Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 118: Allen's Sao Operation

"Peter, you..." Alan couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw his brother's actions.

"Quiet, Allen, the game will only make us addicted to it, we can't extricate ourselves, let us become its efforts, you have to be like me, learn to be the master of the game, you can get out anytime, anywhere, not to be enslaved by it." With the textbook the teacher explained during the day, Peter said without looking back.

"Forget it, don't care about you." Seeing that this is obviously a little spider who has fallen into the abyss of love, Alan said helplessly, and then plunged into his own battle. This is a 5v5 game, now in the team. One person is missing and it becomes 4v5, making it even harder to fight. the hacker little software that I specially made, search for the 5 hapless IP addresses on the opposite side, track, find, crack, enter the background, and start the shutdown command.

The group of five people on the other side was disconnected in an instant. Compared to the online game platform that is still emerging, it is not difficult to track the personal computer through the network. Allen only needs to simply make his own free time before. Just run a small hacker software on the platform (nonsense, anyway, this is the truth, everyone understands it, don’t be true.), and then it’s easy to push the tower.

It only took a few minutes for Allen and his teammates to push the opposite highlands. Even if the opposite had restarted the computer and returned to the game, it was of no avail, and the main base was pushed directly by bye.

"Um... this game is so simple." Seeing the game victory displayed on the screen, Allen couldn't help stretching his waist and said comfortably. The victory won by his own strength is so easy to make people feel happy.

"Huh! Huh!"

"Fuck, you ghost? Sneaky." Suddenly hearing a humming sound from behind him, Allen couldn't help but look back. As a result, Peter looked at him angrily, and Allen couldn't help but speak. .

"You can do it this way, why don't you do it earlier." Peter said to Allen irritably. If he had done this early, why would he have to run away with an infamous name? My brother is too bad, sluggish.

"I did this because you left. Otherwise, why I can win the game by my talents and win by my ability." Alan looked at Peter and couldn't help but say.

"You... forget it, I won't tell you." Peter, who just wanted to explain, suddenly heard a message from the goddess, and after hurriedly dropping a sentence, he returned to the computer with the textbook in his hand.

"'s late, drink another good night milk and rest and sleep." He jumped off his stool expertly, then took the empty bottle next to him and walked out.

"That's why the milk has to be drunk hot to feel it." After Allen poured boiling water into the bottle, he ignored the hot water temperature, squinting his eyes, and took a sip of happiness. , Said happily.

"The area 25 kilometers outside the small town of Gemira has completely become a purgatory on earth. This is a new blood type colonization. The people living in the town here are forced to leave their homes, and they are driven away. The warlords supported by the new forces, refugees can only live in the wilderness or in other places that are also in ruins. Some people have taken refuge in this former Soviet oil refinery.” When the female reporter on the scene said the last sentence, the TV The plane also released those warlords who were continuously shooting and killing refugees who had taken refuge in the oil refinery. The scene was full of corpses and screams.

'boom! ’

Following the tragic scenes broadcast on TV, I don't know why, Allen felt an unprecedented anger. He clenched his hands firmly, and even his favorite baby bottle burst directly without hesitation.

"What's the matter?...Ellen, what's the matter with you?" After hearing the'explosion', Ma and Dad rushed out of the room the fastest, but when they saw Allen's body was wet with milk, the glass The bottle was scattered a little, even braving the steaming steam, staring at the TV in the living room intently, May couldn't help but watch Alan speak slowly, and then follow Alan's vision.

"The culprit of the recent violence is foreign militants who claim to be freedom fighters. As you can see, these people are fully armed to perform their tasks. Anyone who tries to block them will only have a dead end. There are no police and international forces. The refugees’ chances of survival are very slim. Now the woman next to me is waiting for news from her husband. After her husband was kidnapped by the rioters, he either passed away unfortunately or was forced to join them, knowing this well. The few refugees could not help but fall into despair with the pictures of their families in their hands. UU reading, but they are still working hard to inquire about their husbands from all the passing pedestrians..."

On TV, female reporters are still faithfully reporting the scenes of the tragedy that took place in the Middle East. Even the boss who was shot in the movie, after seeing the camera, not only did not regret or subconsciously do bad things. Avoiding, but smiling disdainfully, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

"Allen, calm down, listen to me, there is a war-torn area that doesn't care, even the United Nations can't control the place, you are still young, you shouldn't be in charge of these things." Watching the content on TV , Thinking of the huge explosion just now, Ben didn’t even think that Allen, the kid was stimulated by this scene, although Ben had to admit that even after seeing this scene, he had Allen again. After that kind of ability, he may also do the same thing, but that doesn’t mean that he will agree with his son to do this kind of thing. Maybe he will support him wholeheartedly when he becomes an adult, but that’s not now. This is not something that a pupil who has just started elementary school should worry about.

Hearing what my dad said, Alan slowly turned his head to look at my dad, and then at Ma Mei. Although Ma Mei did not speak, she just had a pair of distressed eyes and concerns about all kinds of complex emotions from Ma Mei’s eyes. It was conveyed to Allen, although there was nothing to talk about, but Allen seemed to be able to read Ma May's eyes.

Knowing the child, Mei knows that the child Alan has always been very obedient, sometimes mature like an adult, thinking about problems and ways of doing things are more insightful than them, but something is naive but like a child.

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