"Magic? There really is that thing? I always thought it just existed in novels and movies." Hearing Allen's speculation, Tony said in a little surprised. After all, guessing is one thing, and guessing come true is another.

"Well, there are, and there are quite a few, but they generally have their own order, their own circle, and they never show up easily." Hearing Tony's words, Alan couldn't help but say.

As far as I know, there are three sanctuaries of temples on the earth, and the guards of these three temples are all powerful magicians. The reason why the movie looks weak, but they are just opponents. It’s very strong. Soldiers vs. soldiers vs. generals. No general has the idle **** without killing an unknown soldier, but if there is a stunner who runs over and wants to force someone else’s place, even if it is. The scum of your soul will be crushed is not deep.

"Then how did you know?" Hearing what Ellen said, Tony couldn't help but ask curiously. The reason why he also asked Ellen to come to help this time is because the feeling that Ellen gave Tony is unknown. For Ellen, Tony He doesn't know anything except the information on the surface, but Allen seems to have a very deep knowledge and understanding of the whole world, and sometimes he will say those words that are out of date but extremely profound.

"Uh, didn't I say? My eyes can see through falsehood, and all secrets are transparent before my eyes." Hearing Tony's words, Alan couldn't help turning his head to look at him, and then pointed his finger to his eyes. , Said deeply.

"Ellen, we are still good friends if you don't pretend to be X!" Tony stared at Ellen, who suddenly seemed to be a magic stick, and then said.

"I have said so much, so what is your conclusion? And the most important thing is do you have a way?" After squatting for a while, Tony pointed to the comatose crowd beside him.

"Well, in general, from the current known situation, since they have no physical problems, then the problem must be elsewhere, uh... well, I can't help it, I can't figure it out. "Looking at Tony's excited little eyes, Allen explained for a while, then spread his hands and said helplessly.

After all, I know only a few people, and others don’t know myself. As far as Alan knows to be able to solve this problem, I might go to the Himalayas to find the Supreme Master Gu Yi, but I am not sure that I can enter the temple. Door, after all, Ellen didn't know if the old woman's anger was gone.

The second one is to go to Asgard to find King Odin. This should be solved easily. After all, no matter how you say others are the fighting power of the heavenly father, there are so many powerful artifacts in Odin’s treasury. It should be solved by just taking one.

Or simply go to **** to find Mephisto, but these undoubtedly have to take huge risks, and why do you want to be unrelated to these people for no reason? I am determined to become a superhero, that’s right. But the prerequisite for this is that you have to survive. Only if you survive can you protect your family from harm. This is Allen's first rule. All other regulations really have to make way for this at a critical moment.

"Hey, okay, it seems that I have to settle these people first and then slowly figure out a solution." Looking at Alan's hesitant expression, Tony still did not continue to ask, but sighed helplessly. Said.

After all, Allen has always been a warm-hearted child in Tony's eyes. Although he occasionally has a black belly, he does have a qualified superhero quality. If there is a rescue method that Allen, a warm-hearted child, is not willing to say, then no matter what. In this way, the consequences must be serious.

"But you can also try to send more people to contact the members of the Ten Commandments Gang. The person in white is obviously the leader of the Ten Commandments Gang. If you can find out his identity, then these people should be saved. "After hearing Tony's words, Allen made a suggestion.

"Sir, the Afghan army is already less than ten kilometers away from here. I can suggest to retreat first." At this moment, the intercom in Tony's helmet rang Jarvis's voice.

"It looks like we should go, otherwise, if someone in the military sees you, Uncle Tony, your armor, I guess you guess Uncle Tony, your armor, I'm afraid you have to explain it here." In Jarvis After speaking, Allen said with a wink at Tony.

"Dare they? First, I won't talk about the status of Stark Group chairman. Even if they don't, they won't be able to keep me with this suit alone." Hearing Allen seemed to be comforting, but in fact it was. If he asked himself to admit it, Tony couldn't help getting angry and said stubbornly.

"Are you sure you are still the chairman of Stark Group? Don't think I can lie to me when I am young~www.readwn.com~ Hearing Tony's words, Allen couldn't help but teased and said, good deed, this is to pretend to be yourself. Come on, if you don't receive the stimulation of Obadestan and the female reporter, you will pay attention to it, let alone come in person in armor.

"Sir, friendly reminder, Allen is irritating you at first, please don't worry about it, and the military is getting closer, leaving you not much time for a successful escape." Just as Tony wanted to forcefully explain At the time, Jarvis on the side cleared the siege in time and spoke.

"Yes, Ellen, do you think you can irritate me with your simple agitation method? Little guy, I can only say that you are too whimsical, hahahaha! Jarvis, let's go." After talking to Allen, he said Before Alan could speak, Tony flew out of the cave with the steel armor.

"Hey, if I meet the culprit in Tony's mouth, I will definitely find a way to save you." Seeing these poor people who fainted on the ground, Allen couldn't help but said sympathetically.

Of course, if you don’t meet it, then forget it, but Alan didn’t say the last half of the sentence. Sometimes you always have to give others a little hope, right? And it’s impossible for Alan to be so exhausted for a matter that’s irrelevant to him. With this effort, he can relax in the sun. When the time comes, Thanos, Star Devouring and other great gods will have the confidence to fight. Isn’t it? ?

Then Allen flew straight out.

At the same time, on the other side of the US military base in Afghanistan, shortly after Tony flew into the air, the US military base immediately began to blast the police, and the red emergency lights kept blaring back and forth.

Under the recommendation, the novel app I am using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] Android and Apple phones support it!

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