Qin Xuefu thought it was a good idea. She sent an expression bag and then changed it to a voice phone. She is also guarding against Meng Yiyi, so don't leave written evidence.

The next morning, Qin ran slept until he woke up naturally.

When she picked up her cell phone and looked at the time, she caught a glimpse of Mo Lingfeng's text message.

"Xiao ran, I'm sorry. I went to Youguo temporarily for something very important after that day. I just returned to Beicheng today. Where are you? I need your help."

Qin ran looked at the news and frowned slightly.

Mo Lingfeng seldom asks for help. Once he opens his mouth, he is really in trouble.

So she didn't reply by text message, but directly dialed the other party's phone.

"Mo Lingfeng, I'm sorry. I slept too much. What happened to you?"

Hearing Qin Ran's voice, Mo Lingfeng was relieved. He played with the car key in his hand and looked straight at the small garden in front of him, "is it convenient to meet and talk?"

Qin ran looked at the gauze curtains floating by the morning wind, narrowed his eyes slightly and replied, "of course. Send me your address and I'll find you after breakfast."

"OK. I'll wait for you!"

With that, Mo Lingfeng hung up the phone, turned to wechat and sent her her current location.

When Qin ran saw the address, he went to wash and change his hairstyle.

When she came to the table, Mu Qingyu was already sitting there.

He was holding a piece of bread and was slowly smearing strawberry jam on it.

Seeing Qin ran coming, the movement of his hand quickened.

Waiting for the little woman to sit down, he put the bread on the plate in front of her and said in a magnetic voice, "you like it."

Qin ran looked at the bread covered with strawberry jam, sneered and pushed it to Mu Qingyu.

In fact, she didn't like strawberry jam. She said she liked it just because Mu Qingyu liked it. She wanted to have the same preference with him.

Seeing Qin Ran's refusal, Mu Qingyu's face was full of displeasure. That expression seemed to say that Qin ran didn't know how to cherish his gentle kindness.

Qin ran glanced at the bread and milk in front of him, ignored Mu Qingyu's expression and became self-sufficient.

Feeling the neglect, Mu Qingyu's mood is really not beautiful. He put down his knife and fork and said in a cold voice, "I applied jam to people for the first time."

The implication is that Qin ran should be satisfied.

However, Qin ran didn't want to accept this feeling. She hooked her lips and smiled, "well, does that Mu always know that I actually hate eating strawberry jam?"

With that, Qin ran held up his milk cup and drank it, then picked up a piece of bread and took a big bite, "I like Chinese breakfast, I don't like western style, and I never like it!"

Mu Qingyu's anger was half extinguished at this moment. His eyes were heavy. When he wanted to say something, Qin Ran's mobile phone rang.

It's Mo Lingfeng.

Mo Lingfeng is worried that Qin ran can't find his place, so he wants to match her with a car.

Seeing that it was mo Lingfeng's number, Qin ran deliberately answered in front of Mu Qingyu, and then Jiao didi said, "Ling Feng, what's the matter?"

The ending is soft and gentle, with an irresistible Su Yi.

Mu Qingyu's face was black, better than the bottom of the pot and better than ink.

He clenched the piece of bread in his hand and stared at Qin ran sadly.

However, Qin ran ignored the man's anger and continued to say to the person opposite, "if you don't call again, people's little heart will wither."

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