"Mommy, don't worry. My brother and I will never leave you! Now that we grow up, it's more convenient to take care of Mommy." Mu Xingyu hugged Qin ran, but he was more optimistic than Qin ran.

Qin ran nodded. It was comfort, sweet comfort.

However, Mu Yichen also gave suggestions. It is best for the two children to communicate with some of the strongest biologists in the world. At the same time, they don't have to worry about it.

He doesn't think mu Xinglan and Mu Xingyu will have a big problem this time.

Qin ran was comforted by Mu Qingyu, and finally put it down for the time being.

When the mu Xinglan brothers and sisters were going to see several biologists, they received an express.

From cold clouds.

The man also knew their changes. He invited them to the research room to do detailed research.

Thinking of lengyuntian's attitude, Mu Xingyu refused. She didn't like that arrogant man.

But mu Xinglan thought of their last encounter with a meteorite and said to his sister, "maybe the meteorite makes us change. He doesn't know if he can give an answer?"

"What if just let us be the test object in the past? I don't want to be the test object for that kind of person." Mu Xingyu pouted.

"No, we are the young master and young lady of Mu family. He is not arrogant enough to make fun of us. Do you think so? Believe my brother." Mu Xinglan smiled gently on her sister's shoulder.

Mu Xingyu listened to her brother. She reluctantly nodded, "well, I'll go with my brother."

After reporting with Qin ran here, mu Xinglan's brother and sister took people to lengyuntian's research center.

The research room of lengyuntian is in West Siberia. The climate here is not as comfortable as that of Beicheng. When getting off the plane, it is already the local winter. The cold wind roars and the stars sneeze when the rain comes down.

It was Leng Nianxin, a lively girl, who was responsible for picking them up.

She helped Mu Xingyu put on her windproof clothes first, and then took people on the business car. After the car started, she took the initiative to show her kindness, "I'm Leng Nianxin, lengyuntian's sister. Take care of you for the first time."

Mu Xingyu held her hand and smiled faintly, "Mu Xingyu."

"You are so beautiful. My brother said that your parents belong to that kind of very beautiful people. I didn't believe it before. After seeing you, I really found you beautiful." Leng Nianxin said, "is your psychology an adult psychology? If not, I can communicate with you by communicating with children."

Mu Xingyu smiled and said, "we have grown up."

"Seriously, we were doing radiation research before. We saw mice grow up suddenly and thought humans wouldn't. I didn't expect you to be a special case." lengnianxin didn't hide what they had done in the experiment.

Mu Xingyu looked at her and frowned, "you mean, you have done corresponding research before?"

"Yes, that meteorite contains some radioactive elements. Before, we thought they were not radioactive, but we didn't expect to restart your brother and sister again. Now the meteorite is decomposed by them and put in the laboratory for other analysis." lengnianxin explained.

"How long have you been experimenting with?" Mu Xingyu said with concern.

Qin Ran is always worried that they will accelerate their aging, and she is also worried that she will leave her family early.

"Life has doubled." Leng Nianxin smiled.

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