Mu Qingyu naturally won't shout like the man just now, but it's undeniable that he can't bear it as a man after level 7.

Thinking of this degree of suffering, Qin ran wanted to stick to level 10. His guilt for Qin ran was even heavier.

Hu Yisha saw that his face was not very good, so she kindly suggested: "in fact, you can't bear it. You can tell me. I won't force you to continue to experience it for Qin ran. After all, it's really painful. It's normal for men to bear it."

However, unexpectedly, Mu Qingyu said, "I want to continue. I want to really feel the pain she has endured for me. Hurt what she hurts and love what she loves."

When Mu Qingyu finished, Hu Yisha nodded and said with a smile, "OK, Mu Qingyu, I love Qin ran so much for you. Tomorrow they will cook for you, and I will allow you to add chicken legs."

This was a joke, which made the people around laugh. Su Ziyan and Si Mohan were not afraid, and even wanted to experience the pain earlier.

After level eight, Mu Qingyu hummed out in pain.

Qin ran couldn't bear to admire Qingyu for his pain. He took the initiative to say, "forget it, it's good. I don't have to really experience it again. I'm also distressed."

"Don't feel bad, let me experience it again, I will understand you more." Mu Qingyu insisted.

Qin ran couldn't resist Mu Qingyu. He could only watch the man continue to experience this pain.

At present, he is the only one who sticks to level 10. The two men who just retired were pulled behind Mu Qingyu by his wife.

"Look, this is people's love for their wife. They can bear level 10. You guy said you can do anything for me! I believe your ghost."

"Yes, I also want to see you bear the handsome appearance of level 10."

The two wives looked at their husbands and complained bitterly.

The two men also drooped their faces, but still raised their fingers to Mu Chengyu at the same time.

"Cow, man!"

"You are a God. My old lady will obey you if she doesn't obey!"

Mu Qingyu got down from his chair and slowly breathed out. Then, under the gaze of the people, he knelt on one knee, held Qin Ran's hand and said piously, "wife, we don't want children after giving birth. Okay?"

"Don't you want to have more children?" Qin ran looked at him. She really didn't care about the number of births. She wanted to have their children as long as they liked each other.

"I don't want you to suffer. Besides, we have enough babies, haven't we?" Mu easily held Qin Ran's hand and gently kissed the back of his hand.

Qin ran nodded and smiled. At the moment, he was really happy.

Then it's su Ziyan's turn.

He looked at Xu Wei and said, "don't worry, my wife. I can pass level 10."

At the moment, this experience is a game to pass through for them. They all want to pass like Mu Qingyu.

It seems that you can get a card and be with your beloved woman immediately.

Su Ziyan's performance was not as calm as Mu Qingyu. He really couldn't help shouting out in the back.

But he stuck to level 10.

After that, Su Ziyan touched his stomach and said with great emotion, "I'm glad that pregnancy was false. Wife, you're still young and enjoy life for a few more years."

Xu Wei's mouth curled up, hugged Su Ziyan's neck and said sweetly, "this time I want to give you a baby, otherwise your pain will be all in vain."

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