Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 164: Male and female robbers

On a highway, an old pickup truck whose metal skin has faded away due to the passing of time is now in the hands of a pair of male and female robbers, and has to carry a heavy load on it again. 'S luggage, with'creak! Squeak! With a heavy sound, I was overwhelmed and forced to go on the road.

"What does it feel like?" The woman who was driving on the highway was curiously asking the man who was sitting on the co-pilot with his arm propped on his head in thought.

"What does it feel like to be transformed?!" Looking at the silent man, the woman continued to ask. After all, curiosity is a woman's nature, otherwise she would not be fascinated by the man in front of her, and she would have let it go. The current boyfriend is desperate for him.

"Remember the guided hallucination experiment that we voluntarily participated in at Harvard? It's like that, but to magnify the feeling a thousand times, it's like pouring a kilogram of psychedelic into my head." After hearing the woman's question , The man couldn't help but recall the feeling when he transformed, while looking for the corresponding words to describe.

All in all, if it hadn’t been for the fact that the transformation had caused extensive damage to the surrounding area, he might have thought that he had been mixed with various messy psychotoxins, such as maniacs, stimulants, marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, etc. The medicine together is average.

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"Then do you remember anything?" After hearing the description of the man, the woman remembered the experiment in Harvard time that the man said in an instant, and the feeling after the man said it was magnified by a thousand times. I was extremely curious, but the woman was not as loud as before, but the voice was slightly lower and asked curiously.

After all, my ex-boyfriend has a bad temper. Once angry, he will have a small temper, and it is difficult to persuade him.

"There are only a few sporadic pictures and too much noise. I don't know what it is. I don't know where it is coming from, who is it, and it is difficult for me to tell whether it is a human or a machine." After hearing his girlfriend's words, the man thought of the feeling of helplessness and loneliness when he was transformed, and he couldn't help but lower his head and said in repression.

If it’s just such a feeling, it’s okay. After all, the uncomfortable thing is that he can control him personally, but the feeling after the transformation is only brought by the appearance of the big man. These are just trivial things. , The real horror is the big guy after the transformation.

He is like another independent person, forcibly occupying his body, destroying and smashing everywhere, forcibly venting the endless anger hidden deep in the body so long that even he himself has forgotten to hide deep in his heart. Because of this, he fled around, trying to find a place far away from the crowd or where no one could find him and rest quietly.

"So you are still in it? It's like Ultraman?!" After hearing the man's words, the woman thought for a while and said, after all, this situation with her boyfriend, if you really want to find a case to describe it If so, Ultraman on the island country is the most appropriate metaphor she can think of for the first time.

"No, no, no, it may seem like the situation you are talking about, but it is not." As a scientist, these unrealistic fantasies can sometimes be a source of inspiration for them, so women He has also seen the said Ultraman. Although the two are very similar in a sense, they are both sides of the transformation, but their essence is completely different. If Ultraman’s transformation is to become If you just defeat the evil, then he is like a tyrant who has been possessed by a demon who has come to do harm to the world, so the man shook his head and said.

"Although I don't know how it feels, but when it was in the cave, I felt it knew me, maybe because your brain was overloaded, so it lost control." After hearing her boyfriend's words, The woman couldn't help closing her eyes, thinking carefully about how she felt when she was with the big guy in the cave before, and then she spoke.

Although it was only that short time together, but the demon portrayed by her boyfriend as a terrifying horror, after getting along that night, she always felt that the other party was like a few-year-old simple-minded child, although sometimes irritable but facing When he was close to people, he took care of him so carefully.

But after all, the woman did not say this. After all, on the one hand, it is her boyfriend who has been in love for many years, and on the other hand, it is the hysterical'demon' who tortured her boyfriend. She only needs to remind her boyfriend when he is awake. The details are enough, the specific choice of her as a girlfriend will only be silently by his side, dependent on life and death.

"I don't want to control it, I just want to eliminate it." Hearing his girlfriend's mouth with the words to defend the devil, the man looked straight at his girlfriend who was driving on the and then determined. Said incomparably.

No matter who stopped him, he must also destroy the **** who was hiding in his body. This is what he said. It is useless when **** comes. Nobody's words will work.

"Don't worry, Betty." Maybe it was because he felt guilty for the temper that he burst into, the recovered man grabbed his girlfriend's palms and pressed his hands tightly, and then said softly.

"But, is it really okay to go directly over there like this? You know the last time you ran to the city and got caught. It was too dangerous. Maybe this time my father and they will send more troops to arrest you. It's." Hearing her boyfriend's words, the woman called Betty also expressed her worry.

Although she can see from the last battle that her boyfriend is very powerful after her transformation, as a girl who has been nurtured by the modern technology of the military since she was a child, she knows that the power of the military is often when there are large numbers of people. After all, it is impossible for them to escape as lucky as the last time.

"Hehe... I think I should be the most dangerous thing. Don't worry, Betty, I have communicated with Mr. Lan many times over the past few years. Through continuous experimental tests on blood samples, he has researched and understood. Medicine, this time we just need to go quietly, and cooperate with Mr. Lan to solve the hidden dangers in my body, and then we can return to normal life." After hearing his girlfriend's worries about this line, the man couldn't help but laugh at himself. He smiled and sighed, then said comfortingly to his girlfriend.

As long as things go well this time, they can completely solve the problem without knowing it, and then withdraw. Regarding this matter, in the eyes of a man who has been hunted down by the army for nearly five years, it can be said that they are confident.

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