"You see, she can walk around here. I don't believe it when she says it's not together." Xu Wei said.

Lixia shook her head. "Zhou Qi is a strange person. She never mixes with other organizations outside. Anyway, I think she was fooled over this time, or kidnapped like us. Be obedient, don't make trouble, wait and see."

Xu Wei nodded.

Meanwhile, Zhou Qi has returned to the castle.

She took off her white coat and glanced at the maid next to her. "Is your Highness the prince?"

The maid nodded, "the prince is in the study. He said you can go there anytime you want to see him."

Zhou Qi made a sound, poured a glass of juice, drank it all at once, wiped the corners of her mouth, and then went upstairs.

In the study, the handsome prince Hahn lit a cigarette and smoked gracefully, as if he were doing something extremely tall.

Zhou Qi pushed the door in and looked at Hahn expressionless. "I want two people."

When Hahn saw Zhou Qi, he immediately put out his eyes, walked over and took Zhou Qi's hand.

But Zhou Qi got rid of her. She was still frosty. "Did you hear what I just said? I want two people."

"What do you want? As long as you say it, I will match it for you. After all, you are my favorite woman." Hahn looked at Zhou Qi affectionately.

These words fell in the ears of other women, which must have moved those women to tears.

An elegant Eastern Prince, tell them what they love most, and they will make up a fairy tale play.

But here in Zhou Qi, Hahn's words are full of irony. She only thinks this man is ridiculous.

When she was young, she liked Hahn very much. They were young lovers and identified each other as the only one.

But at the age of 18, in order to get the throne, Hahn drugged her and pushed her into the room of the old emperor in the East.

Although she didn't lose her life that night, her heart was hurt. From that night on, she no longer believed in Hahn.

All the tenderness and indifference, all the single-minded and affectionate, are all lying to her.

This man always loves himself, power and status.

His love is too selfish for Zhou Qi to bear.

"Honey, you know how much I love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't build a castle here for you or do such research for you." Hahn looked at Zhou Qi with deep affection in his eyes.

Zhou Qi smiled. The sudden smile on her cold face made people afraid.

"Are you for me? You obviously want more. You've coveted the treasures of Mu family, ye family and Su family for so long. You told me you're for me? Brother, how stupid do you think I am to believe your nonsense?" Zhou Qi became more and more angry.

Before the age of 18, she was an innocent little girl. Hahn felt powerful in everything he said. Now it's different. When she grows up, she will no longer believe in such a man's guarantee.

Under the banner of loving her, but what do you do? Which one doesn't make her sick!

"Qiqi, believe me... I really love you. Before I did that, I just wanted to make us better for our future. Do you believe me?" Hahn pressed Zhou Qi's shoulder, his face was full of seriousness, even a little pious.

If Zhou Qi hadn't seen his true face, she would be deceived by her now. I believe he is really good to her.

"I'm not a child. You can't fool me. Aren't you going to marry the royal family of Nigeria?" Zhou Qi stared at the man.

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