They escaped from the elevator at the last minute. Ye Xuan strained his arm muscles and Mu Qingyu's back.

Life is saved, and the rest is to check the man who did it.

Even if the target of the goods is mu Qingyu, ye Xuan will take revenge.

Because his operation made him farther away from Qin ran.

His love for ye Xuan cannot be influenced by others, otherwise he will be buried with his love.

Mu Qingyu kissed Qin ran for ten minutes before they separated.

Qin Ran's eyes were filled with crystal tears, and his lips were slightly red and swollen. He looked like the petals of the pink lotus beaten by the rain. He was particularly beautiful.

Mu Qingyu bowed his head and wanted to kiss again. Suddenly, he was black and fell uncontrollably to Qin ran.

Qin ran was shocked, hugged Mu Qingyu and shouted, "Mu Qingyu, what's the matter with you?"

Mu Qingyu didn't answer. His body became more and more heavy. Qin ran couldn't hold it. He wanted to fall with him.

Mu Yichen hurried to help, and ye Xuan behind them just raised his lips to laugh at Mu Qingyu's fool. Just like him, his consciousness completely disappeared.

Qin ran didn't have time to be sad. He asked Mu Yichen to help with the staff and send Mu Qingyu and ye Xuan who also fainted there to the car and go to the hospital

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