Yuyuqing didn't complain to lengyuntian immediately. She didn't even say a bad word about Mu Xingyu. She just sat down quietly and wiped the corners of her eyes with a paper towel.

Lengyuntian saw her like this, got up coldly and said, "we have something to do, let's go first."

Fengyuqing gently bit her lips, swallowed her sadness and whispered, "I... i... I want to have a good chat with you. Cloud, will you give me this opportunity?"

"I don't think you need this opportunity." Leng Yuntian's eyes were cold, and there was no superfluous expression on his face.

Rain and rain cover her chest. It's absolutely useless to think of directly saying that she likes him with lengyuntian now.

She wants to find a way to keep this man's heart.

The woman swallowed her tears, and then opened her voice hoarsely: "in fact... I left you for a reason."

"I know, Jichen owl is good." Leng Yuntian replied faintly.

Rain and rain covered her face and then lay on the table crying.

She looked like this, not to mention the cold cloud day. It was hard to say even Mu Xingyu, so they left her and went out first.

The woman's crying skills are full. She even got red and swollen eyes and spent her eye makeup. She looked very embarrassed.

"I even abandoned my last pride. Cold clouds, you must listen to me and give me a chance, okay?" said fengfengqing in a hoarse voice.

"Rain and sunshine are over. You should look forward, you should find your happiness, okay?" lengyun said, and there was no nostalgia for this woman on his face.

Fengfengqing wiped her tears, shook her head, shook her head hard, rushed over, grabbed lengyuntian's sleeve, and said with trembling shoulders, "I really had difficulties."

"Ji Chen owl didn't force you, eh?" Leng Yuntian took out his hand. He understood Mu Xingyu's words.

The storm was much more complicated than he had seen before.

Rain and rain Qing bit her lips and rushed into the arms of cold clouds regardless.

Leng Yuntian pressed her shoulder and said with some refusal, "don't be so... Don't be so impulsive, huh?"

"It's not impulsive... You... You don't understand. Yuntian, you really don't understand me. You don't know what I've experienced before. There are two me in my body. When I face you, I can't control myself and become unlike myself. When we were together before, you should remember, right?" said Fengyu Qing, Clenched his fist and kept beating his head.

"I really deserve it. I really deserve it. Let me die. Let me die right away!"

She's good at acting. It seems that she's really out of her mind.

Leng Yuntian was not so heartless, especially in the face of rain and rain. He clasped her wrist and whispered, "don't do this. It's all over, everything is over."

"There is no past! I have you in my heart. You... You have been living here, and I can't forget you. Yuntian... Please, please listen to me. Don't veto me with one vote. Don't refuse me so cruelly."

With that, she loosened the cold cloud sky and turned to see Mu Xingyu. She shook her head at Mu Xingyu and then did an unexpected thing.

The woman knelt down on the spot and shook her head at Mu Xingyu, "I'm sorry... What I said to you in the bathroom hurt you. I'm really too much. I really hate it, don't I?"

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