Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 137: Dead dao friend is not dead poor dao

"Okay, you stick to it, here's it." Hearing Tony's words, Honest Ethan immediately agreed, and then walked over quickly.

"Wow...Uncle Tony, although it is late at night and there is no one around, but you don't want to be like this, there are kids here!!!" After hearing Tony's ambiguous words, he was playing a game. Ellen couldn't help but exclaimed, and then said loudly.

On the other side, Tony always felt that Alan’s words seemed a little weird when he heard this, but he didn’t know exactly what was strange. Then after looking down and thinking for a while, he suddenly reacted, feeling Alan’s ass. The child really thought he was gay!

"Alan!!! After this time, I must recommend to your family to completely close your network and not let you use your computer. What are you looking at every day." Tony reacted loudly. Shouted at Alan.

"What's the matter?!! Tony, I really want to hear you calling... Watfaco? What is this?" On the other side, Pepper, who was upstairs dealing with some company affairs, heard that the basement seemed to be suddenly lively. After I got up, I couldn’t help but look down, and then I heard Tony’s roaring loudly. When I wanted to ask what it was, I suddenly saw Tony wearing steel armor, although many parts had been removed by the robotic arm. But the armor on his upper body hadn't had time to start dismantling, so Pepper only saw the dense bullet marks on Tony's body when he entered the door, and he couldn't help but roared for a while.

"Oh! The crime scene was captured directly." Looking at Pepper with an unbelievable look and an unspeakable sense of surprise, Allen couldn't help but sigh with gloat.

"Pepper, trust me, things are definitely not what you think..." Tony, who was still trying various methods to take off the armor, turned his eyes when he heard the familiar voice around him. When he saw Pepper, he couldn't help but hurriedly explained.

"Is that a bullet hole?" Pepper couldn't help but said in disbelief, looking at the bullet holes on Tony's armor.

"Um...Pepper, listen to me, okay, this is, but this is a small scene for you, isn't it?" After thinking for a long time, Tony still didn't want to perfuse others as he did to Pepper. But deflated, said helplessly.

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"So where did you go? Didn't you say that you don't make weapons anymore?" Pepper couldn't help but follow Tony's performance.

"I said if I became a superhero, would you believe it?" Tony couldn't help but ask back when he heard Pepper's words.

"Although you have an unbelievable expression, I still have to say that this is the truth, and I have saved dozens of people from a terrorist organization." Looking at Pepper's incredulous expression, Tony couldn't help but speak. Then I said, as for the more specific magicians and the like, I didn't explain it anymore. Some things were said too much. Although they knew that it was not a lie, they would be mistaken for you to be a lie.

It's like in reality you said you saw aliens, what if you did see them? Tell classmates? Or a colleague? Stop making trouble, if you really say that, I'm afraid that others will really see you as an "alien", and now Tony is like this.

"Oh, yes, Alan was also involved. He can testify, and I also saw him solve a stronghold of a terrorist organization and saved people. If you don't believe it, you can ask him." Looking at Pepper With that dubious expression, Tony looked constipated. When did his Tony Stark's words make people believe it? But when he suddenly saw Ellen watching the show on his side with great interest, Tony suddenly thought, although he pointed at Ellen decisively and said to Pepper, he sold Ellen directly.

I'm sorry, who asked you to send it to the door. The dead fellow is not dead. Alan, rest in peace. When Pepper turned his attention to Alan, Tony breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, and then felt in his heart. Said silently.

"What?!!! Alan!!! How can you go to such a dangerous place, you are so young, what if you are in danger?" Hearing Tony's words, he did not expect him, Pepper In an instant, he turned the topic to Ellen, and Pepper turned around, looking at Ellen on the sofa who looked at him dumbfounded, Pepper said to Ellen with an incredulous tone.

Although Pepper already knew that this little guy who came to his house frequently was the famous Superman in New York (Well, that’s right, as Tony’s life steward for many years, Pepper had already devoted himself to this. The place where a lot of time was spent on work management and living became my own home), but Pepper was not agitated. After all, Superman is a god-like figure to their When the legendary character appears in front of you, the excitement can be imagined (without the conscious imagining of the same feeling, Ultraman appears in the real world, and the human body is still a picture of your good brother), After the first few days of excitement, Pepper gradually discovered that in fact, this little guy Alan did not have the superiority of the "God" identity that belongs to Superman, but was very approachable, just like a real Superman. In addition, he usually loves to pester her to play, so it is natural for Pepper to treat Alan as his own little brother.

Otherwise, who do you think Alan drank the special royal milk powder to choose? It's not that Pepper's family concentrated on finding and screening them.

"Uh!!! Sister Pepper, it won't be true. With my current body, even if it is diamonds, I can crush him." Seeing Tony's misfortune, he turned Pepper's anger directly. In my own body, I couldn't help but make a note for this guy silently in my heart, wait, one day I Alan will find the place back! ! ! But let's think of a way to deal with Pepper first. After hearing Sister Pepper's words, Alan couldn't help but try to explain.

Later, after talking or **** it, even after smashing the arm of a removed Mark’s armor directly in front of Pepper and Tony, looking at his little hand without any problems, Pepper had no choice but to give up, and simply told him. After getting off, he went back upstairs to rest.

"Allen, you say!! Did you mean it?" Tony was embarrassed to speak when Pepper was there, but when Pepper was gone, Tony was "viciously" at Allen, thinking that he was extremely vicious. Said with his expression.

"Who told you to betray me just now!" Hearing Tony's words, Alan said in an angry voice.

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