"Xiao Ranran's physique is really different. It's still very good to take that pill." Ye Lan was very satisfied when she saw Qin Ran's reaction.

Although Qin ran didn't know what the deep meaning of Ye Lan's words was, he could guess that what they gave themselves to eat was very helpful to her body's reply.

"Don't take a wheelchair. Let Qi Ye hold you down. Wait a minute. The wheelchair is inconvenient where we're going."

Ye Lan walked in front. The mask in her hand turned back and forth in her hand like a pen.

It was not until they entered the villa gate that Ye Lan threw away the mask.

This villa is different from other villas Qin Ran has seen. It is empty, with several large white columns and guide lights.

For a moment, Qin ran felt that what they entered was not a villa, but rather a temple.

"Don't be afraid, Ran Ran baby, we'll contact you. We didn't intend to harm you!" Ye Lan seemed to guess what Qin ran was worried about and waved in front.

Qin ran and Qi Ye look at each other again and keep up with Ye Lan without saying a word.

After walking down the corridor, they reached the stairs again.

As Ye Lan said, this staircase is inconvenient for wheelchair access. Nine twists and eighteen bends are very complex. It can even be said that the style is very old.

Qin ran always kept a high vigilance, holding Qi Ye's shoulder and following Ye Lan all the way down.

Finally, after walking the stairs, they came to an underground secret room. The secret room was not big, only less than 50 square meters. But there was a silver metal door opposite the secret room, reflecting the light, giving Qin ran an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Qin ran, this is the reason why you came here." Ye Lan suddenly turned around, put away the cynicism, and smiled with the domineering spirit of the superior.

Qin ran didn't know, so, "let me come here?"

Ye Lan nodded, pointed to the silver door behind him and explained, "there is a fingerprint lock on it. You need to open it."

Fingerprint lock? She turned it on? Qin ran said he was more confused.

Why doesn't she remember who her fingerprints helped to make the system?

"As long as you are the real Qin ran, you can help us open it." Ye Lan said again.

Qin ran frowned, confused.

Seeing that Qin ran didn't move forward, Ye Lan touched both sides of his nose and sighed: "I knew I had to make it clear to you. Well, listen to Qin ran. There is an energy station on this island, which provides the power we need every day. But recently, there has been a problem with this energy station. We need to turn on the standby energy system before we can have time for maintenance. The main designer of this standby energy system is your mother Yue Shanshan's suitor. He uses your fingerprint as standby energy The password lock of the source system. That's why I came to you. Do you understand? "

Qin ran blinked. She understood, but she still felt unimaginable. Her mother's suitor opened and closed the password lock with her fingerprint. How did that person do it?

"Don't hesitate. We don't have much time on the island. Please help open the door first. I promise to tell you everything before it's over, okay?"

Ye Lan looked down at the time of her wrist watch. She was a little worried.

In fact, there is not much time left for them.

Qin ran observed Ye Lan. Seeing that the anxiety was not pretended, he asked Qi Ye to hold himself in the past.

When her finger touched the fingerprint identification system, the door really opened.

Then a super modern laboratory appeared in front of Qin Ran's four people.

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