"Qin Xiaoran, the soy sauce is here!" Hu Yisha, who came out with the soy sauce, just saw Qin Xuefu crying at Qin ran. Mingyan's face was suddenly cold. She directly raised the soy sauce bottle, rushed over angrily, and pointed the soy sauce bottle at Qin Xuefu's head.

"Dead Bailian, what are you doing at my house? You really want to do something. Go out and turn left and take a taxi to the fourth funeral home!"

"Sasha, don't do this! I didn't come here today to quarrel with you!" Qin Xuefu covered her mouth, and the tears in the corners of her eyes rustled down like leaves.

She shook her head, held the door frame, pointed to the monitoring in the corridor, and deliberately said, "your corridor has monitoring. If you quarrel with me here, you will be uploaded to the microblog. You are now in the rising stage of your career, besieged by my fans, and there will be no film and television companies to cooperate with you. Sasha, I am also for you!"

Hu Yisha was so angry that she turned her eyes. She was about to say a hard word. Who cares, but Qin ran stopped her.

After all, Qin ran cares about Hu Yisha's career. She didn't want Qin Xuefu's white lotus to ruin Hu Yisha's screenwriting career.

"If you want to chat, first remove your mask." Qin ran turned sideways and motioned Qin Xuefu to come in.

The tears on Qin Xuefu's face really said no, she slightly raised her lips, grabbed the big curly hair she had just made, and walked in slowly.

The moment the door closed, Qin Xuefu's face changed.

Just now, the soft and weak woman snorted coldly, glanced at Qin ran obliquely with her arms, and said angrily, "I haven't seen you for five years. Your face is still so annoying."

"Ha ha!" Qin ran rolled his eyes and said in the same tone, "I haven't seen you for five years. Your habit of acting on the camera hasn't changed!"

"I'm an actor, always pay attention to the image." Qin Xuefu hooked her lips, swaggered to the sofa, sat down domineering, crossed her legs and put on a queen's airs.

Hu Yisha was so angry with the reaction of the goods that she raised the soy sauce bottle and wanted to fight.

"Hu Yisha, I advise you to put down your soy sauce bottle. I just came in and the monitor outside the door saw clearly. My head broke when I went out, so you're waiting to be besieged by fans." Qin Xuefu supported her chin with one hand and smiled disgustingly.

Qin ran patted Huisha on the shoulder and motioned her to sit aside. This scum sister, she has to face it herself.

"OK, I know you're not here to discuss the siege of fans with us now. If you have something to say, fart! Our patience is not so great." Qin ran sat opposite Qin Xuefu with the same attitude.

In the past five years, she has changed a lot and will never face Qin Xuefu as foolishly as before.

Qin Xuefu turned her eyes, full of contempt and contempt. She opened her bag, found a pregnancy test stick from inside and shook it twice at Qin ran.

"Look, what's this?" Qin Xuefu flashed her eyes.

Qin ran held his arm and said calmly, "congratulations."

"It's just two months, too. I'm the child of brother Qingyu. He has been looking forward to five years." Qin Xuefu touched her stomach and observed Qin Ran's reaction at the same time.

She just wanted to stab Qin ran in the heart and see her smile collapse.

However, what she expected didn't happen. Qin ran not only didn't have any sad expression, but also smiled brightly, "well, I really want to thank you."

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