Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 113: Heartbeat Pepper


Accompanied by a beautiful emergency brake, a super cool Audi supercar stopped at the door of the Disney Concert Hall, which also caused the screams of the ladies present, although for the people at the reception, a An Audi supercar is not that rare, but the price of an item often lies in the person who uses it.

Just like for people now, as long as you were used by Emperor Caesar and Emperor Qin Shi Huang, even a toilet can be sold at a sky-high price, and these are also applicable to the current situation, because the license plate of this car is called Si Tucker, what this license plate number means is self-evident for those ladies who are in the circle of celebrities.

And all this is even more so after the people in the car get off the car, carnival screams one after another, most of the women present, except for those who already have a partner, each looked at Tony with a strong possessive look Stark, can't wait to swallow him raw.

For these celebrities, as long as they catch Tony Stark, they are in the golden thigh. Even if it is only a overnight discussion, the breakup fee is also in the millions and US dollars, not to mention the plurals sent out by Tony. Luxury car villa.

"Weapon manufacturing is only a small part of Stark's industrial empire. Our relationship with the fire rescue team..." Obadestan, who was taking an interview with reporters seriously, suddenly felt that there was suddenly noisy outside the field, and a lot of women. Our screams sounded, and he couldn't help but turn his head to the entrance and looked at him suspiciously.

"Tony, do you remember me?" Tony said enthusiastically, a celebrity who once had a fate for a night, walking in to the focal length of the shutter flash and screaming cheers.

"Don't think about it." Tony walked past the girl expressionlessly, leaving a sentence and then went on without looking back.

"Very energetic, Harvard." He patted an old man who hugged him and greeted him, and then walked towards Obadestan.

"The host of the party doesn't come, so what's the use of so many guests here" Tony came to Obadestan's side and asked him.

"Haaaa, look at you, I didn't expect it." Seeing Tony's menacing appearance, another reporter had to say embarrassingly in the former Obadestan. For him, the Stark Group was his painstaking effort.

So he didn't want any factors that could cause the stock price to fall. Even if Tony was attacking him now, he didn't want these media reporters to report on the reasons for the disagreement between the senior leaders of the Stark Group.

"Let’s see you in the meeting." Looking at the reporter and the embarrassed Obadestan, Tony knew that it was impossible to explain anything in this situation, and then patted Obady’s shoulder. , And then walked into the hall.

For Tony, today is not only to find an explanation, but also to declare to the outside world that the chairman of Stark Group is completely normal. There is no so-called mental illness or psychological trauma. He is better than ever. Of course the most The main thing is that this is my own themed banquet, but I didn't invite myself.

Although you may not come here, if you advertise under my name but do not play with yourself, then you must give me an explanation, otherwise you will be unlucky, but since the other party is your uncle, Tony thinks it’s better to let Obadestan give him an explanation. After all, he is also a very easygoing person, isn’t he?

When he came to the beverage counter, Tony asked the bartender for a glass of Scotch.

"Mr. Stark, meet again." Coleson, who had been waiting for a long time, said after seeing that Tony had finally arrived.

"Huh? It's you again? Um... Agent Corson?" Turning his head and looking at the man in a black suit next to him, he seemed a little impressed. After thinking hard for a long time, Tony spoke.

"It's Coelson." No accidental name was mispronounced, shouldn't it be the **** who only cares about women? Coleson couldn't help but spit out in his heart, but he corrected it calmly on the surface.

"Oh, yes, yes, I remember, you are the... well, super shield organization." I originally wanted to try to say the full name of the organization called Coleson in front of me, so that I was actually right in front of me. People have an impression, but after thinking about it for a long time, they still can't remember it, but they still made up a similar name and said.

"National Territory Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau." That's good, at least I can remember the logo of his organization. Coulson tried his best to treat the target person as a primary school student. In this way, everything is extremely normal. All that is needed now is encouraging comfort to the children in front of them.

"Oh my God, you really have to change your name. If I remember correctly, I shouldn't say this for the first time." After hearing this Coleson next to him say the full name of their organization, UU read the book Tony remembered the last time he had complained about this name, and couldn't help but speak.

"Well, I always hear people say that, Mr. Stark, I know it's not easy for you during this time, but we still need to listen to your report, we still have a lot of questions, and you may get the details after some time. Forget it, and according to our investigation, there is probably a behind-the-scenes man in your company. Regarding specific matters, let's set a time to discuss it in detail, or at 7 o'clock in the morning on the 24th at Stark Group. How about meeting?"

Looking at Tony Stark in front of him, Coleson said, after all, he has read Tony's information countless times. It can be said that Coleson is probably the person who knows him best except Tony and a few relatives and friends.

"Well, yes, I think what you said is right, there is no problem. I have to go to my assistant now to'discuss' about this, which is to set my schedule." Looking at the dress not far away With Pepper in a **** blue dress, Tony couldn’t help but straighten his eyes. A pair of eyes were completely placed on Pepper’s body. For what Coleson said next to him, the left ear went in and the right ear went out completely, not at all. Careful, but after hearing Coleson's confirmed time, Tony decided that he couldn't wait any longer and wanted to take the initiative to attack, so he stretched out his hand and shook it with Coleson next to him, and then said.

"You are so beautiful, I almost didn't recognize it just now." Tony said as he walked quickly behind Pepper.

"Why did you come here?" Pepper asked in surprise as his boss came out of the long-staying cabin.

"Lest the government agents bother me." Looking at Pepper, who had never noticed such a **** and beautiful side in front of him, Tony looked at her without blinking.

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