Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 167: Samuel Stern

Under the leadership of their girlfriend Betty, the two finally saw the end of their career, the man who called himself "Mr. Blue" on the Internet---Dr. Samuel Stern, professor of the Department of Biological Cells at Gebang College.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Stone, I'm Elizabeth Rose!" Looking at the person who had just finished class in the distance, Betty walked up and stopped him immediately, and then introduced herself.

"Um! Dr. Rose?!" After hearing the beauty's self-introduction a year ago, Stern couldn't help but asked in a funny way.

"Someone wants to see you!" After speaking to Dr. Stern, Betty turned around and gave it all to her boyfriend Bruce to explain.

"Mr. Lan?" As soon as he met, Bruce said straightforwardly. After all, time is running out, and people in the army won't give him so much time to find a place to drink tea and then enter the topic.

"Mr. Green?" Hearing that the man who suddenly appeared in front of him directly screamed his personal network name that he used to address only one person on the Internet, Samuel Stone couldn't help but froze for a long time, and looked up and down the gentleman in front of him. The man asked in disbelief.

If it were not for the use that he can be sure that this exclusive name will only appear between him and another person, he would doubt whether the person in front of him is pretending to be an alien, because of the cell vitality that is beyond ordinary people's imagination. It came out of the body of the person in front of him, something he hadn't even thought of before this meeting.

"Professor Stern, this is not suitable for chatting. Can we find a more private place to talk in detail?" Looking at the man in front of him, Professor Stern looking at himself with an incredulous expression, Bruce didn't care too much but was straightforward. He opened his mouth and said to Professor Stern.

Because both parties are PhDs in biology, Bruce believes that if the two sides swap positions and he also meets someone who is in the same situation as himself, he might still look at that person in a more fanatical way.

"Okay, okay, please here, I believe my office will be a good place for us to communicate, and there are things there that will surprise you." After hearing the words of the man named Mr. Green. , Professor Stern, who reacted, couldn't help but enthusiastically invited the two to walk towards his office, and at the end he still had a mysterious smile on his face.

"Okay." I don't know why looking at the Mr. Lan himself, Bruce always feels that the other party seems a little unreliable, but they have already arrived far away, so he can't go back empty-handed.

Thinking of this, Bruce had to gritted his teeth to convince himself that some people might just be unreliable on the surface, and then after a glance with Betty, the two followed Professor Stern to his own laboratory office.

As a Samuel Stearns who has many honors and awards and has many successful experimental results, an office with its own advanced biological equipment laboratory can be said to complement each other, and all his experiments are also It’s all done here, and this test on Mr. Green is no exception.

"Do you know? I've been guessing you, Mr. Green, if you are really a person, and if so, what do you look like." Then they took the two to the office and greeted them warmly after sitting down. Muir Stearns said to the two of them excitedly.

"But what I didn't expect was that a person with such a powerful force in his body would turn out to be completely inconspicuous like you. This really surprised me, but it's not easy... if all of this Correct. If you successfully inject the correct dose after guiding you to transform, it is possible that you will be cured forever, but it is also possible that you will only be temporarily suppressed. I don't know the specifics."

Then Professor Stern spoke to Bruce and said that even if everything goes well for the most difficult injection process, the results of subsequent experiments may not be satisfactory. It is like flipping a coin, when the coin has not landed. , No one will know which side it will be facing up.

"Moreover, if the injection dose is a little bit higher, high-component toxicity will appear." After finishing speaking, Professor Stern said to the two with a slightly excited expression.

After all, it is necessary to kill it under such a high-intensity cell viability. Even the advanced doctors who have been practicing for many years can't say that they are completely confident that they are not bad (here is the author's own Conjecture, please don’t pay too much attention to it. As an outsider, the author has no other meaning. Please don’t interpret it too much. It’s troublesome.)

If you really want to explain the process they are going to go through now, it is to use a poisonous snake to kill a poisonous snake. In the end, whether the poisonous snake is killed by the poison of the poisonous snake or the poisonous snake is bitten to death by the poisonous snake, the final result will be left to God.

"So you mean it might kill him?" Betty, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help but nodded and asked Stern after hearing what Professor Stern said.

"Kill him? Of course, I'm sure." After hearing Betty's question, Professor Stern directly concluded without any hesitation ~ This kind of whale can directly poison dozens or hundreds of whales. The extremely poisonous elephants, he really can’t think of any carbon-based lifeforms that can remain immortal after being injected with it. Maybe there are, but this definitely does not exist in any written publicly released by humans or on the Internet. .

"But it is also possible that the result is completely the opposite. If the dose is too small to suppress me, you will be in danger." Hearing Professor Stern's words, Bruce did not care too much about the terrible consequences, and even swallowed a gun to commit suicide. I've done it all, and I'm afraid of being poisoned to death? It's simply a horror of the world.

He only worried about one problem, that is, if the dose is small, it will hurt the people around him. The professor in front of him is, and Betty is also more. Both have reasons that he can't hurt, so Bruce reminded again.

"Hmm! Do you know? I've always been a curious baby. Up to now, nothing has happened, so now our question is whether we should do it or not?"

Hearing Bruce's worried and naive questions, Stern couldn't help but laugh. As a biologist, he had thought of these questions a long time ago, so he specially customized a laboratory bed that could withstand the power of the giant elephant.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the other party can lie on the bed obediently, then everything after that is completely up to him, so Stern directly dispelled Bruce’s concerns and asked whether he wanted to. Start the experiment.

After all, the topic has come to this point. Although he already hopes that Mr. Green is not reporting anything to continue the experiment. After all, knowing that ninety-nine percent of the experiment is dead, no one will go to the experiment stupidly, but based on politeness. There was some guilt, and Stone still said it.

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