Lu Ning said a few words to the little assistant next to her. The little assistant immediately went in, found some dirty rags and wiped Wu Nina's face.

Wu Nina looked at Lu Ning and said, "what are you... What are you doing? What do you want to do to us?"

Lu Ning didn't speak, but the assistant smiled and explained, "Miss Wu likes our gallery very much. Of course, you can stay. But our gallery has rules. You should do as the Romans do. Just like us. If all these things on Miss Wu are dirty like us, we will welcome Miss Wu to sit here and watch the paintings with us."

To find out what they were going to do, Wu Nina was so angry that she was about to cry. Pointing to Lu Ning, she said, "well, bitch has ulterior motives. You dare to do this to me. You really don't know how terrible I am and how powerful the background behind me is."

"Oh, the people behind you are very powerful. How powerful are they?" Lu Ning blinked and asked simply.

As soon as the other party heard it, he sneered, "Lu Ning, you are such a fool. The people behind me scared you to death!"

"OK. Say it. We'll see if you can scare us to death!" Lu Ning's assistant glanced at Wu Nina and was not afraid of her at all.

Wu Nina narrowed her eyes deeply and sneered, "the man behind you, surnamed mu, is the richest rich family in Shengguo. I'll go back and talk to them. Your gallery can be razed to the ground."

"That's awesome. The man behind you is mu!" the little assistant smiled, obviously with some sarcasm.

The people in their gallery are not fools. Mu Xinglan sent Lu Ning before, and occasionally gave Lu Ning snacks there. They can't see who mu Xinglan is helping. It's stupid.

But now this fool Wu Nina said she had something to do with mu Xinglan. Didn't she hit the muzzle of the gun?

"You say the man behind you is mu?" Lu Ning stared at Wu Nina and asked calmly.

We don't know what she's thinking at the moment. If her surname is mu, she can talk to Mr. Mu and let Mr. Mu take good care of her.

Lest this Wu Nina always come to trouble.

"Yes, mu Xinglan, you know? He is one of my suitors, and I disdain to be with him." when Wu Nina lied, she ignored everything, just put gold on her face.

Lu Ning was worried and wondered how Mr. Mu would like this character. Aunt Qin ran won't be happy in the future.

Considering this, Lu Ning felt that mu Xinglan had better never catch up with Wu Nina, so as to save a lot of trouble.

"I'm scared. I told you not to fight me, but you didn't listen. Wait, I'll tell mu Xinglan to seal up your ragged studio." Wu Nina said more and more proudly, and her pride was written on her face, which can't be wiped off.

Lu Ning took a deep look at her, "Mr. Mu won't."

"Poof, what do you know? Mu Xinglan likes me so much, but he doesn't want any integrity for me. He can't do anything." Wu Nina continued.

At this time, a cold voice came in.

"Who do you say likes you?"

It's mu Xinglan. He just passed by and wanted to see how Lu Ning was.

However, when I came in, I heard someone talking like this, even saying that he was after her.

Mu Xinglan immediately had a shadow on his face and a murderous spirit on his mouth, which could almost make the people in front of him die in situ.

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