"Yes, I'm not just joking. I'll do a lot. You'll know slowly." Mu Xingyu nodded and walked to lengyuntian. She took the initiative to reach lengyuntian's ear and opened her mouth, but didn't say a word.

But from the perspective of wind, rain and sunshine, I can see that they are talking.

The wind and rain in Qing's eyes flashed a touch of evil, bit his teeth, then smiled calmly, walked over, naturally took lengyuntian's arm, leaned his head gently on his shoulder, and the little bird blinked, "I really look forward to having dinner with Xingyu. Last time we were unhappy, and we didn't finish a meal."

"No, we will finish this time, at least I will let you finish." Mu Xingyu smiled faintly.

Then, the three went to the restaurant recommended by Jichen owl.

The operation of muxing's rain order meal is more professional and elegant than before the storm. She is born with that aristocratic spirit, like a little princess.

It's rainy and sunny. I've been there with cold clouds. I want cold clouds to see her here.

But the cold cloud day has been watching Mu Xingyu.

Leng Yuntian found that Mu Xingyu was more elegant and mature than before, and there was no childishness in that kind of child, which made him both surprised and happy.

"By the way, where do you live? If the environment is bad, you can tell me that I'll find someone to arrange it for you." Mu Xingyu said with a little general feeling.

Fengfengqing hurriedly said, "we don't need your help. We have our own arrangements."

"Oh, well, I won't help. I'll go out and make a phone call first." Mu Xingyu guessed that fengfengqing wanted to whisper to lengyuntian, so he got up and went out very sensible.

When she stood outside the door, she would exchange eyes in cold clouds.

Lengyuntian didn't understand the meaning of muxingyu at first, but later he slowly guessed that muxingyu probably let him see what fengfengqing would say.

"Cloud sky, do you think Mu Xingyu is very good?" fengyuqing suddenly opened his mouth, tears ran down his white face, and the word grievance was written on his cheeks.

Leng Yuntian picked up the wine glass, his eyes were slightly heavy, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled together, and said with some melancholy, "I don't know how to answer you."

"Oh... You don't know how to answer? It doesn't matter. You'll understand later. I... i... I'm speechless now. If I say too much, you'll think I'm a white lotus." fengfengqing wiped the corners of my eyes.

Lengyuntian frowned and thought, isn't it a white lotus now?

But he didn't say it. Instead, he rubbed his fingers slowly on the edge of the red wine glass.

The wind and rain clear saw his operation, immediately shut up, and her heart was sour.

She knew that lengyuntian didn't have much patience to do so. She thought, picked up a piece of meat in front of her and slowly put it on lengyuntian's plate.

"Here, this is what you like to eat." said yuyuqing.

In the corridor outside, Mu Xingyu is calling Jichen owl.

She brushed so much money that Ji Chen Xiao should have called to ask, but the man was so calm that he didn't ask a word, not even a wechat, which made Mu Xingyu unhappy. She pursed her lips, finally took a deep breath and dialed Ji Chen Xiao's number.

Ji Chen owl is also in this hotel, but there are several girls next to him, which are arranged for him by the partner, which means to vote for his favor.

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