The magnified handsome face, with ambiguous words, disturbed Qin Ran's heart, his small heart pounded, and his cheeks became redder and hotter.

No, Qin ran, calm down. You must calm down. Qin ran, who was not five years ago, will not be deceived by this sentence. Maybe he has something to say later.

However, Qin ran didn't wait until later. She opened her eyes and felt his lips fall directly. His hand held the back of her head and fed her a sweet sugar.

The car was so quiet that the breathing sound of the two small steamed buns could be ignored, only a gentle whining sound.

The car is getting hotter and hotter, and Qin Ran's heart is getting more and more chaotic

I don't know how long it took. The kiss finally ended. Mu Qingyu slowly left her lips, put his wide palm on her waist, stopped her in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

Qin ran closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembled slightly, his cheeks were crimson, his hoarse voice was slightly angry, and said angrily, "Mu Qingyu, how can you do this in front of the child."

Children are still young, such ambiguous scenes will affect their growth. Mu Qingyu really doesn't know how to educate children

"In foreign countries, they should have received physiological education. Besides, Dad loves mom, isn't this the best education?" Mu Qingyu's tone was very reasonable.

Qin ran stared at him, but the second her reason returned, her heart suddenly stopped. Just now Mu Qingyu said that his father loves his mother?

Means he... Loves her?

Like a big stone falling into a small pool, the waves splashed.

Qin Ran's breathing almost stopped. She raised her eyes and opened her red lips, but saw a mottled smile hidden in his deep eyes, "don't you think it's right?"

He smiled. That kind of smile made people obsessed. For Qin ran, it was like the sunny and clear water when he was 13.

She missed it very much.

So she was greedy once and made herself brave once.

When Qin Ran's eyebrows were quiet and his eyes were tough, he raised a confident smile, "so, Mu Qingyu, are you confessing to me?"

Mu Qingyu was slightly stunned, and the narrow Phoenix eyes bent like crescent moon.

A cunning little woman. Let him confess? Are you kidding.

Women have always flocked to him. They have been turning around him and can't help confessing. Where does he have the share of confessing others. What's more, there is a man in this woman's heart who has loved for a long time.

"Hum, what do you say?" after a second of hesitation, Mu Qingyu pinched Qin Ran's chin and asked.

He admitted that he just liked, no, fell in love with Qin ran. She has a trait that fascinates him, a magic that he misses all the time.

He wants to have her, not only her body, but also her heart that he can never figure out.

Qin ran smiled. The answer was expected. She gently pushed him with some provocation. "Since it's not your confession to me, I won't think you will love me."

"Then." it seemed to guess what she wanted to say next. Mu Qingyu frowned and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Qin ran, if you dare to say you don't love me, try it!"

Tone, obviously with a warning.

Qin ran raised his lips lightly, with a faint smile, and put his hand on Mu Qingyu's chest. His small lips were slightly miasma. Word by word, he said clearly and clangly, "you don't love me. Why should I love you? Mu Qingyu, you want me to love you. It's very simple to exchange your heart!"

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