Chapter 0080: That’s it… With this ending… Is it over…!!

Everyone was stunned when they were ready to finish scattering flowers.

“I ×, this is. Not dead yet? ”

The sudden scene made everyone stunned for a moment, and they couldn’t help but burst into foul language. Doesn’t it say that the primordial mother of the underworld has a blood bar?

Why not die yet? The attack is too weak?

Everyone in the ten thousand worlds shook their heads, that kind of power does not mean that every world can be regarded as the top, but it must be a big guy.

But just attack like this, and there is nothing to do with this primordial mother? What the hell is she trying to do!!!

[Chaldean, looking at the scene in front of him, Dr. Roman couldn’t help but widen his eyes and shouted eagerly, just now Tiamat covered himself with black mud! ] The tide of chaos is eroding, testing the data, Dr. Roman tested the data and continued to speak, if this continues, the entire underworld will be devoured and occupied! “】

“How”, completely not domineering before, the girl tightly held the spear in her hand with both hands, the crystal light in the ruby eyes flowed, a frightened look, left and right, some grievances, I don’t know who to ask,

“What the hell happened?”

……………………”The Winter Wood Church of the Moon World.

“Electric haha!!!ha

Once again, the sound of demonic laughter echoed in the Holy Church.

In this regard, the priest on the side pouted, just now it was fine, he enjoyed the pleasure of Gilgamesh, and his heart once again obtained an indescribable pleasure.

“And then. Fear! ”

, happy no!

Thinking of this this made the priest go to the other side and make a cup of coffee to suppress the shock. I didn’t care about the words on the side.

There was a hint of excitement in the eyes of the scarlet snake, and the second king of the middle school, Gilgamesh, knew that his head must not be robbed!!

The king’s eyes were full of expectation………………………… Seeing such a scene, everyone in the ten thousand worlds couldn’t help but laugh, this goddess of the underworld is also too cute! Is this really the goddess of the underworld representing death?

【“Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!! “】

【Like a wild beast】

[Completely change the original form. The figure of Tiamat rushed out of the black mud and hissed angrily. 】



“Dragon body… The state change is complete…”

[Quiet underworld, in addition to that angry roar, Dr. Roman’s voice is also again. ] from】

[The voice is a little shaky, it seems that even Dr. Roman can’t believe it. ] 】

“There is no doubt that it is God’s!!! over there”

【“Aaaaaaa!! “】

[Space rippled under this angry roar, Tiamat’s body completely jumped out of the black mud, and the posture of the whole body completely changed, not so much the mother god of the earth, the original mother, but rather a giant beast living under the abyss!!! At this time, in front of everyone, Tiamat can no longer find half a human shadow, and the former mother has completely turned into a beast that has lost her mind! 】

In the terrified eyes of everyone, Tiamat’s body became bigger and bigger, scarlet and pitch-black black mud rolling, and if you looked closely, even Tiamat’s body was gradually getting bigger.

It seems that this black mud, full of death and ominousness, has completely turned into its nourishment, providing energy for Tiamat!

[“Dragon body state change completed!!! Seeing this scene, the doctor’s eyes widened, and he eagerly shouted to everyone, but he did not expect that in less than a moment, Tiamat’s form transformed again, and the dragon body was completely transformed!!! 】

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but recall for a while, how many times Tiamat transformed. After a few moments, everyone came to an affirmative answer!

Three times…

And it’s stronger every time!!!

As if there was no end, the more you attack, the stronger the other party became!!!

Max Ultraman World.

“Is the more attack more powerful…”

In a dark room, the screen lights in the void are slightly lit up, adding a touch of light to the dim room. Some tired youth sighed, leaned back against the seat, and squinted slightly.

“Leaf rot… Tiamat. ”

Watching the video in which Tiamat changed his form many times after being attacked again and again, East Malaysia Kuaidou fell silent.

Just like Ye Fu before, he kept evolving after being attacked, and in the end, even he couldn’t do anything about it.

Even in the end, that terrifying ability had already given him the idea of fighting to the death. Fortunately, the girl appeared at the end…

Gently took out the Max spark in his arms, the young man’s eyes were a little hesitant, the spark was carved with gold and silver patterns, brilliant gilt was all over the body, and the center was inlaid with beautiful red gemstones.

What East Malaysia Kuaidou cares about is not the constant change of Tiamat form in that video, what he really cares about is… Why would the god named Mother Earth, the original mother, desperately attack her own children?

If you want to destroy them now, why did you give birth to them in the first place… Like that leaf rot…

Who exactly is right and who is wrong…

I’m afraid we will only know in the end…


The room fell silent again, and a light sigh echoed in the room. This one that saved countless times the youth of the world…

Caught in doubt… Confused…

To the truth… Craving…

“There is no doubt that it is God!!! “】

[The desperate words fell, and no one in the underworld could have imagined that Tiamat not only did not weaken when he fell into the underworld, but evolved again and became more powerful!!! 】

[“Poof, poof, poof! A heavy and muffled voice sounded, and the naked eye could see that the black tide was surging in the underworld, and the viscous black mud was rapidly eroding the land of the underworld, and Tiamat in the center seemed to be accumulating strength and stopped moving for a while. 】

[But the more so, the more frightened the crowd became,]

“If you defeat Tiamat here, it’s not just the underworld, the whole world will be destroyed!”

The scalp-popping voice sounded again, and everyone listened to Dr. Roman’s voice in horror, and a layer of fear inexplicably appeared in their hearts, every time this person spoke, it did not bring good news.

[But not yet playing, in a pause, Caldea, Dr. Roman looked at the data on the screen, his heart was shrouded in a layer of haze, and continued, although it is only speculation, but now Tiamat should be the weakest stage of strength…”

For a while, everyone in the Ten Thousand Worlds couldn’t help but widen their eyes, carefully staring at Tiamat, who had completely turned into a dragon form on the screen, trying to see if they could learn something on their bodies.

Bigger and stronger?

Such a good thing, they also want to learn ah!

[Hearing Doctor Roman, for a while, everyone in the underworld couldn’t help but look at each other, still the weakest? ] Almost all the god-level followers are fully opened, but you tell them that they are the weakest now? And before that? What was it before? Weak to impeccable? 】

[Fortunately, without waiting for everyone to panic, the figure of the doctor came from Chaldea again, although it was the weakest stage, but it was also the most likely time to defeat Tiamat! ] “There is no doubt that the only people present are Tachika Fujimaru, Matthew, and Eleshkigal. 】

[The purple-haired girl can be said to have 0 damage to Tiamat in terms of attack, and now the only treasure that can unleash attacks on the field is Eleshkigal. ] 】

“I know… Whew… I… I will try! ”

Seeing the two girls beside him shifting their gaze to their bodies, and behind the two of them was the tide of tumbling chaos, Eleshkigar took two steps back, and then grabbed the spear in his hand hard and replied, but obviously the voice was so unconfident,

“Although I will find a way, but the erosion speed of this tide of chaos is too fast…”

[Due to excessive nervousness, the girl even slightly closed her eyes and was a little afraid to look. ] 】

Everyone in the ten thousand worlds couldn’t help but laugh again when they saw this scene, is this really the goddess of the underworld?

Why does it feel like a little girl next door, covered with a gloomy and cold breath, but it is so beautiful, sunny, moving.

World of Death.

“No, it must be a joke.”

“Indeed, this is too shameful.”

“It’s strong, but it always feels a little… Humanized. ”

Looking at the video of Eleshkigal, the captains who were summoned to the virtual palace whispered their opinions about Eleshkigal.



Lan Ran sat on the throne, looked at everyone in the underworld, and fell silent. A trace of doubt surged in my heart.

He could feel the rich breath of death in that video, and the breath of death on that girl could serve as the source of death.

Without a doubt, it was the Goddess of the Underworld! Death spokesperson but…

Why can’t I feel half of the killing from the body of that underworld master…

That blessed aura of death is not so much emanating from the girl, but by the power of the girl in that world…

A person who has no killing on his body, can even be said to be kind, why can the master of the underworld endure and keep guarding this underworld…

That’s what he wondered…

【】I… I will definitely try. ”

It seems that the words just now even this underworld lady herself [herself also heard that she did not have any confidence, opened her eyes, and before her scarlet eyes could show firmness, she was interrupted by a voice on the side. 】

[“Eleshkigar, you will concentrate on dealing with the god Tiamat and I don’t know when, the orange-haired girl walked slowly towards Eleshkigar, and said softly. 】

[When the hostess of the underworld looked at the source of the voice like a jewel, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew were already standing in front of her, and a trace of tenderness and firmness appeared in their orange eyes.

“Here… Leave it to us. ”



[“Buzz!!! “】

[“Yes, leave it to us here! The purple-haired girl Matthew also raised the giant shield in her hand, and there was a little cold light on the black giant shield, and the blue-blue light shone with it, at this time, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew had reached a magic link, firmly looking at the rapidly spreading tide of chaos in the distance, obviously the two girls were going to undertake the task of resisting the tide of chaos! 】

[Hearing Fujimaru Rika, she was stunned for a moment, the girl’s cheeks were slightly red, but the tension still did not subside, after all, as the goddess of the underworld, she naturally knew the situation in the underworld best,】

“Although I’m glad that Fujimaru can rely on me, the output of the underworld has decreased.”

Long…… Elle still said the situation of the underworld. 】

[But after all, she still didn’t give up, the girl took a deep breath,… Be enlightened! Ereshkigal!!! “】

[“Peng Peng Peng!!! “】


[It was at this moment…]

[That pitch black and scarlet shine against the tide of chaos… That black mud… Came over…]

[This sticky is scary, disgusting black mud… The speed is so fast…”

[For a while, time seemed to stop suddenly… Fujimaru Tachika, Matthew, and Eleshkigar couldn’t help but widen their eyes…]

[If you are contaminated by this black mud…]


[I’m going to lose…]

The tide of chaos filled with scarlet and pitch-black is churning in the screen, and even across the screen, everyone can’t help but feel disgusted when they see the black mud tumbling in.

At the same time, an inexplicable sadness arose in the bottom of my heart… That’s it…

That’s it… With this ending… Is it over…

Even they would be very unwilling………

But the next moment, as if in disbelief, everyone looked at the scene in the video with wide eyes at the same time.

“I grass…”

[Illustration: Ellie Little Angel]

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