Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 148: Banquet

"Cough cough cough!" For a moment, Harry couldn't help being shocked by the reporter's sorrowful operation just now. Don't want it, but when he looked back, he only saw a figure with long blond hair hurriedly toward him. The crowd ran away and finally disappeared at the corner.

"Uh, father, this..." Looking at the disappearing initiator, and then at the passive father, Harry couldn't help but asked Norman Osborn a little bit bewildered.

"It's okay. Now these media like to catch the wind and catch the shadows. I'm used to it." Norman Osborne, who was originally a big entrepreneur, already feels that his city and face can already face any situation calmly, here. For a moment, his face still twitched slightly and said to his son.

By now he can basically imagine what it will be like when he sees the newspaper tomorrow.

But in the end it was Norman Osborne, a big business man, although he was extremely angry and depressed in his heart, but then he walked calmly towards the dinner party with a calm expression, and then he saw the door. The person who greeted him even put on a smile and greeted him with a quick smile.

And Harry, who saw all this by his side, couldn’t help but admire his father for a while, and compare his heart to heart. If he encountered this situation himself, he would probably go violently on the spot, and then give the reporter a chance to exaggerate. The company's stock price suffered a huge loss on the second day, and then it was himself who was injured. Harry, who wanted to understand this level, couldn't help but sigh in his heart,'Sure enough, my father is indeed a father. ’

"Mr. Osborne, you are welcome to take time out of your busy time to join our charity party. I am really grateful." When Norman Osborne just walked to the door not far away, the wait was already Rachel, the long-time old dean, stepped forward to thank him sincerely.

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"Hahaha, too much praise, too much praise, how can the dean invite me Norman Osborne is an affirmation of me." Hearing the sincere words of the old dean, Norman Osborn couldn't help but feel embarrassed. There was more smile on it, and even the haze caused by the "scandal" incident just now was swept away.

"This is Harry, he deserves to be the son of the Osborne family. At a young age, he looks like a talent. Facing so many strangers, he can be so calm and unhurried. Mr. Osborne's large group seems to be a successor. Ah." After looking at the little child who looked like him between the eyebrows next to Norman Osborne himself, only a glance at the old dean could confirm that this was Norman Osborn’s son, Harrios. Ben, could not help but exclaimed.

"Thank you, Dean Rachel's compliment." After hearing the kind old grandma in front of him gave him such a big affirmation, although Harry was extremely excited in his heart, he still thanked him calmly on the surface. The slightly raised corners of the mouth made the two people on the side clearly feel Harry's happiness.

But neither of them cares too much. They are children after all. It is normal to be happy in the face of the appreciation of strangers.

"Haha, the dean is still able to speak well as always." Norman Osborne on the side looked at the dean in front of him and said so, and couldn't help but jokingly jokingly.

"Where, where, but it's all because of feelings. It's not early. Then, Mr. Osborne, let's go in first, and the party will begin." Hearing Norman Osborn's words, the dean couldn't help but She said with emotion that once she was just a pure-hearted nun who just wanted to calm down and serve the Lord for her whole life, but now she has become so eloquent. If this was placed a few decades ago, it would be what she thought. Things I can't think about.

"Okay, please invite the dean first." Although his identity and influence are great, Norman Osborne has always implemented the idea of ​​being kind to others in the outside world, and he has explained this point incisively and vividly all the time. Although he had been invited to enter by the dean sideways, Norman Osborn still insisted on speaking to the dean.

"Then it's disrespectful, let me lead the way." After seeing Norman Osborne's excuse, the old dean said, and then walked ahead and walked into the courtyard.

"Wow, sister, sister, look at it, that is Norman Osborne, the owner of the Osborne Group, and a famous entrepreneur in New York City." After seeing Norman Osborn coming in, he was on the sidelines. Little Peter couldn't help but get excited and kept talking to Skye beside him.

"Oh, I got it, I got it, but it doesn't look like it's anything. Normally, it just wears a little better, but it's still not as handsome as my father." Skye reluctantly heard Peter's non-stop exclamation. I dealt with it forcefully, and then looked at the focus of the audience---Norman, but found that compared to the eye-catching mega-entrepreneur on the TV news, I really came to watch it. When it arrived, it was actually like that, and Skye couldn't help but mumble while looking at it.

"Ben, did you hear that, your daughter praises you for being handsome." Ma May, who heard Skye's words, couldn't help but jokingly said to Ben, who was immersed in her daughter's praise and secretly delighted.

"Of course, this is our daughter's vision, just like you, otherwise how could you marry me." After hearing Mei's words, my dad couldn't help but said proudly, but half of the words he hugged Mei. Waist, said affectionately.

"Hate! The children are still there, don't!" Mei, who was suddenly hugged by her lover, could not help feeling that her whole body was limp, her whole body blurred, and her body was generally weak and limp in Ben's arms, but fortunately, Mei still has a basic consciousness. Knowing that it is outside now and the most important thing is that the children are around, so she said delicately.

"Cough cough cough! What to look at, what is good, you are not kids anymore, and one day you will have this kind of experience. I will demonstrate with your Ma May to you, huh!!!" I heard Ben, who reacted to Mei’s words, couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. On a whim, he forgot that it was outside, and the three children on the side looked at this side with big bell-like eyes, and couldn’t help coughing and adjusting Ben. He said to the three children with a "serious" face, but before half of the words were said, Mei, who was embarrassed and blushed, pinched the tender meat on her waist and twisted it hard and made a painful noise.

"Puff! Hahaha." Looking at my dad's appearance, the three of Alan, Skye, and Peter, who wanted to hold back from laughing for a while, laughed out loud at the same time. After all, they could see my dad deflated. It is very rare.

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