However, they must have mu Qingyu's power of attorney and share custody power of attorney.

The meaning of small steamed stuffed bun is to print out a copy like the last divorce agreement and take it for mu Qingyu to sign.

But Lixia said it professionally. If it is not notarized by a lawyer, it has no legal effect at the shareholders' meeting. Mu's antiques can be denied.

The only way is that they find Qi Yue, Mu Yichen and Mrs. Mu together to authorize, and the shares are oppressive.

Qin Ran is not sure whether Mrs. Mu will support herself, but she wants to try.

After she agreed with the steamed stuffed bun, she took the child out to find Mu Yichen.

Mu Yichen suddenly smiled after hearing what they said.

"What should I say? My brother has foresight, or does he love you too much?" Mu Yichen sold it.

Qin ran was worried about the company and stared at Mu Yichen, "what foresight, don't sell off."

Mu Yichen took out his mobile phone and called Mu's special lawyer first. "You can send the information prepared by my brother to the hospital now. I'll wait for you."

After hanging up, he said to Qin ran, "not long after you came back, my brother had done share custody and company custody power of attorney. He said it was a critical moment to give it to you. He said that others may not be able to manage Mu's well, but you had an MBA and you are the mother of two children. You can definitely help him manage the company well."

"He decided very early?" Qin ran was shocked.

She thought that at that time, Mu Qingyu was still uncomfortable with himself and would torture her and bully her.

But I didn't expect that he was already making some arrangements.

So, without her knowing, Mu Qingyu already likes her.

Otherwise, how could I trust her so much, and how could I be willing to trust the company to her?

After the lawyer sent the trusteeship letter, Qin ran asked Mu Yichen for the information of those shareholders, analyzed their personality and habits overnight, and broke it when preparing for the shareholders' meeting

the second day.

Mu's shareholders went to the company early. They sat at the end of the conference room and asked people to call old Mu's wife Qi Yue and Mu Yichen.

Mu Yichen wants to take care of Mu Qingyu in the hospital, so he sends his assistant over.

Old lady Mu and Qi Yue, who got the news, were in a mixed mood and came later.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the meeting room was full of people. Mo Lingfeng came in in in a black suit.

He smiled and asked shareholder Chen to introduce himself to everyone before he sat down.

Mrs. Mu has been squinting and staring at Mo Lingfeng angrily. Qi Yue was very calm. There was nothing else on his face except nobility and elegance.

"Now that we have all come, let's start to enter the theme today." shareholder Zheng stood up and spoke first as a spokesman.

Mrs. Mu screwed up the hill between her eyebrows and glanced at Zheng shareholder unhappily.

Zheng shareholder naturally received the signal from Mrs. mu, but what he dared not provoke now was mo Lingfeng. For the sake of his life and his family, he could only automatically ignore Mrs. Mu's side.

"I heard that Mu Qingyu had an accident that day and is still unconscious in the hospital. It's not certain when he will wake up. In ancient times, the country could not have no king for a day, and now we mu family can't have no president. I mean that everyone is here today. First select a president to replace Mu Qingyu and take the helm of our Mu family. What do you think?" Zheng shareholder raised his voice.

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