"So... Celebrities like you can't go home with her. Are others qualified? If I can go home, it means this is my home." Mu Xingyu waved to Kitty, the servant, and said with a smile: "kitty, tell them, what does Ji Chen call me?"

Kitty answered honestly, "be careful."

"Well... I'm told to be careful. Of course, this home is mine. You should leave when you leave, okay?" Mu Xingyu said, sitting on the sofa, his white legs stretched out, incomparably dazzling.

When the two women saw the legs, they unconsciously gave birth to inferiority complex.

Yes, it is such a perfect woman that can really attract Jichen owl. Let Jichen owl be with her?

"But... Why didn't Jichen owl inform us when he got married? Why didn't he wear a wedding ring?" the blonde asked incomprehensibly.

Most importantly, they thought, since Jichen owl has a careful liver, why should he go out to find a woman? It's illogical.

Mu Xingyu blinked, smiled and said, "yes, why? Thank you for giving me a chance."

"What?" the two women frowned. They didn't know how to describe their current mood.

At the moment, Ji Chen Xiao just came out of the room. He yawned all the way. He discussed the project with Huo sichen last night. He didn't rest well until 1:30 a.m.

When he went downstairs, he noticed that three pairs of eyes looked at himself and suddenly felt that the color of the sky had changed.

"Jichen owl!" Mu Xingyu looked serious.

Jichen owl's heart suddenly trembled. He had a feeling of doing something wrong. He hooked his lips and smiled, and went straight to Mu Xingyu, "be careful, what's the matter?"

Be careful, both women's hearts are broken.

The last glimmer of fantasy is gone. Ji Chen's owl is really different from the beauty.

"Why am I here? You dare to find other women. I'm angry!" Mu Xingyu opened his eyes and puffed his cheeks with anger.

Her lovely little appearance made Jichen owl laugh again and again. The man gently poked the little girl's cheek and said with spoiled eyes: "angry?"

Mu Xingyu nodded, "what would you do if it were you?"

Ji Chen's Owl frowned and pretended that he was at Mu Xingyu's house, but he saw that the little girl had several boyfriends

No, this picture is too unacceptable.

And don't say it's him. I believe Mu Qingyu and Huo sichen can't accept it.

"I'm wrong, don't be angry, OK?" Ji Chen owl apologized first.

Mu Xingyu stretched out his hands and pinched the face of Jichen owl, like a couple. He rubbed hard, hummed and said, "if you don't want to make me angry, tell them clearly. Don't let them come again, and don't be a flower butterfly in the future, okay?"

"OK, if I don't, I'll listen to you... OK?" Ji Chen Xiao thought he just invited a little ancestor to suppress himself.

He really didn't know what he thought and why he was so happy to let the little girl come.

This is more powerful than Qin ran.

Fortunately, he didn't marry him, otherwise he really won't have any freedom in the future.

"Then go and tell them not to come now!" Mu Xingyu loosened Ji Chen's Owl.

Ji Chen Xiao nodded, turned to look at the two women and said with a smile, "you see, too. My little ancestors don't want to see you."

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