"Hey, don't do that, Tony, listen to me, I want to help you reverse the passive situation, but you have to help me, give me something to fool them, let the engineers analyze this and do some evaluation tests." Stan got up and walked in front of Tony with an embarrassed look, and said, pointing to the reactor on his chest.

  Before he came back, he had brought together the top scientists of the Stark Group for research and development, but if he had the finished product in front of him, his plan would be realized more quickly.

   "No, no, absolutely no." This is something related to his own life. In any case, Tony will not leak him out, even if the person in front of him asks.

   "Give me a meat bun, then smash it back for them, and throw it at those guys, so we all have reasons." Looking at Tony who had overreacted, as if he was frowning, Obadestan continued.

"No, I want to keep this for myself. That's it. Don't think about it." Seeing Obadestan's appearance, Tony felt wrong instinctively, but he couldn't tell. It might be that he was essentially I don't want or want to believe that this uncle who has watched him grow up will betray him or even hire himself to murder him.

"Okay, then I will leave the pizza, you can take one away." Seeing Tony who is not getting in the oil and salt, Obadiah really has no choice but to change the subject. From the beginning to the present contact, he It is already certain that Tony does not know the secret behind his attack in Afghanistan for the time being. If that is the case, then the scene will continue.

   "Hey! Tony, can I go down and see what you are doing?" Obadistan said as he looked at Tony who ran downstairs after taking it.

   "Good night, Stan." I was coveting my own reactor a second ago, and now I want to see my baby? I'm afraid you are not thinking about fart, Tony said directly without turning his head.

   Seeing Tony's arrogant and arrogant look, even if it was Opadry's years of cultivation, there was an urge to die him on the spot, but in the end he endured it, turned and walked away from the door.

"Let those idiots speed up the progress, research out the reduced version of the reactor as soon as possible, and make an underground research base secretly under the display factory of the large reactor. Remember that everything must be kept secret. I don’t want the board of directors. There is a second person who knows besides me, okay?" As soon as he got in the car, Obadestan dialed a call and said coldly.

After the conversation this evening, he already knew that Tony no longer believed in himself as much as before because of the previous attack in Afghanistan. Although Tony had not transferred his doubts about this matter to himself, he instinctively made it. He no longer believes in anyone around him.

Or maybe he has reservations about them. Realizing this, Obadestan also knows that he has to speed up his progress now, as long as he can take the lead in getting his homework out of Tony’s reduced version of the reactor, or that steel armor. , No matter which one, as long as he succeeds, he is confident enough to kick Tony's little kid who has failed to succeed.

   "Enjoy the rest of your days, Tony." After hanging up the phone, Obadestan looked at Tony's villa with a disdainful smile, and drove away directly.


   On the other side, Alan, who was lying on the bed, recalled his experience during this period. He always felt as if he had forgotten something. Forget it, no matter what, go to bed first!

   "Go!" In the middle of the night, Skye, as usual, put on his vibrating suit, then stepped out the window skillfully and continued his patrol.

   Today, she found on the Internet that a group of gangsters in Queens were secretly selling hacao, and this was exactly the goal of her action this time.

  Although hagrass is a relatively common thing in the United States, it is even allowed in some places, but there are also many places where it is completely forbidden. This thing is completely harmful to people without benefit.

No matter which state it is in, Haro is not allowed to be sold on a large scale. New York is one of the areas where Haro is completely banned, but for some people, the prohibition means that it is profitable. Therefore, many gangsters have secretly started a hacao business.

Although the profit of hay (that is, marijuana) is not as profitable as other drugs, it has its corresponding benefits, that is, the risk is low. Even if you are caught, you only need to pay a large bail fee and then do it. A period of community service can get away.

   For those gangsters, this is simply a crime with zero cost, so there are many people, big and small, selling hay in the dark of New York.

Skye’s goal today is a group of local people~www.readwn.com~ because this is Queens, it is more difficult to do drug-related business here, because here is the newly appointed Queens 109 Branch Director George Stacey, because of his aggressiveness a year ago, George Stacey, who had just taken office, was very strict with his jurisdiction.

Cannot tolerate a single bit of crime. Once he took office, he had a comprehensive understanding of the local gangs. Most gangs large and small were offended by him. For this reason, he often encountered attacks or smashed glass in their residences during normal breaks. Spray paint or something.

Now Skye is heading to the target place, the 11th block, because in the city, she trot all the way, and did not use her half-hearted flight, in case there was an accident during the flight that caused personal injury, etc. , She was really afraid that someone would accidentally become a wanted criminal.

Although it is a trot, but with Skye’s current strengthening ability and specially trained physical strength, he can already reach a running speed of about 30 kilometers per hour. You must know that even in the Marvel world, ordinary human 100-meter race champions are doing their best. The sprint phase is about 30 kilometers per hour.

   It is impossible for any 100-meter sprinter to turn this explosive sprint into a long-distance continuous running. Most of them just accelerate at critical times.

Fortunately, it was close to midnight and there were not many pedestrians on the road. Even if a few people noticed Skye occasionally, it was just an alternative performance art. After all, in the evening, wearing a black leather jacket and running around, in addition to performance art, they thought There are no other descriptions of this move.

  咦, wait, why did that person's clothes look so familiar just now? A passerby who watched Skye running past in the distance couldn't help scratching his head and wondering.


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