Little steamed stuffed bun glanced at Yan Xi. The elegance on his small face had long disappeared. Of course he knows that this woman is very much like his mommy.

Not only did I know, but I also investigated it myself. They even know where the woman has a facelift.

It's according to their mommy's face, pirated goods!

"No, our mommy is not so ugly." little Lori's deer like eyes blink and blink, just like the stars in the sky. They look natural and innocent.

But that's shocking.

Yan Xi's smile was a little stiff. In fact, she couldn't accept others saying she was ugly.

Before cosmetic surgery, she thought she was a jasper and a flower.

Now cosmetic surgery, only more beautiful than before, how can it be ugly.

Hum, the cub has no eyes. Like their mommy, they are all those goods that have no eyes and make people very unhappy.

"I'm right, brother. Why does my aunt look so unhappy?" little Lori asked tearfully, pulling the sleeve of the steamed stuffed bun.

The steamed stuffed bun converged his anger. There was a charming and elegant smile on the pink face, and the little lip opened, "sister, you're wrong. My aunt is not unhappy. She's not that kind of vicious witch. How can she be unhappy."

"Yes, aunt is not a vicious witch." little Laurie blinked, but Yan Xi's eyes were obviously not so respectful.

Yan Xi pulled slightly from the corners of his mouth and tried to keep a smile. "Well, children, you're kidding. My aunt has heard it. Can you answer my aunt's questions and take my aunt to participate in parent-child activities?"

Little Lori and steamed stuffed bun looked at each other. They pouted, touched their chin and thought.

A few seconds later, the steamed stuffed bun said, "since my aunt is so good, let's go together."

Yan Xi nodded and smiled, thinking: it's really a child. It's easy to cheat.

Who says the cub is hard to handle? When she meets two, it's super easy to clean up.

"Aunt, this dress is not suitable for you. We have professional parent-child clothes. Shall I take my aunt to get it?" little Laurie took the initiative to reach out and looked very friendly.

Yan Xi didn't take the two children seriously. He just thought they had been deceived by his face. He nodded and followed the two children to get clothes.

The kindergarten has indeed prepared unified clothes for parents. Ladies are light blue sportswear in uniform size.

Little Lori took Yan Xi and accompanied her to the dressing room with little steamed stuffed bun.

Just after entering the dressing room, the two children didn't mean to leave.

Yan Xi held his clothes, squatted down and stared at the two children. "Babies, you can't look at Aunt changing clothes. It's impolite, especially you, lovely steamed stuffed bun. You'll become a little Coyote when you grow up, okay?"

Hearing this, the little steamed stuffed bun sneered, "aunt, you are too self righteous."

Yan Xi was stunned and said she didn't understand the child. She looked at the steamed stuffed bun, "baby, what are you talking about? Aunt doesn't understand."

"My brother means that you are too self righteous and think you are beautiful," explained little Laurie.

Yan Xi understood that the two children wanted to make fun of her, but the smile on her face was still like a mask and stuck on it, "honey, did your aunt just make you angry? Tell your aunt. Aunt is careless and often doesn't pay attention. It's your aunt's fault to make the babies unhappy."

"You're so bad at acting, don't come out and be ashamed." little Laurie held her arm and looked disgusted on her face.

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