Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 220: Righteous partner

Then after not knowing how much time passed, until there was no occlusion on the sky except the bright white moon, a small red dot slowly fell from the sky to the ground, and as time passed , It was getting bigger and bigger, and in the end it even turned into a fireball with huge flames.

But the video only ends here, because after seeing the fireball slowly getting bigger, as the screen began to shake violently, the person shooting the video also started to turn off the video and ran away.

"It's incredible (whispering exclamation), viewers, the video is over here. Although the final result is not captured, it is obvious that no matter how powerful the giant is, under such a world-destroying attack, I Believe that the other party will never stand up again, and all this is obvious is what our Superman has done, let us cheer for him!!"

Obviously, even the host who has watched the video before, can't help but sigh after seeing this scene again. Perhaps only people who have actually seen this scene can know all this. Great, then the host opened his mouth to arouse the emotions of the audience, cheering loudly for Superman.

"Now it’s strange because of the soaring ratings of the show. Look at what I’m talking about. Of course, it’s because of everyone’s enthusiastic support for Superman. Our live director decided to extend this news channel for ten minutes. What do you do in ten minutes? Let me explain it to you."

Afterwards, the host saw the director's provisional decision on the teleprompter, and couldn't help but speak loudly to the audience in front of the screen even more excited, as if he had won a million prizes.

"Next, we will start our program call, as long as the audience friends who can get through in time can ask a question, and then we will try to answer it, and will also give away a full set of Superman comics and Superman joint sweaters, gifts Limited, there is even a surprise video for everyone at the end, so hurry up and call in."

When talking about the comics of Superman and the sweater, the host took the full set of comics of Superman that an assistant handed over, and the sweater with a clear figure of Allen, and introduced to the people in front of the screen. Said.

"Ellen, did you go as an endorsement with us behind your back?" At this time, the family saw the clearly visible figure of Ellen's uniform on the sweater, and my dad couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Oh my God, can you still be used as a superhero like this? Alan, I feel like you have opened the door to a new world."

Peter, who was on the side, stared at the sweater with Ellen's figure on the TV, and he couldn't help but speak in surprise.

In just this moment, he thought that maybe the days of being a superhero may not necessarily be like in the comics. Those superheroes who can only hide and fear others will find the same, but can be like his brother now. Isn't it good to make money reasonably and legally?

Hearing Peter's words, even Skye, who wasn't really convinced, couldn't help but stare wide-eyed and looked at Alan curiously, wanting to hear Alan's explanation, but at the same time, Skye was thinking about himself. Maybe it can also come out with an endorsement? In this case, maybe it won't be long before I can run towards a well-off life?

"I didn't, I didn't, nothing, don't talk nonsense, I have never authorized this." Seeing the whole family suddenly turned their heads to look at him, Allen couldn't help but said in a panic.

Just kidding, if you have this idea, then you still need to live in this kind of house? Then don't you just buy a palace to live in? Although Alan may not be used to living in the palace, he is bragging and always talks about it.

"Then how do you explain that thing?" Seeing Ellen's flustered explanation, my dad couldn't help but point his finger at the sweater on the screen and asked.

"Oh, yes, I'm going to talk about it first, because Superman's identity is too private, and our program group can't be contacted, so I publicly declare here that the image rights of Superman used here are We will donate 50% of all the income generated to the Children’s Care Association. As for the remaining 50%, it will be stored in a bank card specially set up for Superman. You use, respectable superhero---Superman."

Just as my dad had just finished speaking, the host on TV seemed to remember something, patted his head, and then, as if waking up from a dream, he opened his mouth to explain to the audience in front of the screen, and then he was even more right. Bend over and bowed at the camera.

Of course, no one would think that this benefit was given to them by the host. At most, they were only incidental, and the most important thing was because of Superman.

"Look, my dad, I'll just say I don't have it. This is a good thing other people's show crews have done. If I really have this mind, I can't do anything good. I have to sell this kind of peripherals. The money is too slow and impractical ."

After listening to the host, Allen couldn't help but point to the host on the TV, and then spoke to my dad.

"Good job, as expected of my son, even his fan club is so good."

Hearing Alan's words, the rare father did not refute, but stepped forward and stood in front of Alan, rubbed Alan's golden curly hair, and said with satisfaction.

"Hmm, of course, I am the partner of justice, Superman!"

Squinting comfortably, feeling Alan being touched by my father's big hand, UU reading couldn't help but speak proudly.

Anyway, I am a partner of Justice Test, right? Fans are as good as themselves, doing good deeds is the most basic ethics of being a good public figure, at least Allen thinks so.

"Um..." Skye, who was watching all this on the other side, couldn't help but touch his chin, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay...I believe everyone can see it now. Our phone has already started ringing. I was surprised. I didn't expect that the number of our loyal viewers and friends is still a lot. Then let us go forward to pick it up and take a look at this friend. What is the question?"

Not long after, after a row of phone numbers appeared on the TV, the phone on the host’s desk rang immediately before they disappeared. At this time, the host couldn’t help but smile at the screen. Opened the mouth.

After all, regardless of whether it is a veteran host, when faced with this kind of off-site uncertainty, they will be subconsciously nervous. If the phone does not ring after ten minutes, then their program is estimated to be the same day. Become the laughing stock of the whole industry.

And he will become a past host.

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