Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 141: Los Santos Orphanage

"Mom and dad, my sister and I are leaving first! Remember to be there on time tonight!" After a while, Allen and Skye, who had already set off, got in a taxi, and Allen was right. Several people at the door reminded loudly, after all, today is my elder sister returning to her childhood hometown, what is it called for them in China? Ronggui's hometown is still returning home to visit relatives, but he has to fight for his sister to get enough.

If it is possible, Allen is still going to call Tony over to shake the place for himself, and then call a few high-ranking military officials. As for how to call it, if you have any difficulties, you can find the halogen egg. The existing resources are not used here, but for the time being, Allen still didn’t plan to say, wait until it’s ready to watch, if there really is that kind of face-slapped scene, he will gather tens of thousands of troops, dozens of high-ranking military officials, generals, and the government on a phone call. The departmental market, the police chief and the like worked from it, and then all the celebrities like Stark came over. The scene was so utterly complete, just thinking about Alan, I felt like I was already laughing out loud just thinking about Alan's. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

For a while, Allen felt that he could completely take the route of being an urban soldier and forcing his face to be slapped. What kind of science fiction route would he take? It was time-consuming, laborious, and brain-intensive.

"Alan, what are you laughing at." Just because he was about to see the nun who raised him when he was a child, Skye couldn't help but clenched his hands. A white and tender face was full of tension. At this time, Si Kay suddenly realized that the little guy next to him didn't know what he was thinking, and he laughed out of joy, and couldn't help interrupting Alan's fantasy.

", no, just suddenly thought of something funny, Sister Skye, are we coming soon?" Alan, who was interrupted by Skye's fantasy, couldn't help sucking the saliva that had flowed to the corner of his mouth. Then smiled and asked Skye.

"Not yet, but soon! Ellen, look at how I am today? Is there anything I need to tidy up." After hearing Ellen’s words, Skye looked at the familiar and unfamiliar people around him. The building, after roughly predicting the time, said to Alan nervously.

Although it is not the first time for Skye to return to the orphanage, every time he came back, he came back with a disgraced face, and then he stayed for a period of time and continued to be adopted. That's a year that has never been broken. The curse of', the family is finally broken now, and Skye can finally come back to see the old courtyard happily.

"No, sister, you are already pretty today, like a fairy, who can pick out something wrong." Seeing Skye's nervous look like a little girl, Alan couldn't help but say.

"Haha! That's right, little girl, your brother is very discerning, you are like a fairy today." Hearing Alan's words, he looked at the beautiful and inconspicuous, innocent girl Fandes in the rearview mirror. Kay, couldn't help but laugh affirmatively.

"Look, elder sister, I said you have to trust my vision, you see the driver affirmed to you, you can put ten thousand hearts, today past, you are definitely the most beautiful cub at the dinner party ." After hearing the right assist from the driver, Allen also spoke to Skye.

"Ellen, you don’t have a good line every day. The uncle driver’s words are polite, don’t you know?" Although I heard the compliments of the two in the car, I couldn’t help but happily clicked on Allen. On his forehead, his mouth still couldn't help but continue.

"Why, sister, you have to know that after the investigation of scientists, in most cases, the truth is told from strangers, and acquaintances are too familiar to make accurate judgments." Listen When it came to Skye, Allen looked serious and shook his head and said to Skye.

"Huh? Really? But there is no such boring investigation. You just made up your own thoughts. Allen should die!!!" Hearing Allen's serious analysis, I couldn't help but feel it for a while. Really, but as soon as he turned his eyes to look at the smile in Alan’s eyes, and the uncle driver’s forced expression in front of him, Skye blushed suddenly, and then a pair of evil little hands turned towards Alan’s softness. To attack.

This is the one of the few ways that Skye has found to deal with Alan after spending two years with Allen. There is no way, other armed attacks and'mental' attacks (that is, pictures of all kinds of disgusting people, (Heavy-tasting videos, etc.) But Allen took everything as they were ordered, and there was no reaction afterwards, only the squeaky nest and the itchy meat on the waist. Allen would appear particularly sensitive and laugh at the touch of it. .

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Begging to let go.

"Huh! My mouth is full of lies every, I think it is necessary to tell Ma May to strengthen your family education." Kay stood up, began to put his hands on his head to take care of his messed up hair, and couldn't help but speak to Alan.

"Haha, I really envy you, brothers and sisters have such a good relationship!" Looking at the two brothers and sisters fighting each other, the uncle driver couldn't help but laughed happily, and then said to them.

"Well, your destination is here. Get off the car." After a while, as the car stopped slowly, the driver's uncle turned his head and smiled at the two siblings.

"Uncle driver, how much is it? We haven't paid yet." After getting out of the car, Allen walked to the parking space next to the co-pilot and pointed out a little head and said to the uncle driver.

"Forget it, you don't need to pay any more, just take it as a contribution to this society, and little guy, I have to say I like you! Hahahaha!" Looking at the co-pilot door, Alan Na Trying hard to look around and pay the money, the uncle driver couldn't help becoming more and more happy. He looked at the destination where the two arrived and looked at the cute little guy. The uncle driver waved his hand and said to Alan. After that, he laughed and activated the accelerator of the car to enter the flow of traffic.

New York---Los Santos Orphanage

Looking at the row of English characters on the door, the two of them were sure that this was the destination of their trip. Although none of the guests arrived because of their early arrival, there were quite a few workers on the scene. All the work on the scene is being arranged in an orderly manner.

Under the recommendation, the book-chasing app I am using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] cache reading, offline reading!

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