"Daddy, it's terrible!" little Laurie's voice trembled and listened very pitifully.

"Tell Dad what you dreamed of?" Mu Qingyu asked.

Little Lori shook in her father's arms for a while, suddenly grabbed his collar and said excitedly, "go and save Mommy. Mommy is in the coffin. Mommy becomes a skull and is dying! Mommy is dying!"

When Mu Qingyu heard this, he was very distressed. He hugged his daughter tightly and kissed her on her little face, "she won't die. Your mother won't die. Dad must find her, okay?"

"Will die, I see, see Mommy... I call her and don't answer me. My brother also calls her, but Mommy can't answer!"

Little Lori cried bitterly. She even touched her neck and said to Mu Qingyu, "mommy has tooth marks here. If you are bitten by bad people, you must be bitten by bad people. And Mommy's face has been beaten. Daddy, go and save Mommy!"

"OK, I'll help!" Mu Qingyu said, his heart hurts.

It hurts without Qin ran. Her daughter dreamed that something had happened to Qin ran.

Although the little steamed stuffed bun was not as fierce as little Laurie's reaction, his face turned white. His body trembled unconsciously in Mu Yichen's arms.

These two children are geniuses and have a better understanding than ordinary children since childhood, so the dream is not just a nightmare for them.

It was a harbinger, a harbinger of future danger.

The two children adjusted to two adults' arms for nearly half an hour before they answered slightly.

"Daddy, it's true that my sister and I dreamt that something had happened to mommy at the same time! I doubt that mommy was hurt by the villain Zhang ruoxuan!" the little steamed stuffed bun's tone was calm, but only brother Mu Qingyu knew that he was in a bad mood now.

His character, if not really unhappy, would not be so calm.

Just as Qin ran was really angry, but gentle and kind.

They use peace to cover up their inner waves.

"We'll contact Zhang ruoxuan now. I'll attack the networks of all his companies and destroy his industries!" Mu Qingyu said.

Zhang ruoxuan was a shrinking turtle, right? He fought with violence and forced him to stick out his head.

He doesn't believe Zhang ruoxian can be a turtle all the time!

His Qin ran must return to him!


Qin ran woke up from a lethargy, but when she opened her eyes, it was dark and she couldn't see anything.

She rubbed her eyes, but there was still no light.

What's going on?

She was locked up in the darkroom by the pervert Zhang ruoxuan?

How's that bastard?

It hurts. She moves a little and her head hurts.

And it's not just the headache. All the limbs and bones seem to be broken.

Qin ran took a deep breath, put his hands on the bed and slowly let himself sit up.

Her arm was trembling and she was crying with pain.

"Hello?" the mellow male voice sounded in front of me. It felt good.

Qin ran knew it was not Zhang ruoxuan's voice.

She pinched her eyebrows and dared not respond to each other immediately.

Seeing that Qin ran didn't respond to this sentence, the other party changed a language, "Bonjour?"

Qin ran frowned and communicated with her in Falun?

"Kon Ni Chi Wa?" the other side said again.

Qin ran knew later that others were greeting him in various ways and sighed, "Hello!"

After the other party heard it clearly, he gave a bright smile, "Sheng Guoren?"

Qin ran nodded and said, "is there a light here? Are you locked in the darkroom with me?"

"Lamp?" the man frowned and shook his hand in front of Qin ran. Qin ran didn't respond at all.

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