Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 128: The enemy hiding in the dark

"Hello?" Alan put the phone to his ear and said after pressing the connect button.

"Ahem! Ellen, I want to ask if you know anything about the mysterious side? Or how much do you know?" After all, Tony decided to accept Jarvis's suggestion and give Ellen the opportunity to ask for help off the court.

"Well, it depends on what you mean. If you mean something like Harry Potter, I can talk to you for several days." Hearing Tony's words, Alan was ignorant. Talk to him.

"Alan, stop kidding, I need your help here." Tony said solemnly on the phone.

"Okay, I'll come right away." This was the first time Allen heard Tony speaking in this tone. He couldn't help but became curious about Tony's side. He immediately hung up the phone and looked around with his super vision. After seeing the valley where Tony was, he immediately flew towards Tony's place with a huge sound barrier.

"The wind, is that him?" Just after Allen flew far away, on the cliff not far away, four figures slowly emerged, especially one with a golden mask and a fire-red face. The woman with the hot armor body is the most eye-catching. Looking at the flying away, the woman said.

If Tony sees this at this time, he will definitely find that among the four people in front of him, the man standing on the most side is the man in white who had previously fought against him, and such a strong man in white is only just now. Standing at the outermost position of the group of four, the strength of the other three is naturally self-evident.

"Well, this person possesses powerful qi and blood in his body and his sense of consciousness is extremely sharp. He just passed by and was almost seen by him." Hearing the woman's words, Feng nodded and looked solemnly. Allen spoke in the direction of leaving.

"Interesting..." After hearing the words of the wind next to her, the woman couldn't help but said with a charming smile on her lips.

"Would you like me to kill him!!" Next to the woman was a devil mask made of gold. She was huge and dark. At a glance, she would feel like Zhang Fei alive. After hearing the woman's words , He couldn't help but said straightly. (If you haven't guessed who this person is, you can refer to the image of Zhang Fei in the glory of the king for details)

"No hurry, the most urgent task now is to quickly hand over the tasks that the adults give us, and we don’t need to care about the others." It’s no surprise that the impatience woman like the big man next to him has long been the same, and the same is true of the few people next to him. An adult has been working for nearly a hundred years, and the four of them have long been accustomed to each other's personalities, and then the woman spoke calmly.

"Shui, do you have any thoughts?" After stopping the impulsive man, the woman said to the person on the left who was completely silent in the dark blue armor and exuded air-conditioning.

"It's up to you to decide." Hearing what the woman said, the man called water just said a little, and then continued to be silent.

"If that's the case, let's get here first, how about your collection?" Then the woman said to the other people.

"no problem!"

"nailed it!"

"Although there was a little problem with me, the result was not satisfactory, but it was not innocent." Seeing that the task was successfully completed, Feng pulled out from his arms and absorbed the strength of the captured refugees on the altar. Said the ring.

"Well, let's go back." Looking at the ring on Feng's hand, although the brightness is a bit dimmer than the ones collected by the others, it is indeed innocuous. She nodded, and the woman spoke to several people. .

Then the other people nodded at each other, and flew straight to the sky, hiding in the clouds quickly.

"What's going on?" On the other side, Feishen rushed to Alan in the cave, looking at everything in front of him and couldn't help but ask Tony.

"...As you can see, they all fainted." Hearing Alan's words from behind him, Tony said coldly without looking back. After all, after having been with Alan for so long, he was used to Ai a long time ago. Lun's supernatural style... It's strange, TMD, can he say that he was out of the sky just now, and then he was so frightened by Allen's sudden voice from behind that he didn't react? There was silence for a long time, and after giving himself a good excuse, Tony spoke.

"Uncle Tony, I know that in this kind of cave that has personally experienced and left you with serious psychological trauma and shadow, it will definitely remind you of the unforgettable years when you were imprisoned by terrorists, but you still can't take these. The innocent passers-by are out of anger, they are innocent anyway. UU Reading" looked at the refugees lying on the ground, and there were obvious signs of firefighting on the bombed floor that was not far away. The scenes and those terrorists who don't know the life or death, Allen made a'suddenly realized' expression, and then said to Tony's expression that I understand you.

"Alan!! Believe me, if you were my son, I would have opened your **** fiercely, and what the **** is imprisonment? Where did you little kid learn these words." Hearing Alan's words, Tony immediately flicked his head, especially after hearing the so-called'imprisonment', he couldn't help but freak out and shouted at Alan.

"Sorry, first you must give birth to a daughter, and second, even if you are a son, it is impossible for me to be as good as I am. That is the first one since the beginning of the world. As for the last question, please uncle, now it is the Internet. In times, there is nothing that can't be found on the Internet." Hearing Tony's words, Allen raised his chest and said proudly instead of being ashamed.

"You... Forget it, first use your super vision to see what these refugees are like." Hearing Alan's words, Tony couldn't help but feel anxious. He held his forehead helplessly and resisted. Tony said to Alan at the thought of beating the little boy.

If it weren’t for Alan’s ability to beat Allen, Tony expected that Allen’s **** would be smashed by him. From this point of view, it fully shows that you have to beat the children as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be able to beat them when they grow up. If there is a son, and if he is as skinny as Ellen, don’t blame the belt in his father’s hand for not recognizing anyone. Tony thought maliciously that since he couldn’t beat Ellen, Tony would turn the target to his unborn son. Go on.

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