Elsa, Lucy and Wendy! It’s up to you to fight on behalf of Fairy Tail.”

Recalling the power of that god, Makarov couldn’t help but be shocked at this time, after all, the stronger the person, the more he could see how strong the god’s attack was.

Just like children seeing the ultimate human all-powerful battle, they will only look at each other and smile at each other, and only those who are really strong can feel the shock of that power.

“There is absolutely no problem, the next one must be my Uncle Natsu, I will not let this to you.”

It’s like being wronged, and the two began to scare each other.

“Two fools, it’s you who have a problem.”

The corner of the blonde girl’s mouth twitched a little, and her face was full of helplessness. These two idiots…

Although their World Great Demon Fighting Exercise has been postponed because of the video, for various reasons, they also have to start now.

“Since you are here, let’s cheer together!”

“Huh!!! Good!!! ”

The powers of the Naruto world have fallen into chaos, and the meeting of the five great ninja villages is still being held.

“Everyone, please don’t ignore the strength of characters like Madara, becoming the legendary ten-tailed human pillar force, comparable to the existence of six immortals, I believe that someone knows this difficulty better than me.”

The white-haired Tokage Onoki and the three generations of Hokage old men sat together, looked at each other, and Tsuchikage spoke. The ancient books in the major ninja villages have more or less knowledge of this legendary terrifying Ten Tails.

If you want to resurrect the Ten Tails, if you think correctly, you have to gather the other nine tailed beasts, so since the Ten Tails have appeared, does it represent the tailed beasts in their village…

Especially some time ago, the masked man who claimed to be Uchiha declared war on the five great ninja villages, although there has been no sound recently, but everyone knows that it must be plotting something.

“Everyone! You must not sit still, although you don’t know what the plan behind this is, but you must make some moves.”

Straightforward personality Lei Ying said directly.

“That’s right, since the tailed beast is an important part of its plan, the tailed beast must not fall into the hands of Uchiha.”

Onoki said approvingly.

Not only him, but even those great names of the major powers also agreed with each other, and now, they can only huddle and unanimously go out.

It is precisely because of this that the major ninja villages will protect the pillar power of the tailed orcs to a strict level.

“Therefore, please strictly prevent the leakage of the tailed orc pillar force! Guard the pillar power with all your might! ”


This is what they can do now, and the only thing they can do. Outside the meeting room.


“Huh? Hei Jue, what are you sighing about? ”

Bai Zhu outside the door looked relieved and asked suspiciously.

“If the Five Great Ninja Villages strictly guards the human pillar force, Madara-sama will not be able to become the ten-tailed human pillar force?”

As a spotted product, Bai Jue has always been very simple-minded.

“… I mean, although the plan was exposed, but it’s good that these people didn’t go any further and went out. The entire Shinobi Village collects the existence of Madara-sama. ”

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

This is a lie, Kuro is lost in thought, he has already begun to think about preparing to find a new heir to rescue Kaguya Otsuki, his mother after the video is over.

After all, whether it is the invincible existence of each world, or the owner of the video, it makes him feel uneasy.

Therefore, even if the five major ninja villages are raised on guard, it is necessary to delay the mother’s time to come out. Spot… Already in the deserted quiet forest, a figure passed through at great speed, Kakashi’s scarlet left eye was full open to look for Naruto’s figure, and the major ninja villages had unanimously decided to list the safety of the tailed orc pillar in their village as the highest level.

The figure skimmed through the woods, and the quiet ripples of the lake rippled.

“Mr. Jiraiya…”

“Well, I’ll leave this kid to me in the future.”

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