Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

: Shelf testimonials

   "Ahem! (Adjust your emotions) Great readers, everyone, I am a humble author, Mala Tang, it's not surprising, this is a testimonial on the shelves."

"Anyway, thank you, I believe that most readers have read it a lot. For all kinds of thank you, the author will not repeat it here. Anyway, there are some "please subscribe more" and "absolutely continue to update." ','I will definitely stick to a million copies' and the like."

"Well, I want to talk about it here. Because of the part-time job, the author has nothing to save here. They are all written and published. They are definitely freshly released. Moreover, as the first book on the shelves, the author doesn't know much about it. , I don’t know anything about the monthly ticket. If you have one, please vote for more. The author strives to provide you with a change as soon as you have time."

"Well, as for the additional rules, if the first order exceeds 1,000, oh no, at least three changes for 2,000 (this is not too much, right? You know, now the collection is almost 5,000 ┭┮﹏┭┮) if the result If it is good, I will continue to add more changes, but the author's hand speed is really a bit slow, sometimes only two chapters are written a day, so I can only pay it back in the future (I believe the author's character, just say it. I will definitely pay it back, (?ω?)

   "No way, the cute new author is slow, it's like this (I can't do it too(╥﹏╥)o

"The book of Superman Mengwa, the progress may be a bit slow now, but there is no way. If it is soon, it is destined to be written in less than a long time. The author has basically been sorting out the books as soon as he has time. This kind of information about the world of Marvel, not only is watching various movies and TV series, but even comics are being studied, in order to show readers a huge worldview in the later stage, and it is by no means as simple as movies."

   "So I hope everyone can be patient and vote for more. Thank you guys. Ψ( ̄? ̄)Ψ"

   "Most readers can see that now, I am already in great support (a bow

"The next plot will definitely guarantee quality and quantity. Tony is about to say the classic'I'mIronman'. The Hulk is also angry and hated. Thor is also going from Asgard. The earth is on its way, so much support!"

   "In addition, the most important thing should also know how important it is to an author, right?"

   "It's like a big meal rewarded by a parent who promises excellent scores, travel toys, etc."

   "If the teacher graded a score of 59 points..."

   "Dear readers, you should understand this pain, right? So sure, please give me a subscription (two bows)."

   "In addition, today's update will be updated at 13:00, I hope everyone will support you (three bows

   "Finally, I wish you all a happy holiday, academic progress of the students, full score in the exam, rich financial resources at work, single people find their favorite half, and early marriage with boy and girl friends."

   "If you have any suggestions for this book, you are welcome to comment and leave a message. The author will definitely learn with humility."

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