But this inspired Qi Ye. The man patted the table and immediately stood up. His bright eyes stared at Qin Ran's face on the TV. After two seconds of silence, he suddenly asked: "Hu Yisha, Qin ran and our good friend, why didn't you inform us when we got married?"

"Yes, the dead girl didn't contact me!" Hu Yisha also reacted and looked up at Qi Ye.

"She didn't want to contact, but forgot us?" Qi Ye stared at Huisha.

Huisha's heart stopped for a moment.

Yes, Qin ran never contacted them, that is to forget.

She had always believed that Qin ran was under house arrest by Ye Xuan and had no communication equipment around her, so she had not contacted them for a month.

Now watching the video, she's doing well.

The only explanation for not contacting them is that she forgot them all.

Qin Xiaoran, what have you experienced.

"Hu Yisha, let's contact Mu Yichen. That guy is a leader in the medical field. He must know what to do about Qin Ran's situation." Qi Ye thought of Mu Yichen.

"Yes." Hu Yisha nodded and immediately took out her mobile phone to send a message to Mu Yichen.

Mu Yichen is also watching the video. He is struggling with how to tell his family about Qin ran. Hu Yisha's news makes him silent for the time being.

Yes, Qin Ran has lost his memory, but he can't help Qin ran at present.

"Su Tang is on Feilu island. Qin ran he met doesn't remember anything." Mu Yichen finally sent a message back to Hu Yisha.

Hu Yisha was very angry, and her eyes were burning with anger, which made Qi Yejia's air dangerous.

Seeing this, Qi Ye first went over and pressed Hu Yisha's shoulder, and then said, "you should calm down first. It's useful to be angry. Now Qin Ran has come back."

Hu Yisha gave a sound, her chest fluctuated, and she shouted loudly for several times before slowly adjusting to her best state: "what should we do? How can we see Qin Xiaoran?"

"We can't go to Feilu island. We have to coax Qin ran to Beicheng." Qi Ye thought and replied.

"Ye Xuan, that bitch must not dare to let Qin Xiaoran come back. Do you believe it?" Hu Yisha said with a smile. Her eyes were angry, her fist was clenched tightly, and she would fly a fist at any time and fly straight to Lu Island.

Qi Ye Ningmei nodded and said, "yes, ye Xuan will. So I can't fight hard. I have to find a way to cheat Qin ran back. The key is cheating."

"Cheat? How? I don't even have Qin Ran's contact information with you!" Hu Yisha was angry.

"Let Su Tang do it, isn't he on Feilu island?" Qi Ye said and turned to the kitchen. He found two bottles of Yakult, gave Hu Yisha a bottle, and then sat down on the sofa and drank slowly.

He had a dog blood plan, which came out just when Huisha was angry.

"Sasha, you're the cheating object of Ye Xuan. Qin Ran has lost his memory and naturally won't remember what happened before ye Xuan. She can't rub sand into her eyes. Let's give her some. Isn't her character going to find a way to come to Beicheng?" Qi Ye raised his mouth and his eyes flashed.

When those women in the entertainment industry are forced to leave the main house, they all use this move. His ears and eyes are dyed, which is also a routine.

"Are you sure?" Huisha hesitated.

She didn't care about her reputation. She was afraid that the acting was too true. Qin ran was angry and affected their friendship.

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