Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 139: Sister, I want to sleep with you!

"Ellen, Ellen, and me, as well as me..." Peter, who had just waited for Ellen to leave Skye's arms reluctantly, couldn't help but said to Ellen expectantly.

"Well, I can barely give you a hug because you haven't slept so late this night." Looking at Peter, who was looking forward to him, Allen couldn't help but face Peter with a reluctant expression. Said, and then reluctantly hugged.

"Alan, you are still a child, but you are already at a sensible age. Do you have to learn how to make adults worry less? Listen to your parents." Peter who finally hugged Alan, suddenly An elder said to Alan righteously.

Just as Allen raised his head and looked at Peter, who was suddenly normal, wondering if he had taken the wrong medicine, and how he suddenly felt sensible, as expected, Peter's next sentence revealed his true thoughts.

"Of course, as your elder brother, you should also listen to what your elder brother said. After all, I am your elder brother and will not harm you." Then Peter continued to say in a mature appearance.

"No, disgust!!" After hearing Peter's words, Alan suddenly pulled away from Peter's arms and said with a disgusting expression on his face.

"Why!! I'm your old brother." Hearing Alan's words, Peter asked Alan in a "sad" look.

"Well, your IQ is not as high as mine, your strength is not as strong as mine, you are not as rich as I am, and your friends are not as strong as mine." Alan, who heard Peter's words, said one sentence at a time.

It’s just these few words, word by word, like a huge arrow, penetrating Peter’s body straight, smashing Peter’s body completely, and for a while, the evil conspirator who tried to take advantage of the opportunity to rise to power, that wanted Peter, who had reversed the status of the bottom of the family, was directly beaten back to his original shape.

"Dad!" Ignoring Peter's misfortune, Allen walked to my father's body, hugged my squatting father's neck, and said warmly.

"Just come back!" Without saying much, my dad just said silently to Allen.

"Well, love you, dad." Before this, Allen had expected that he would be scolded when returning home, and even the best beating Allen, but found that after returning home, he Everything I think is just superfluous. At this moment, Allen only feels that his home is really good and happy!

"It's late, go to bed early, little guy!" Hearing Ellen's heartfelt words, my dad couldn't help showing a kind of fatherly expression, and lightly patted Ellen's little head. Said to him.

"Okay, dad, sister, I want to sleep with you!" After hearing what my dad said, Alan Mengmeng responded, and then turned his head and ran to Skye's side, pulling on already put on his nightdress. Skye's skirt said glutinously.

"You are such a big kid, and you have to sleep with your sister. Are you ashamed." He pulled his Alan by the skirt and hugged him, and pinched Alan's little nose with his right hand and said'viciously'. .

"Sister, I'm just over 4 years old, and I'm still young." Seeing Skye's witty expression, Alan couldn't help but bury his head on Skye's body and said reluctantly.

"Well, mom and dad, I'll take Alan this little guy upstairs to sleep first." Seeing Alan's reckless rogue behavior, Skye had nothing to do, so he spoiled and hugged him. The little cutie in front of him said helplessly to the father and mother on the side.

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"Well, you should go to bed earlier too, you are tired tonight too." Looking at this sensible daughter, Ma May couldn't help but smile at Skye.

Then with Peter's face of disbelief and extreme envy from the side, Skye held Allen in his arms and went upstairs and returned to his room.

"This...this..." pointed to Ellen who was being carried upstairs, and then looked at the two Aunts and Uncles who were not blocked. Peter didn't know why, but he always felt like he had been hit by a hundred. Thousands of heavy blows are average, and life feels unlovable.

"Okay, Peter, go to bed earlier! Good night." Shaking his head, Ben Dad rubbed Peter's head and said to him, and then returned to the room with his arms around May.

"It's" For a moment, Peter suddenly felt like he was superfluous. He was originally a warm family of five, with an unusually harmonious picture, but why suddenly he felt that his family status was so What about the violation? For a while, Peter was the only one left in the living room in the wind, wondering where the problem was.

"Allen, go take a shower, you are so stinking." Skye, who carried Allen into his bedroom, dispelled the smell of Allen pretending to be disgusted, and then faintly faced him. Allen said bloody.

"Sister, together!!!" Hearing Skye's words, Alan couldn't help but said with his arms around Skye's neck.

"No! Go and wash yourself." Hearing Alan's words, Skye hugged Alan into the bathroom, then put him in the bathtub, closed the door and walked out without looking back.

"Hmm! Not together Not together." Seeing Skye's unfeeling performance, Allen shrugged helplessly and muttered.

Soon, Allen used the shower gel Skye used to rinse it hastily, then wrapped in the bath towel that he could use as a robe and walked out.

"Puff!! Hey, this is your pajamas. Go to the bathroom and change them." Skye, who was walking in the door holding Alan's pajamas, saw Alan dragging his towel like a long skirt. I couldn't help laughing, and then he handed the pajamas to Allen and said.

"Obviously your bath towel is too big." Seeing Skye jokes about himself, Allen couldn't help but took his pajamas and walked to the bathroom, then muttered.

"Ellen! Hit you." Although it is normal for the two to have a big difference in clothes because of the age difference, as a girl, when others say that she has big clothes, almost as long as she is a girl, she will be able to defend herself. Right, retort, Skye is now, although Alan is his own brother, but he still can't tell lies with his eyes open, Skye said to Alan with his pink fist high.

"Well, I was wrong, I apologize." After a while, Allen put on his new cute pajamas and walked out of the bathroom, and then lay down on the bed in Skye's arms, his whole body Facing Skye, his left hand placed his hand skillfully on Skye's soft belly, and he closed his small eyes comfortably and said contentedly.

"Go to bed early, good night, Ellen." Seeing the little cutie on the bed, after Skye kissed Ellen on the forehead, he said sweetly to Ellen, and then turned off the light in the room.

"Good night!" Closing his eyes, after hearing Skye's words, Allen smiled and said good night to each other, and then fell asleep sweetly before long.

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