Although Lu Ning lost her memory, she didn't lose her painting skills. After she entered the gallery, she soon recovered her state and began painting perfectly.

It's an enjoyment to see her sitting in front of the drawing board.

People in the gallery like to see her painting, and so do customers from outside.

At this time, a gentleman in a black suit came in and stood quietly outside her studio, staring at the girl inside with great interest.

He seldom stops for such scenery, but today he finds that when someone is quiet, it is beautiful and intoxicating.

"Excuse me, who is that lady?" the man came over and asked curiously.

"She is Lu Ning, the owner of our gallery," said Amy, the main painter.

"Is she Lu Ning?" the man was surprised, but he smiled quickly. It seemed that he thought of something. There was an unknown meaning in the corner of his mouth.

Amy thought he was a little strange and said, "Sir, are you here to choose paintings?"

The man nodded, took out a business card from his pocket, handed it to Amy, smiled and said, "my name is Elio."

Seeing ellio's business card, Amy was excited. "Are you the gentleman who often buys our paintings? Is it Lu Ning's Bole?"

Since Lu Ning's gallery opened, there has been a regular customer who will buy the works of these new generation painters, especially Lu Ning's. That man likes it best.

So in everyone's eyes, this man is the biggest bole.

Many times, Lu Ning and the small artists in the gallery are thinking about the opportunity to invite their Bole to dinner.

I didn't expect that this Bole really came today. For everyone, how exciting it is.

"Mr. ellio, just a moment. I'll tell Lu Ning right now. Everyone in our gallery wants to meet you very much." Amy couldn't restrain her excitement and hurried to find Lu Ning.

Suddenly disturbed by others, Lu Ning is a little unhappy. But when Amy said the cause and effect, she calmed down and walked out slowly.

"Hello, Mr. ellio." Lu Ning said hello to ellio politely and comprehensively.

The man looked at her quietly.

This man has a pair of very beautiful green eyes, very attractive.

Especially when he takes the initiative to look at you.

Lu Ning looked at him with a trace of amazement, but soon disappeared.

Because in her heart, mu Xinglan's face is already the ceiling. When she looked at other people, she just thought, well, it was pretty good. It was amazing.

But not to the extent that she can move and forget to admire the star.

Ellio always wanted to see the blush that other girls would have from Lu Ning's face.

But he failed.

Lu Ning's face was only fleeting amazement, not throbbing when love came.

Ellio couldn't help but wonder, isn't he good enough?

But before Ming Ming, he would be sought after in front of girls.

At the moment, Elio doubted his charm. He couldn't help smiling at Lu Ning with the meaning of seduction, "Miss Lu Ning is more beautiful than I expected. It's my honor to know such a beautiful young lady."

This word fell in Lu Ning's ears and was a little greasy.

She glanced at the man lightly and said in a slightly cold voice, "but I don't think it's an honor to know you."

Feeling Lu Ning's disgust, Elio was not angry. Instead, he said patiently: "sorry, it may be the way I do things that makes you misunderstand. I apologize to Miss Lu. In fact, I simply appreciate you."

Lu Ning looked at Elio indifferently, nodded and smiled and said, "if it's appreciation without any threat, I accept it. But... With calculation, I'm sorry, I refuse."

She also made it clear that she would not casually accept Elio's kindness.

Elio was really surprised and stared at Lu Ning for a long time.

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