Little steamed stuffed bun doesn't know what's going on outside, but he thinks he's missing. Grandma must be looking for him. If he wants to survive, he must try to procrastinate. The longer he delays, the more likely he is to be saved.

"Hum! Don't be miserable in front of me. They said that you are not as cruel as others. If I sympathize with you now, I will die miserably later!" the man said fiercely.

The steamed stuffed bun sipped his mouth, but he didn't panic at all. He said sweetly, "uncle, who said that? I... I'm just a child."

"Hum, I don't believe it!" the man said and raised his dagger.

The steamed stuffed bun subconsciously closed his eyes and shouted mommy in his heart.

He thought he was going to die today.

But before the dagger fell, he heard the man's scream.

When he opened his eyes again, the man who was fierce at himself sat on the ground with his wrists rubbed and wailed.

Standing against the light were three men.

Holding a special bow and crossbow in his hand, LAN Bai shook his fingers at the steamed stuffed bun and said with a smile: "Superman, you have to grow up a little more. Otherwise, this scum can deal with you."

Hearing the blue and white voice, the little steamed stuffed bun's face was full of surprises. He blinked and continued to look forward. There were Xie Feng and Lixia.

Lixia's hand is the kind of special small ejection dart. Little steamed stuffed bun knew that all his darts were poisoned.

He has killed those who are guarding the door.

"Tut Tut, even our little boss dares to kidnap. These people really don't want their lives." Lixia said. She came behind the steamed stuffed bun and helped her untie the rope.

After xiaobaozi's body was liberated, he immediately looked at Lixia, "how do you know something happened to me?"

Li Xia nodded the necklace on the chest of the steamed stuffed bun and said with a smile, "after last meeting, I helped you improve and add a positioning device."

"Oh..." it's no surprise that the steamed stuffed bun group can do anything. A small positioning is very OK.

"Hey, don't look at us with such abnormal eyes. You think we want to install it for you like this. It's not the one who said to protect you." Lixia said and picked up the steamed stuffed bun.

The little steamed stuffed bun frowned at who he heard.

In their group chat, the man named is a foreign big man. No one knows his real identity. Just be clear. He can see the sky. Everything depends on his mood. He had a little friction with Mu Qingyu at the beginning, and then paid close attention to him.

So little steamed stuffed bun can understand his practice of asking them to protect themselves in Lixia.

"You too. The Mu family has no internal power struggle. How can you be kidnapped?" Lixia's hand poked xiaobaozi's face.

"Do you know who kidnapped me?" little steamed stuffed bun hugged his arm and didn't look like a child at all.

Blue and white nodded, "get in the car first and call your grandmother to report safety. Now it's estimated that they all blew up. As for the people who kidnapped you, let's play slowly."

Seeing the blue and white expression, the little steamed stuffed bun probably had a guess in his heart, "Mu Congyun."

"Little thing, the head is too easy to use. It seems that we are very useless."

With that, LAN Bai turned around first and took a deep look at the men on the ground.

The poison in them is not difficult to solve, but it will be painful.

As for Mu's family, it's really fried because of the disappearance of small steamed stuffed bun.

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