Seeing that it was useless to say so, Mu Qingyu simply began to sell miserably and coughed hard to attract Qin Ran's attention.

However, Qin ran didn't come forward immediately this time. Instead, he said, "don't pretend to be poor, I won't be cheated by you."

"Cough..." Mu Qingyu coughed louder and louder, and even had a feeling that he was almost coughing out his lungs.

Qin ran finally couldn't stand it. He hurried up, bent over and looked at him, worried and said, "Mu Qingyu, do you want me to call you a nurse?"

While coughing, Mu Qingyu reached out to catch Qin ran. After clasping her wrist, he forced her to have a close contact with herself.

Qin ran just reflected that someone was selling miserably, and his eyes were red with anger, "Mu Qingyu, do you owe a call!"

"Cough... Qin ran, you've pressed my wound." Mu Qingyu hugged her and wouldn't let her separate from himself.

Qin ran was so angry that he rolled his eyes. "Mu Qingyu, it's clear that you're holding me. Let go quickly. Otherwise, it's very troublesome for the wound to break."

"Will you sleep with me?" Mu Qingyu asked.

Qin ran was speechless. "Now it's not about sleeping in bed. It's about your wound being pressed by me. Don't you want to die?"

"If you go to bed with me, I'll let go. Otherwise, the wound will break. Anyway, sooner or later, I'll die!" Mu Qingyu broke a broken jar.

Qin ran was so angry that he pinched him hard and said, "don't make trouble, your body is important!"

"Will you sleep with me? This is the ward. When a person lies in bed, he always feels that closing his eyes is death. I'm afraid I won't see the world in the next second." Mu Qingyu's voice is three points dull, three points melancholy and four points despair.

Qin Ran's heart was poked by the goods again and frowned slightly, "OK, OK, that's it. I'll sleep with you. What's the matter?"

Seeing that she really agreed, Mu Qingyu released her.

In fact, holding Qin ran did press the wound. If she didn't agree again, he might really want to eat the bad fruit, and the wound burst.

Mu Qingyu is glad that Qin ran loves her.

So it was decided. Mu Qingyu and Qin ran simply cleaned up and all lay in bed.

They slept on each side, but Qin ran hesitated whether to put a pillow.

"Are you afraid I'll pounce on you and want to put a pillow?" Mu Qingyu asked deliberately when he saw that Qin Ran's eyes had been on another pillow.

Qin ran didn't answer.

"In fact, I should be worried. After all, my body is inconvenient. I can't bear the sudden pressure of your weight." Mu Qingyu smiled.

Qin ran turned over, sat on the bed and stared at him unhappily, "what weight am I? I weigh only 100, very thin!"

"I didn't know that you weighed only 100. When you pressed me just now, I felt that you were at least 150." Mu Qingyu said.

A woman cares most about what others say about her weight. He deliberately stimulates Qin ran and wants to set up a routine.

Sure enough, Qin ran couldn't stand his stimulation. He groaned his waist angrily and said angrily, "you see clearly, this is a hundred and five waist? I don't have any meat on my small waist!"

"This dress is loose and covers the fat. It can't look at the appearance at all. Besides, your women can lose a lot of weight visually by sucking their stomachs. Unlike me, you can touch how much meat is all on the waist!" Mu Qingyu said, opened the quilt and really let Qin ran touch it.

Qin ran was so angry that he puffed his cheeks, stretched out his hand and pinched the meat on his stomach.

Er... It's really hard. She can't pinch it at all.

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