"You don't care about ye Xuan, you care more about me. Do you want to say that to me?" Mu Qingyu's eyes brightened and hugged Qin ran.

He just wanted to hear Qin ran say that he liked him. It seemed that only when he heard it could he be perfect.

It's no use holding her like this.

"Oh, I'm very tired. Don't make trouble with me!" Qin ran closed his eyes and didn't want to answer the question of a certain product.

Ye Xuan needs to end it. She can't entangle with Mu Qingyu anymore.

"No, you must make it clear to me tonight, or I won't let you go!" Mu Qingyu also made a child's temper and said don't let Qin ran go of anything.

Qin ran looked at him speechless and knew that if he didn't open his heart with the goods today, he wouldn't have to sleep all night.

So she took a deep breath, pushed away the man, sat cross legged and said to Mu Qingyu, "OK, you have to make it clear that you can't move now. Let's be honest, OK?"

Mu Qingyu nodded honestly like an obedient student. His body depended on the head of the bed, and his eyes fell on Qin ran.

"I care about the hurt you gave me before. I want me to put down those who are with you. Mu Qingyu, I must say, I can't do it," Qin ran said.

She was attracted to Mu Qingyu, but she was very upset that he controlled her and even made her mentally ill.

Mu Qingyu held Qin Ran's hand with a sincere attitude, "Qin ran, listen to me. I don't know how ye Xuan told you about our past, but I can guarantee that I never let you become mentally ill. Your memory loss has nothing to do with me. I wasn't a good husband before, but I was definitely not a villain who would hurt my women like this. Moreover, we are husband and wife. It's not false. There are records in the system, and even I also have your diary. If you believe me and want to read it, I can let them bring it. "

Speaking of it, Mu Qingyu should thank Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan entangled with sun Zhu as a demon, but gave him a chance to explain what happened before.

Without these, he dared to say that Qin ran could not give him a chance to talk about the past.

"I was hypnotized by Zhang xiaorou and misunderstood you. When I woke up, I really regretted doing it to you. Now when I think of it, I can't wait to cut off these hands." Mu Qingyu said, patting his arm a few times.

The noise was loud and even left red marks.

Qin Ran's character may not be distressed to be cruel to her. She just couldn't stand Mu Qingyu's use of this move. She rubbed the center of her eyebrows and pressed Mu Qingyu's hand reluctantly, "just talk when you speak. Don't be a demon."

"OK, I'll listen to you." Mu Qingyu backhanded wrapped Qin Ran's hand, his eyes twinkled slightly, and said piously: "would you like to believe me, believe that we loved each other, believe that you really married me, and you still love me secretly."

"When did I have a crush on you!" Qin ran blushed. The atmosphere of their chat was so good that she completely softened her heart and couldn't harden Mu Qingyu.

"You've been in love with me since you were a teenager. Your diary is clear. I'll let them send it tomorrow. Okay?" Mu Qingyu bowed his head, held Qin Ran's hand and kissed her on the palm and back of her hand. He was very gentle and cherished.

Qin ran pursed his mouth and was silent.

"In fact, it's easy to understand. If we didn't fall in love, how could your temper give me children? Even if I use it well, you won't leave children, will you?" Mu Qingyu said again.

He is a good negotiator, especially in this atmosphere.

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