"In fact, you should know that people like me can't even make things. Ye Lan, I won't be stupid. I'll leave slowly. If my son has a good life, everything will be fine." Sun Zhu promised.

"Well, I'm not so heartless. I'll help you arrange a safe place and find someone to protect you. It's not surveillance. I'm just afraid that one day the child really wants to be his mother. My brother wants to open it and will agree to meet you."

Ye Lan is a proactive type. She will make a lot of preparations in advance.

Sun Zhu understood Ye Lan's meaning, with gratitude in his eyes, "thank you. One day you will be rewarded for being kind to others."

"I don't need blessings. I have no expectations for feelings." Ye Lan smiled and stood up. "I'll go out to see the little guy. We'll take him away when the child can leave in the next seven days. Your body is suitable for feeding children. Don't blame us for being cruel."

"I know." Sun Zhu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

The doctor also said that it was not easy for her to give birth to the child. It was impossible to nurse the child in the month.

Since she wants to separate, it's better to separate early so that she won't give up.

But the only thing she felt bad about was Ye Xuan's attitude. She was so indifferent.

I must hate her.

She just hopes that ye Xuan will not be bad to her children because she hates her, otherwise she will really collapse.

When ye Xuan left with her children, she actually left sun Zhu a check. This is the last tenderness for sun Zhu. She didn't take out the check money, but took the check as a treasure and kept it well.

The little guy finally had a relatively mild name, ye Rufeng.

And Qin ran here, slowly to the day of production.

She broke her amniotic fluid first. At that time, she was still helping Qi Ye to hold a signing meeting.

Qi Ye's fans are the most nervous when there are problems. A group of fans spontaneously opened the way to direct the traffic, and even tried to contact Mu Qingyu.

When Qin ran arrived at the hospital, the fans were watching outside. Mu Qingyu and Qi Ye were waiting in the corridor.

Mu Yichen didn't go in when he wanted to avoid suspicion. Mu Qingyu walked around in front of him, almost fainting him.

"Elder brother, or you go in to accompany the birth, OK?" Mu Yichen rubbed his temples.

Last month, my father was like this, and now my brother is like this. Why can't they calm down?

There is no hurry about having children.

"Good!" Mu Qingyu was waiting for this sentence.

"Go change your clothes and give it to us here." Mu Yichen pushed his brother.

Mu Qingyu almost turned into the delivery room to change his clothes, and then turned into the delivery room.

It was not until the door closed that Huisha laughed.

Qin Ran's fetus is very healthy. In addition, she pays attention to exercise at ordinary times. There is basically no danger in the process of birth, so Hu Yisha is not worried at all.

Seeing that Mu Qingyu was worried that she couldn't even go, she couldn't hold back. She covered her stomach and said, "we should have taken the camera to record your brother's silly appearance just now and killed me with a smile. This guy is sent by the monkey."

"You didn't make complaints about my father. He was more exaggerated than he was. Always feel that they had promised them."

"Hahaha... It is estimated that you will be like this in the future. I will record a documentary for you at that time." Huisha wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Mu Yichen didn't answer, but Qi Ye said, "sister Sha, how can you record it for him when you're in the delivery room?"

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