The cold cloud seemed to be impatient, and the voice was colder than before, "I said, let me see."

"What are you fierce with the children?" Hu Yisha glanced at the cold cloud sky and immediately stood in front of the two children like a hen protecting the chick.

Leng Yuntian rubbed his eyebrows and said helplessly, "women and children are annoying."

Little Lori was uncomfortable with this. She raised her little hand and said angrily, "see clearly, there's no problem! You're not allowed to be sexist. What's the matter with women? What's the matter with children!"

Leng Yuntian looked at the palm of little Lori's hand. Seeing that there was no problem, he didn't answer her, and turned away coldly.

Little Lori made a face at his back and complained to Huisha, "this uncle is so annoying. She must not find a girlfriend in the future. She wants to be single all her life."

Huisha raised her eyebrows, raised her fingers and said with a smile, "this time, Mommy Sasa coincides with your idea."

Because of the attitude of cold clouds, the two little guys don't want to see meteorites anymore, and Huisha has no need to stay.

So two big and one small left home early.

After a few quiet days, both children had no problem.

Until one midnight a week later, little Lori lay in bed and suddenly felt hot. She rolled repeatedly in bed, but she couldn't make a sound.

She was in such pain for an hour and finally fell asleep.

The next morning, little Lori got out of bed and opened the door. She wanted someone to give her a glass of milk first, but she was frightened by the servant.

"You, who are you?" the servant pointed to little Laurie.

At the same time, there were the same doubts over xiaobaozi.

The little Laurie frowned and wondered, "I'm Mu Xingyu. What's the problem?"

"But... You... How are you now..." the servant looked at Mu Xingyu's body and immediately pushed her, "Miss, you go first and look in the mirror."

Mu Xingyu blinked. She didn't understand the servant's reaction. She turned into the bathroom and stood in front of the big mirror.

The next second, Mu Xingyu was surprised and speechless. She covered her mouth and looked at herself in the mirror.

How... What's the matter with their slim figure?

"I... how could I!" Mu Xingyu sat on the ground with his legs soft with fear.

Hearing the sound, the servant immediately pushed the door in, looked at Mu Xingyu, who had been scared a little silly, and said tentatively, "Miss, wait a minute. I'll find clothes for you and change clothes first."

Mu Xingyu covered his mouth and didn't speak.

When the servant left, she seriously recalled these days. She remembered that she was still a child, but she was so uncomfortable last night. In the end, she fell asleep and opened her eyes!

Mu Xingyu took a deep breath and got up and walked towards her small bed.

There are broken clothes on the bed, some things like dander, and wet sheets in the future, which seems to be sweating a lot.

Mu Xingyu held his forehead and muttered to himself incredulously, "what happened to me? Shouldn't I be a child? Why do I suddenly become an adult?"

After the servant came, Mu Xingyu cleaned in the bathroom and then changed into clothes.

So is mu Xinglan.

When the two brothers and sisters saw each other, they were not so surprised at first.

"Brother was also very uncomfortable last night?" Mu Xingyu asked.

Mu Xinglan nodded. Overnight, the little guy had more calmness and maturity of an adult man, and he was no longer like a child.

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