Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 203: The team arrived

   Then, after a short while, as a knock on the door sounded, Allen knew that the person sent by Sturwell had finally arrived, and the whole person could not help disappearing in place and flying towards the sky.

   "Action!" After knocking on the door without responding, a special service captain outside the door nodded to the team's assaultman, and then spoke neatly.

After hearing the captain’s instructions, the assaulter also broke in immediately and broke in. There were 5 people in the team, only two were left on guard outside, and the other three all rushed in. In the room, all their guns were pointed at the figure wrapped in the pink quilt in the living room.

Because when they came, their person in charge specifically told them that the goal of this action is very important, even no less than the various high-level secret missions in the past, so everyone is fully prepared and fully prepared. Even the poison sac embedded in the teeth is bitten, as long as the mission fails and cannot be evacuated, it will bite off without hesitation.

   The captain who filed in at this time, assaulters and high-end technical personnel in the team are all pointing their guns at the target and then moving closer to the target step by step.

   The only thing that puzzled the three of them was that they didn't know why. It was a very big movement just to break into the door. Why would the target wrap himself in the quilt alone and wriggle, as if it had nothing to do with the outside world.

   "Welsh!" Until he reached a position one meter behind the target, the captain spoke to the assaulter on the side, and then motioned him to step forward to check the target's situation.

"Yeah!" Nodded, the assaulter Welsh slowly put the gun behind him, then took out the pistol, his hands were guarded and moved a little bit toward the edge to look at the target, even for a while. The smoky smell directly ignored the past.

Afterwards, as Wales slowly walked to the target, Wales could not help but frown and looked at the target with disgust, just looking at it. At this moment, Wales only felt that this mission was not the person above. Seeing that their team has been panicking recently, they have been sent to disgust them.

At this moment, Myers is not only completely burnt black, but also saliva, foam and blood stains mixed together on his body. I didn’t feel it before. I need to see clearly. After everything about the goal, Wales only feels that he has been unable to look directly at his favorite milk for a long time recently.

   "No problem." Fortunately, Wales still knew it was time for the mission. After confirming that the target was nauseous and nauseous, and there were no other problems, he shook his head to the two teammates in the house and said safely.

"Check if there are other monitoring equipment in the house. If they are destroyed, in addition, leave this under the bed. If another person really says what is said above, then you will definitely find this." After giving a safe signal, the captain immediately relaxed, put the gun on his back, then took out a button-sized device from his arms and handed it to the technical staff aside to speak.

   Although everything is progressing smoothly so far, and even the difficulty of the task and the level of emphasis are not at the same level, the team leader still arranges the work in an orderly manner.

"Received." The technician on the side also replied immediately after hearing the captain's words after hearing the captain's words. Then he took over the monitoring device handed over by the captain, and then took the backpack that he was carrying with him. An electronic instrument was taken out, and after turning it on, he walked cautiously towards the bedroom.

"Wales, take a look at the target." After arranging the work of the technicians, the captain who wanted to walk up to check the status of the target personally, after walking to the front, he could not help but frowned slightly and paused when he saw the target. After trying to move forward, he spoke to the team of assaulters on the side.

"Um... Captain, aren't you? You..." He looked at the captain who wanted to see the situation by himself, but after seeing the target situation, he threw the thunder at himself, and Wales opened his eyes wide. Said aggrievedly.

   After all, if it is to dismantle bombs, attack military garrisons, etc., as long as the captain speaks, he will definitely rush up without any hesitation, but things like this kind of stuffing in a cesspool? ! This is really an endless challenge to his lower limit.

   "Huh?!!!" Looking at Welsh who was aggrieved and trying to refuse, the captain couldn't help but stare at Welsh in front of him like a brass bell, with an expression of "Do you dare to question my order".

"Received!" Looking at the captain's strong expression, knowing that he might not be able to escape from Wales this time, he couldn't help but grieved and said At this moment, he really regretted why he wanted to be a man. Assaulter, the usual combat mission is to rush to the front line, and now that the cesspit is still the front line, he has a heart to want a dog on the spot.

Then Wales walked towards Miles step by step, enduring severe nausea, and carried out a series of checks on Miles. After all, aside from the smell and filth of the target, only to understand the specific state of the target. Later, they can better execute the next step. There is nothing wrong with this series. The process is like this, but the goal can be kept so disgusting, but what should he say... Admire it enough.

At this time, as a breeze from outside the window blew into the room, which caused the unpleasant smell in the room, the captain behind Wales couldn't help but slapped his nose in front of him with a look of disgust. If it wasn't a mission requirement, he really wanted to kill the person in front of him directly.

"Captain, after the inspection, the preliminary result is that the target's spirit is completely depressed, and a large amount of cerebrospinal fluid and blood flow from the target's ears and nose. It can be inferred that the target's brain has suffered some kind of huge irreparable trauma, resulting in Now the target’s obvious body language disorder, in simple terms, is that the target has now become a mental patient."

   After repeated observations in Wales, the general situation of Wales was determined, and he began to stand up and report the situation to the captain behind him.

Although all the results are on the surface, the target has been completely crazy, but what makes Wales puzzled is what kind of method can make a normal person who does not seem to have any harm to become such a foolish lunatic now. , It's like someone has opened the target's brain and stirred it crazily in it, it's terrifying.

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