"What?" the cigarette in the woman's hand fell down and almost burned her thigh. She flustered out the cigarette and continued to ask, "what man? How old?"

"In her twenties, she used to be su Tang, a big man in women's clothing. That's the woman you suspected first. You said she should be the girl of the Su family. But later, the information we found was inconsistent and you denied it." Shu Yu replied.

These people have already got the information about Su Ziyan when he was su Tang.

But the blood type was different, so they were directly passed. They just thought it was the smoke bomb released by Mu Qingyu in order to confuse everyone.

"Women's wear boss?" the woman narrowed her eyes, reopened her laptop and found a picture of Su Ziyan's women's wear in it.

Yes, every picture is heavily made up and can't see the original appearance. Normal girls, unless they are bent on making net red, who will make their faces so thick foundation?

"Su Tang..." the woman thought and suddenly smiled again.

Her little nephew?

Yes, this woman's name is Su Yunyan. She was the daughter of the Su family who was studying outside at that time.

When she was young, she was rebellious and didn't like to follow the family life. But the Su family spoiled her and let her do what she liked.

At the age of 16, she came out and became a big man in the killer organization, using one name after another. No one knows who she really is.

Of course, this also has the special protection of the Su family to help her hide the trace.

When she was 20 years old, she had just become a leader in the industry. She wanted to go back to the Su family to see her nieces and nephews and give them a big gift. What she got was the news that the Su family had been destroyed.

How could such a big Su family be destroyed overnight?

Su Yunyan couldn't figure it out and even wanted to go back for revenge, but several people in the same group stopped her and told her that it was a big man's hunting. She went back to die, a moth to the fire.

After hearing that, Su Yunyan immediately decided to find out the big men and kill them one by one, just as they did to the Su family.

This is why Su Yunyan has been training his disciples.

One person is weak, but when there are many people, they can make trouble directly, which will bring bad luck to those who hurt the Su family.

As for finding Su's family, she heard that her little niece Su Tang might not be dead, which rekindled hope. He has been looking for it in his own way.

"Yes, Xu Wei had contact with Su Tang. I asked her to talk to her master." as she said this, Shu Yu handed Xu Wei her cell phone.

Su Yunyan looked at Xu Wei and said in a deep voice, "does he have any characteristics?"

The man of the Su family has a special tattoo on his thigh, a family totem, which is not invisible to close people.

Xu Wei was bullied that night, but she didn't see the sign on Su Ziyan.

She honestly shook her head and said to Su Yunyan, "master, I didn't have a chance to see it. What I know now is that he said his name was su Ziyan."

"Su Ziyan?" Su Yunyan narrowed his eyes.

The Su family is named according to the generation of characters in the genealogy. For example, she is a generation of Yun characters, so her name is Su Yunyan. The generation of her nephew and niece is Zi.

It is said that the little nephew is called Su Ziyan according to her generation, while the little niece has been sweet and lovely since childhood. The elders at home decided to give her a special, directly called Su Tang.

Su Ziyan, the real name of Su Tang, a big woman in women's clothing!

Su Yunyan smiled and his eyes were hot. If... If it was su Ziyan and her little nephew, the Su family would have a future.

She is no longer alone.

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