Steven held the little guy's hand and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be two little hairs."

"Young as he is, his heart is not small, what does Mr. Steven say?" Mu Xinglan smiled.

Steven nodded. It must be admitted that these two little guys are very smart. They are the two smartest children he has ever seen.

The meteorite they showed this time was seen at the edge of Linghe river three years ago. This meteorite is very magical. There is an element in it that should be radioactive according to reason, but they observed it for three years without any problem. It seems that that element will no longer be active.

"This is a cold cloud day. We are now the big boss." Mr. Steven introduced to the two children.

The two little guys looked at the cold cloud at the same time and nodded to him.

Lengyun Tianren is just like his name. His character is very cold. He seems to have nothing to communicate with the two children. He glanced at Steven and said, "all people close to him wear white gloves. Don't touch it easily. It seems different today."

I don't know if too many people increase the carbon dioxide in the whole space. Today's meteorite situation is not very good.

After little Lori and little steamed stuffed bun put on gloves at the same time, they followed Huisha's side.

"Sasha Mommy, that meteorite is more like a living body." little Lori looked at Huisha.

Little steamed stuffed bun turned to look at his sister. In fact, he didn't study this area as much as his sister. He wondered, "can you make a mistake? After all, our knowledge is limited."

Little Laurie turned her mouth up and said very seriously, "do you believe a woman's intuition? I'm intuitive and can't be wrong."

"You're just a little boy. How can you have intuition." the steamed stuffed bun despised his sister.

Little Laurie pouted and said unconvinced, "this is age discrimination. I don't have it! I'm very powerful!"

"Well, well, you're very good, but we're only visiting today. Don't think so much." the little steamed stuffed bun looked at his sister.

Dragon and Phoenix fetuses occasionally have telepathy. He thinks his sister is very interested in the meteorite. He doesn't want his sister to care so much about the meteorite.

This is not their research scope. If they are uncomfortable in cold clouds, it may not be very good.

"Two children, do you want to eat?" said researcher Nisa, holding a snack and smiling at the two little guys.

I have to say that the two children are very cute. Standing there quietly, they are very popular. Everyone likes their lovely little appearance.

Little Laurie shook her head and said with a smile, "we don't eat. Thank you, beautiful sister."

"Little mouth is so sweet." Nisa rubbed little Lori's head.

No matter how old a woman is, she likes to be praised for her beauty, and Nisa is no exception.

After almost all the visitors arrived, Leng Yuntian, as the opening speaker, introduced the basic situation of meteorites, then showed other meteorites they had studied in recent years, and put forward a plan for the development of outer space.

"A little boring." little Laurie didn't like this over commercialized scientific research topic. She rubbed her eyebrows and pointed to the direction of the bathroom. "I'll go to the bathroom."

"I'll go with you." Huisha got up and didn't want the little guy to leave alone.

In this way, the steamed stuffed bun passed with it.

When the two brothers and sisters came out with Huisha, they just saw someone around the meteorite.

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