Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 177: Shock wave **** the field

"Yes, Mr. President, you know everything clearly."

After hearing the president's words, Nick Fury replied, and emphasized the next four characters clearly.

"So I want to know what the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, which governs world security, is responding to this major security incident that is currently taking place in New York!"

After hearing Nick Fury's words, the president directly asked questions as soon as the topic changed.

"Mr. President, I know, but I'm sorry, I can't do anything, because before that, General Ross and the Minister of State, both said that this operation was a military operation, and both of them strictly ordered us not to interfere in military affairs. , So since this incident was planned and stabbed by the military, I believe they have the ability to solve it."

After Mr. President finished speaking, Nick Fury immediately expressed his understanding, but said to him embarrassedly.

"Commander Nick Fury, you have to know that your S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau is under the management of the World Security Council, and its level is much higher than that of the military, whether it was before, now or in the future, but now , I want you to ignore the so-called **** hello commands and other words before, and do your best to deal with this incident for me immediately."

After seeing the monster displayed on the computer on the side destroying another building, the president could not help but immediately made up his mind to speak harshly to Nick Fury.

Then, without giving Nick Fury any opportunity to explain, he directly hung up the communication.

"Director, it seems that the people in the military really angered the President this time." Hill, who listened to the whole process without evasiveness, couldn't help but speak after Nick Fury hung up the phone.

After all, being able to make such a promise by a high-ranking authority in power is enough to show how serious this incident is for the president.

"Yes!" Nick Fury couldn't help but sighed after hearing Hill's words. Unexpectedly, the biggest beneficiaries of this military action would be them, but the matter has not ended like this, Nick Fury knows If the matter this time is not resolved perfectly, the situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. will not get better in the United States in the future, and then they will ask Hill, "Is he ready?".

"That old guy? I think he is more prepared than anyone else."

Although he didn't say it clearly, Hill still knew exactly who his chief was talking about. Hearing Nick Fury's question, and then thinking about the person's current situation carefully, Hill couldn't help but said with a smile. .


On the other hand, the hatred at this time is still madly destroying everything you see in front of you. Cars, signal lights, sculptures and other huge things that can be lifted up are all thrown towards crowded places as weapons. After the crowd was scarce, he ran straight into the building, hitting the second street and continuing to repeat the past.

Let me tell you, the book-chasing app I'm using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] cache reading, offline reading!

In this way, there was a mess wherever he went, and only the burning car wreckage remained behind, the broken arm belonging to human beings, and the **** scarlet street.

"Um... Damn it!"

At this moment, Skye, who was long overdue not far from the building, flew to a tall building and looked at the abomination that was still raging below and the tragic and terrifying pictures behind it. She couldn't help but feel nauseous. The emotions hurt his heart, and Skye only felt that his stomach was constantly tumbling into the ocean, which was extremely uncomfortable, but the more it was, the more Skye hated the monster.

These people were supposed to be able to end a day's life beautifully and return home to reunite with their parents, wives and children, but in the end so many lives were ended by them.

"Hahaha, where's Hulk? Where's Hulk? Call him out quickly. I want him to know what God's power is this time."

Standing on the street, watching the surrounding soldiers hiding behind the building and aiming at him timidly, he couldn't help but laugh with disgust.

"Or your so-called superhero, Superman can also come, I will let them know what is the real power of God."

Seeing the soldiers around me who only silently aimed at the soldiers who didn't show any action, I couldn't help but feel even more proud. He picked up a car that tried to rush past him and said to them with a big smile.

"Or is it that the current scene is still not big enough, and it takes more deaths to be worthy of their end? What do you think? Little guys!"

He took the sedan in front of him, and put the distorted big face in front of the car windshield, grinned, and said evilly to the white young woman who was holding her pair of children inside.

‘Boom boom boom! ’

Just when he wanted to continue talking about the hatred, a soldier standing on the street not far away could not bear it anymore. An American soldier who regarded protecting civilians as his vocation, couldn't help but feel hatred and just a bullet went down. Then came the collective counterattack from the remaining soldiers, all desperately pouring bullets toward the huge body that hated them.

"Hahahaha, I thought you would keep hiding like this. I wanted to let you go. If that's the case, then you will die for me."

Feeling the sensation of being shot on the body by a bullet, there was no reaction to disgust, but continued to laugh, and after the laugh, he spoke to the soldiers.

However, as soon as the words of hatred fell, a sudden huge force dumped the whole person into the nearby supermarket.

"Go!" The belated Skye, after knocking down Abomination, was the continuous output of the shock wave, and straightly sent the car that was about to fall in midair to a dozen meters away, and put it down smoothly. Behind the ground, he said loudly to him.

"Wow, let's take a look, who is this, New York Volunteer-Shock Girl, the first bug is online, right? It looks like you should be better than those who only use fire sticks. a little."

Slowly got up, and then walked out the door step by step, looking at the figure of Skye who had knocked him off, he couldn't help but pretend to be surprised.

As for the news of the shock wave woman, as a middle-level military executive, Bronsky, it can be said that he knows very well. After all, there are only a few superheroes appearing in public in humans nowadays, and these are for him. For those who desire to become the limit of their individual strength, they have even more in-depth understanding.

However, no matter how much he knows, he only knows the use of the shockwave woman's specific abilities, as well as some military and personal intelligence speculations, after all, even they have been unable to find out the identity of the shockwave woman until now.

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