Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 157: By the way, beautiful woman, good figure!

"It's up to you." Looking at the loyal attitude of Sturwell, Alan's expression was also relaxed a lot. No wonder those in power and the like will play two teams one after another. Someone It feels really good to do bad things for yourself, and Alan couldn't help but let go of these words and flew straight back towards the city.

"Obadestan, right? Although I don't know what you did, I have to say that you are going far this time." After looking at Alan's ability, Sturwell couldn't help but envy in his heart, but then I immediately corrected my position. I am now a handyman. Although he has become a senior manager, he is also a senior worker at most. And no matter who’s a gangster is not a gangster. Anyway, he is the life of his men. It's better to find a strong boss, so Stwell was very concerned about Allen's affairs, and patted Aubadestein under him, and Stwell couldn't help but smile.

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Although Stwell is essentially a two or five boy, his ability is also very strong. Only by being able to sit firmly in the position of a seventh-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he can clearly see his ability. After all, he can be a god. The seventh-level agent of the Shield would have been killed when they were out on the field if they had no ability.

"Wait, although I don't know who you are, you should belong to the government department? Give me to the government, and the government will convict me. I can give you all my property." After the insidious smile on his bald head, Obadestan thought of the poisonous snake for the first time. He couldn't help but instantly panicked, and then he hurriedly begged for mercy, and even took out his inheritance.

"Hey, no need, you will beg me to hear those things sooner or later, now it is the moon and the black wind is high, we need to have fun." After hearing Aubadestein's begging for mercy, Stwell could not help but flow out. With a more'brighter' smile, he slowly said to Obadestan.

Later, Sturwell also drew a strong special nylon rope from the hidden space in the belt, which was used to tie up the enemy, and tied Obadestan's hands around and tied it firmly, and then playfully. Looking at Obadestan lying underground, he dialed a call.


"Alan, how's it going?" Skye, who was wearing a battle suit, couldn't help asking thousands of people when he saw Alan who had come back again.

"Don't worry, the Iron Overlord has been solved by me, and he will deeply regret the crimes he committed." Seeing the various accidental tragedies caused by the fighting on the street, Allen couldn't help but say in a heavy tone.

People like this kind of people who want to pull others as a back before they die, even if they are five horses and a thousand cuts, are not enough to be angry with the civilians, but now these people rarely know the chief culprit who caused the casualties of their loved ones.

"Don't worry, I will arrange for Stark... Uh, I mean that the secretary named Stark paid the compensation." I wanted to say it directly, but then I thought I was masked now, and The heroine next to her can't recognize herself either. Although she is a superhero, she still knows her identity as little as possible. So Tony turned to the front and said.

"Huh!" Skye couldn't help but snorted when he heard that the **** didn't even say his name before.

"Puff, Tony, sister, she's her own, you don't need to hide it, and she already knows your identity." Seeing her old sister's expression and Tony's cleverness, Allen couldn't help but couldn't help it. He smiled and said, "No way, Tony Stark is too funny sometimes. It's really to lie and don't want to face him, but also Secretary Stark, I will return Stark the Secretary-General of the United Nations later.

"Ahem, okay, since Superman has said so, then I will believe you for the time being, rest assured, I will hand over the casualties of these people to the people of the Fund Relief Society, and let them come forward to help them through. This time it’s difficult, this time for such a scene. Actually, I’m mostly to blame. I’ll be responsible for them to the end.” Hearing Alan’s words, Tony couldn’t help but say that he was just looking at the dusty and dusty people around him. The people who were holding their loved ones and crying couldn't help but become heavier.

"Uncle Tony, I think you still have to think about how to deal with these messy stalls tomorrow. After all, you have been fighting from Los Angeles to New York, and Obadestan kept chanting your name when he was fighting. If the gram group does not stand up and explain, then it is estimated that those angry people will attack it." Looking at the guilty expression in Tony's helmet, Alan still did not say much, but reminded it with friendship.

"Don't worry, now that Obadestan's constraints on me are gone, now the entire company is completely mine alone. Tomorrow I will do my best to resolve this matter." Hearing Allen's concerns After the words, Tony couldn’t help but proudly said If the combined shares of him and Obadestan could determine all the company’s decisions before, then now Obadestan is dead, he is alone. All of this can be decided. Although there is no blood relationship, he can still get the remaining shares of Obadestan.

"Well, since you are so confident, then I won't scan your sex. By the way, how did you call this kind of thing from Los Angeles to New York City?" After hearing Tony's words, Allen said Instead of continuing to ask, he changed the subject and said, after all, this question is what he has been holding back in his heart to ask.

"Huh? This! They are all fighting in the air, and who can tell the direction. Naturally, they will fight in one direction. Who knows that it happened to hit you by such a coincidence." After Ellen's words, Tony couldn't help but feel embarrassed for an instant, but he still found an excuse to round it up.

"Really?!" Hearing Tony's words, Alan was still a little skeptical. After all, if he remembers correctly, the final battle between Tony and Iron Overlord seemed to be in the Stark factory in Los Angeles, but now he is silent. I came here silently. Although Allen said that in some places he has made great changes to the world, but in many places he has never touched it. Even if it is the butterfly effect, it will take time to form. Now This seems to be too exaggerated.

"Of course, okay, I won’t tell you. Pepper called me. I’m going to go back. See you next time. That’s the beautiful girl. She has a good body!" Looking at Alan’s doubtful eyes, I felt The ghostly Tony couldn't help but speak directly, and then the thruster began to spray flames, followed by a witty word to Skye who was on the side. Before Skye could react, he seemed to run away without looking back. Fly away.

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