Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 214: Morning news

"Really? Hearing what Ellen you said, I feel that I want to go and see it now." After hearing Ellen's words, May couldn't help but say, really, if you didn't say this. The person who talks to is his precious son. If you change another person, you can see if May will believe that person. After all, they are still very confident in their country.

"Mom, if you want, we can go now, and you just need to ask me for a leave of absence from school, how about it, mom." Seeing Ma May's move, Alan couldn't help but choose He raised his brows and said.

After all, compared to the daily main meals such as milk steak burgers and Italian noodles, Allen still wants to eat authentic Chinese food, well... and hot pot.

"Of, I want to travel, but you don’t fly across the sky like a pendant like a pendant." Looking at Ellen’s appearance, May knew that this kid must be. Not thinking about going to class, he couldn't help but hesitated for a while, then resolutely refused.

It was at this time that the news broadcast suddenly came on the TV. Before Alan wanted to continue struggling, the eyes of the whole family were all attracted by the voice of the host on the news.

"Today’s news, according to reliable sources, a huge monster, due to some special reasons, appeared at the gate of the university school in Broadway in Manhattan last night. As soon as it came out, it began to destroy everything it saw, in order to stop the monster from raging. , The army alone caused nearly one regiment to be injured or killed. Fortunately, in the end, the shock wave girl, the green giant, the superman, and our Captain America. Yes, it’s the Captain America you imagine. I can be very responsible. It is announced here that he... that man, he is back. With the combined efforts of these superheroes, he finally successfully defeated the monster. Let’s take a look at the video that an anonymous netizen sent us on the spot. , Please see."

As the host’s words became more and more excited, the TV in the living room also began to broadcast the news of the destruction caused by hatred last night, although it may be due to the fear of being on the ground, the picture jittered greatly. But it can still be clearly seen that they belong to Skye, Captain America, Hulk, and Superman.

Except for the inhuman monster, the Hulk, every other hero looks so skinny. There is even Alan, which is obviously the appearance of children, but each of them is trying to stop the hatred and resisting with all their strength.

Everyone, including the army, is trying to stop the monsters from raging at all costs, especially the most touching place is the figure that Skye appeared at the beginning of the first act, but Skye did not hate his arm. The big figure stood in front of it abruptly and stopped the pace of Abomination for several minutes.

Although in the end he was disgusted and slapped flying, but only with that thin figure, he had the courage to stand rigidly in front of the huge monster as high as a hill, blocking the opponent, and it has already made the TV. Countless spectators in front of the plane were crying for the shockwave girl, Skye.

Then, following the legend that all Americans have heard and even believed in—Captain America, after his appearance in the video, he immediately detonated everyone in front of the TV like explosives. If the former is the superhero that everyone admires, then Captain America is undoubtedly a legend that people admire and admire.

Although Captain America does not have the powerful superpowers of Skye, nor the monster-like power of the Hulk, because of this, Captain America’s human body hard-bodied, red skeletons, and hatred of these enemies, never move forward. The attitude of not missing the slightest timidity is the most admirable, without him, because people can see their own shadow from Captain America.

Involuntarily brought himself into the role of Captain America, fantasizing that he might become him someday.

"Sky, how dare you last night? You weren't injured, the monster is so big, and you..." After seeing the terrible giant on TV shooting her baby daughter flying to the building, Ma May couldn't help but turn around. Looking over at Skye with concern, he got up and looked left and right on Skye, and asked distressedly.

After all, in the video, let alone the monster's full blow, just casually, when the unlucky people are directly printed on the wall like plasma bags, and Mei can see that when shooting her own daughters. , That ugly monster didn't have any strength at all.

"Don't worry, Ma May, I'm fine, except for the aching muscles, there is nothing else to do." Seeing Ma May's anxious and caring look, Skye couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth, and then said with relief.

After all, apart from the physical pain after being photographed flying, there was nothing serious after a night of rest, and she even planned to go out to continue patrolling her territory tonight.

"But, how is this possible!" Mei pointed to the screen behind the Hulk fighting with hatred on the TV. Although the TV station has already had a thick mosaic for some of the obvious special blood types, it still There are many places that show the tragedy, so Mei couldn't help but ask.

She thinks it must be her daughter because she is afraid that she is worried and she doesn't want to say it.

"Don't worry, Ma May, it's all the credit of Ellen's brother's suit. To be honest, when I was beaten up by the monster, I thought I was dead, but in the end, apart from flying a little far away, my body was a little bit painful afterwards. , There is nothing else, I am also very surprised."

Seeing Ma May's face of disbelief, Skye also recalled the scene when he was hit by the monster last night, and then spoke.

And hearing Skye’s words, the family also turned their attention to Alan, wanting to wait for Alan’s explanation. After all, the power is more than the direct impact of a 100-yard car. How could such an abnormal thing exist so unreasonably.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Didn't they tell you when you got the battle clothes?" Seeing the whole family looking at him with question marks, Allen couldn't help but feel confused. what's up? Isn’t it true that the old king didn’t include an explanation when he handed over the nano suit to you? Or a verbal explanation?

It shouldn't be possible. After all, his cheap foster father shouldn't act like this kind of anticlimactic and irresponsible.

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