"Well, don't cry. Qin Ran is not easy to handle. You can find Mr. mu. He said that he has higher tolerance for beautiful women than ordinary people. Maybe he will be better for you?" the executive agent reminded.

Du Xiaobei nodded, "yes, I'm looking for mu Qingyu. At least Mu Qingyu is not as cruel as Qin ran. I... I must Mu Qingyu help me."

"Well, take a good rest. Don't read the microblog messages. Have a good sleep. Go to Mr. Mu tomorrow. Do you hear me?" the executive agent coaxed Du Xiaobei.

Du Xiaobei nodded and really lay in bed.

At 10:30 the next morning, Mu Shi.

After the morning meeting, Mu Qingyu received a call from the front desk.

"Mr. mu, a miss Du must see you. She said she had something important to tell you." the front desk said.

Mu Qingyu rubbed his eyebrows and sighed, "let her explain what it is."

He has no time to deal with other women.

"It's about the entertainment industry. She said that president Mu disagreed with her. Now she's on the live broadcast and has been crying on the first floor. President Mu... Or..." the front desk is afraid of affecting the company's image.

Especially the image of Mu Qingyu.

Mu Qingyu's eyes were slightly heavy, "OK, let her come up first."

If it's the entertainment industry, it's mostly related to what her wife said yesterday. Her surname is Du, isn't it Du Xiaobei?

Mu Qingyu thought it was Du Xiaobei, so he saw it and warned the woman not to make his wife unhappy again.

Du Xiaobei was introduced into the president's office by the secretary.

She stood there with red eyes, like crying for a long time in the morning.

Before Mu Qingyu asked her about her, she cried out first and said wrongfully, "Mr. mu, please give me a chance."

Mu Qingyu stared at the woman's face and said impatiently, "I don't know you."

"My name is Du Xiaobei. I... I made a movie with Qi Ye, but I don't know how to make your wife misunderstand. She may think we had a relationship, so she kept suppressing me. Really... Really, I'm so afraid. I want to explain it to Mrs. Mu!" Du Xiaobei said and walked to Mu Qingyu with tears.

She specially wore a V-neck dress today. When she came over, the brilliance on her chest was like a shadow. If ordinary men saw it, they would have no resistance and immediately had a shameless idea of her.

Mu Qingyu didn't even look at it, but said, "I have nothing to do with you."

"Yes, it doesn't matter to us. But Mrs. Mu doesn't believe it. She's blocking me all over the Internet now. Would you please give me a chance?" Du Xiaobei said, holding her hands on the table and leaning forward to reveal a little scenery for mu Qingyu to see.

Her meaning is clear. It's false to beg for Qingyu, and it's true to think about the hidden rules of the routine.

Mu Qingyu hated this kind of woman very much. He snorted coldly, "get out!"

"I... I just want Mr. Mu to tell Mrs. Mu to let me go. Isn't that ok? Does Mr. Mu have to be so cruel to me? I'm just a poor little actor. I really have no other advantages except this face. Mr. mu, take a good look at me and give me a chance?" Du Xiaobei flattered Mu Qingyu with the same old technique.

But mu Qingyu didn't accept or say anything. He directly picked up the landline and dialed the phone in the security room, "I have garbage in my office. Come up and take it away!"

"Rubbish?" Du Xiaobei's face was as pale as paper, unwilling to look at Mu Chengyu.

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