After a while, Mu Qingyu put his finger into Qin Ran's finger gap, clasped her index finger and said with a smile, "you have amnesia. The child is a genius, and you don't remember it, do you?"

Qin ran rolled his eyes. "It's not nonsense. Of course I don't remember."

"Our two children's IQ is higher than that of you and me, and they have been in contact with many things since childhood. They have their own company, and they have long planned their future for themselves. Understand?" Mu Qingyu said.

Qin ran was shocked, as if he had heard the Arabian Nights. He couldn't calm down for a long time. "Our children have their own company? How old are they?"

Two five-year-old children, set up a company, no adults dare to believe it.

"It's really hard to believe. At the beginning, I thought you inspired them to help them until my son took out the certificate and my daughter showed me her professional secretary certificate. I believed that these two guys were the little monsters you gave me!" Mu Qingyu spoke slowly and took care of Qin Ran's feelings.

Qin ran really couldn't accept it now. She held her forehead with her empty head, remained silent for two seconds, frowned slightly, "our daughter has a professional secretary certificate?"

"Yes, there is." what Mu Qingyu saw was internationally certified.

The Secretary's exam was completed on the computer. She didn't need to write. She had to type her own and multiple-choice questions. It was very convenient for little Laurie to complete it.

Just say it, no one will believe that a five-year-old child is proficient in the three languages and knows the set of secretaries.

"Mu Qingyu, our children are too smart." Qin ran reacted and smiled instantly. She didn't expect that God had given her such a good gift.

Two talented children.

"Yes, the child is like you!" Mu Qingyu did not mean his praise.

Speaking of pure IQ test, he is really not as high as Qin Ran's IQ. Qin ran didn't marry her at that time. Now she must have won the world science award.

The child's intelligence is completely inherited from Qin ran.

"Of course, after all, my IQ is not covered." Qin ran was a little proud.

Mu Qingyu looked at her and smiled, "are you still angry that the children are polluted?"

"Angry!" Qin ran nodded, "one yard to one yard. I'm happy that the children are smart. But I don't want them to lose their freedom and innocence since childhood."

"They didn't lose. You took good care of them before." Mu Qingyu kissed Qin ran in the palm of his hand. Here he was particularly grateful to Qin ran.

If it were not for Qin ran, the two children would not be so normal, filial and lovely.

"HMM." Qin ran was praised and released with fire.

"But the children are small after all. Don't let them know something between us." Qin ran whispered.

"What's the matter between us?" Mu Qingyu asked knowingly and pulled Qin Ran's body forward. Then he hugged Qin Ran's back and forced someone to stick to him. "What can't children know between us? Huh?"

Qin Ran's face was flushed by him. She pushed Mu Qingyu's shoulder, "let go of me and don't play hooligans."

"Tell me first, I won't bully you like this after I know it." Mu Qingyu clasped Qin Ran's waist with one hand and the back of Qin Ran's head with the other hand, making her distance from herself zero, and the tip of her nose and the tip of her nose met together.

Breathing entangled together, Qin Ran's heart beat faster and faster, and the whole person was confused, "you know why to ask."

Qin ran was shy.

Mu Qingyu pretended to be a hooligan and said, "what is knowing and asking, you and me, huh?"

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