Therefore, Qin ran himself started the operation of the black system. But she soon found that her son was right, and there was no way to change the column of marital status.

She analyzed the path, but still couldn't find a solution. Qin ran was so angry that he had a toothache. When he wanted to get angry, he found that the system had been written with a virus.

She can't crack this virus.

"Xinglan, try this virus." Qin ran could only turn to his gifted son for help.

When xiaobaozi saw his mother asking for help, he almost blurted out that there was nothing he could do, but on second thought, he said he couldn't do it so quickly. His icy and smart Mommy must be able to guess something. So pretend... Act!

After a serious operation with the computer in his arms, the little steamed stuffed bun turned and looked at his mother, "Mommy, I can't use this virus now. Otherwise, if you give me a period of time, I will be able to solve it."

Qin ran holds his forehead. She and her son can't crack it for the time being, which means she still has a fetter with Mu Qingyu? Why can't she escape from the world of that goods?

"Mommy, are you very angry?" the steamed stuffed bun asked when he saw that his mother was uncomfortable.

Qin ran pressed his son's shoulder and didn't know how to answer for a moment. Angry? In fact, it can't be said to be angry. It's more helpless.

On the issue of Mu Qingyu, in fact, she will subconsciously choose to be an ostrich. She wants to divorce is to stay away from him. So this marriage can't be divorced. It's normal for the ostrich to put her head out. She's in a complex mood.

"Mommy, in fact, it's easy to solve this matter." xiaobaozi didn't want Qin ran to feel uncomfortable. He simply took her hand and began to make an idea.

Qin ran stared at his son's bright eyes like stars, and the corners of his mouth moved, "how to solve it?"

"If the scum man doesn't divorce you, you won't leave. Just like he green you, you green him. Then you'll be even!" the steamed stuffed bun said seriously.

Qin ran was shocked by his son's theory and choked for a moment.

Really, this operation is similar to a dog biting a person and a person biting a dog again.

She is not mu Qingyu. How could she do that like him?

"Why does Mommy hesitate? Does she still have feelings for scum man?" the little steamed stuffed bun's tone was very calm, but the smart Qin ran soon heard the expectation here.

Deep down, my son still hopes that she has something to do with Mu Qingyu?

After all, he is only a child under the age of five, and he also yearns for father's love.

Thinking of children, Qin Ran's mood changed somewhat. She didn't have a father's love. She didn't want her children to be like herself.

"Xinglan..." Qin ran wanted to discuss Mu Qingyu with his son. His mobile phone rang untimely.

It's not mu Qingyu, it's Qi Ye.

"Ran Ran baby, where are you?" Qi Ye asked. His voice came with a rustle. He seemed to be standing in the wind.

"I'm at Mu Qingyu's house. Have you returned to Beicheng?" Qin ran asked.

"Yes, I'm back. But I have to go now. I'll pick you up."

"Pick me up?" Qin ran was confused.

"Yes, I just received the news. In Feilu Island, I have information about my life experience and the truth of your mother Yue Shanshan's death." Qi Ye explained.

"The truth of my mother's death?" Qin ran was stunned. She didn't see Yue Shanshan's death, but heard them say that she was terminally ill. Is there any secret?

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