Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 210: Family Meeting---Statement

"Actually, I think Peter's words are quite...hiss...excessive, family and country, if you can't even take care of your family, then there is no reason to protect other people, Peter alone, I have to criticize I'm taking you down, my mind is a little off, so be careful."

Seeing his child’s hopeful gaze, my dad couldn’t help but say in agreement, but after half talking, he couldn’t help feeling the tightness of the waist, and he straightened his body for a while. The voice, then the voice turned to Peter and began to criticize him'severely'.

It's just that in conjunction with the winking look of Shangben Dad, it is difficult to connect the harshness of his words with his true attitude.

And Peter also straightened his chest, which was gradually full of muscles, under the reverse output of Ben Dad. There is no doubt that his attitude towards Ben Dad gave Peter sufficient power support.

"Alan, how about you?" After a complaining glance at her husband, Mei asked her baby son again. The current number of votes is one for and one against. As for the number of votes for herself and her husband, Mei didn't want to say more, if it wasn't for her traitor, the two of them could decide to move away on the spot.

So what is certain is that there are two votes in favor and two against, and the key vote has fallen to Allen.

The four members of the family also looked at Allen at the same time, curious about Allen’s final decision. After all, if it really counts, Allen is the one who has the most right to speak. Both the government and the people have high prestige. The kind of outrageous.

But after all, this is just a family meeting vote. Allen’s identity is completely useless, only for and against.

"Hmm... Ma Mei, I actually know your concerns, but there has always been a reason for humans to adapt to the environment. It is impossible for the environment to adapt to you. Now even if you can just leave and escape from the next disaster, next The second disaster, but what after? It’s impossible to escape for the rest of my life, and Ma May, believe me, with Sister Skye and me alone, neither of us can escape the Earth’s vortex with their identities and abilities.”

Speaking of this, Alan is actually very helpless. There are only zero and countless times in everything. As long as he is used to fleeing and retreating once, then he is sure that in the future, he will definitely be the leader in this situation, and Alan has not forgotten. The thing is, Thanos, the director of the Family Planning Office, has always wanted to eliminate life in the universe and maintain the healthy ecology of the universe. If you really want to move with Mae Mei and the others.

Then Allen, who has lost the initiative, can only watch Thanos gather five Infinite Gems, and hope that his family’s luck will not be so unlucky that they will be wiped out by the Infinite Gems, like this to save himself and his family’s lives. It is absolutely impossible for Allen to hope for the kindness and luck of others.

And even if he grows up in a few years, he can travel across the universe physically, but that’s just that. The earth and the solar system are his home, and his roots. If he leaves this planet and this galaxy, it’s hard to say that he will have another one. The two galaxies have new and vibrant stars like the sun.

You know that the essence of Superman is to absorb the energy emitted by the emerging young stars and strengthen yourself. If Allen really leaves, then it is estimated that the whole life will be at this level. Allen does not count on his own luck. It is good enough to be able to obtain superhuman superpowers in the rebirth, and at the same time the earth explodes not long after the start, and can encounter an emerging star that is as young as the sun.

And not to mention that Marvel is a universe where great gods walk everywhere. Except for Thanos, spicy chicken shreds, swallowing stars, Domam, which of these are not looking at the universe of this plane, if you really miss it, like the solar system. A good start, ran to the corner to linger on the words of development.

That Ellen probably won’t even think about turning over in his entire life. The only days left for him are to hide and hide like a mouse for a lifetime, and these big guys have to control the entire plane. He Alan can I don't want to be under the fence in order to survive later.

So after thinking about it so much, the most important thing is that you can't just retreat without even starting, everything hasn't happened yet, and you don't know if you can win the game or even if the tie is not formed.

He asked himself if he was not a superhero in the true sense, and maybe even the words superhero could not even be counted as a superhero, but if their small family wants to live on, then the big family on earth must stand firm.

It might not be until this moment that Allen understood Gu Yi's true thoughts. It doesn't matter how human beings make trouble, even if one or two countries are destroyed. After all, from the overall situation, these are just trivial things.

No matter how the trouble is, the earth is always human, belonging to its own tribe, and human beings live in groups. No matter how powerful the person is and how respected the position, it must be human society to leave. This is inseparable from the fetters of blood.

Just like No matter he is strong, he always has his own family, even if one day his family is gone, he will also have his own relatives, friends, even his own people, compatriots, if it is true If there is nothing left in the end, then it would be so interesting to live on your own.

Perhaps Master Gu Yi is more profound than his feelings, or has his own insights, but Allen believes that no matter what the explanation is, it is always inseparable from the most simple reason.

"Why, you are just your child. Although you are a superman, there is not much danger in this world, isn't it? Even without you, the earth will still turn around, and your sister is just a superman. A girl with the same abilities as those eighteen or nine-year-old girls outside." When Alan said, Ma Mei couldn't help but asked with emotion.

She didn't understand that she just wanted her family to live a safe and secure life, and that she would be free from illness and disasters in her entire life. Why Alan, her son could still say that this kind of hope for all mankind rests on The words from their family, wouldn't the world not turn around without their family?

"Ahem...Mei, calm down, we are not discussing it." Ben, who saw his wife's sudden reaction like this, couldn't help but cough, secretly pulled Lamei's hem, and then spoke.

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