Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 224: Shocked Vichy and the sympathy that followed

After all, in some ways, this is also helping his brother to get out of the order, isn't it? The two originally had a deep relationship, and sometimes they only lacked an occasional opportunity. As long as Allen believed that he gave them enough opportunities, then his brother could leave the single as soon as possible.

"Allen..." Hearing this words from Allen, Peter, who was still sitting in his seat thinking about how to chat with Betty, suddenly couldn't sit still. At this moment, he seemed to feel a strong feeling behind him. The dense gaze was staring at himself, and Peter could not help but move his big hand to Alan's waist, whispering while whispering.

"Puff! Ellen, you are so cute." Although Betty also knows Peter's heart to herself, but there is such a cute little brother to assist, Betty can't help but laugh, touched Ellen's golden curls and smiled. Said.

"Of course, this is all learned from my brother, I think you two should explore more, right!"

Feeling the little sister's touch, Allen couldn't help but smiled and replied, while still firmly pushing down the heartless old man next to him who just screwed him.

After all, I assisted him in this way, but this guy didn't appreciate it and even screwed himself. It was too much. If this guy wasn't for his brother, Allen promised to let the other person taste what is called "on earth". cast'.

"Ah?! Ah, yes yes yes! Hi, Betty! How did you go yesterday?"

Peter, who felt Allen's sudden impact, was in a daze, then turned his head and said hello to Betty and asked.

"It's okay! It's just a boring daze at home after normal get out of class, watching TV shows to pass the time, how about you?"

Seeing Peter speak to herself, Betty couldn't help but smile more happily, and said to Peter with a smile.

"Love... the sour smell of this **** love."

Seeing Peter, who seemed to have opened a chatterbox, was having a great conversation with Betty, Allen couldn't help but shook his head and said helplessly.

"Hey! Brand, did you pay attention to the Manhattan incident last night? I went to see it early this morning. The scene was simply shocking."

At this time, the black student Visie sitting in front of Allen was also discussing the events of last night with Brand next to him.

"Oh? The abomination incident you are talking about? If you mean that big shit-yellow monster destroyed an entire Broadway street, and incidentally collapsed a few blocks of buildings, then I think, if the two of us want to If it’s the same place, then I do know it!"

Brand, who was listening to music with headphones, quietly turned down the volume after hearing Weixi’s questioning. After glancing at Weixi next to him, he continued to play with the phone in his hand, and then Said as if nothing had happened.

Originally I wanted to be excited to share this with my little friend. I begged my uncle early this morning to let him take him to Manhattan. When he arrived, he saw the terrifying and spectacular scene. I also wanted to be stunned by this Wannian Bingberg's gaze, but the other party actually knew before him.

"Huh? How did you know? Did you go there this morning?"

Thinking of this, Weixi couldn’t help but ask. After all, he knew where Weixi lived. Not far from his home, it was just a few blocks away. It was almost the border between the slum and the rich area, but he could walk. It only takes a few minutes. If the other party wants to go to Manhattan, they have to go early in the morning.

"Uh, nothing, I also have a house over there. After all, sometimes if the pressure of studying is too heavy, I will move there to relax, and stay for one night to relax. It's just my house last night. It happened to be on Broadway, and it happened to be knocked down by the abhorrence of that shit-yellow guy."

After hearing what Weixi said, Brand couldn't help but change his sitting position, then took off the headset, glanced at Weixi, and continued.

"My God, is the life of a local tyrant really so simple and unpretentious? The house prices on Broadway are not cheap, right." Hearing his classmates, he said such high-profile and luxurious pretends so calmly. , Wei Xi couldn't help but widened his eyes and exaggeratedly said.

"Uh, it's okay, for specifics... 10 million less than it seems, my dad bought it for me, and I don't care too much about the specific price." Brand, who was still reading the mobile phone news, was listening. After arriving at Weixi's question, he couldn't help thinking deeply for a while before speaking.

After all, he really didn't care about this issue too much for him. After all, no matter how he bought something like a house, he didn't lose money, and it was really not bad for his family.

Although he is still studying now, in order to adapt to the future life, he must face the future helplessly in the future. Therefore, when he was at home before, his dad often took him to the company and let him watch when his dad encountered problems. Handling methods, and specific business management.

Of course, all the specific details are still too profound for him at this age, but he can still learn all the basic and easy-to-understand At least he understands one truth now, that is for them. In terms of money, he can really give birth. The money his family produces every minute is enough for him to squander casually.

But he didn't have this plan. After all, even if he was to be a rich second-generation, he would have to rely on his true ability to get it. Otherwise, in the rich second-generation circles he knew, he would really have no face to look up. Come.

After hearing Brand's words that were obviously inappropriate, Weixi couldn't help being silent for a while, because he said that he didn't know how to take the words. After all, they were all ten million dollars, not more than, so calm and calm. He felt speechless when he said it, but when Weixi changed his mind, there was only sympathy for Brand in his eyes.

After all, it seems that the insurance company will not compensate for this kind of man-made damage at home, and even if the person is found and asked to compensate, Weixi only thinks about the big guy, and can't help thinking about it. After all, the other person has already been If he was killed, no one would dare to ask him for compensation even if he was still alive.

So in the end, the people affected by the disaster obviously have to bear it themselves, don't you see that those big groups can't stand it, have they donated money? This is not because, apart from the poor subsidy given by the government, there can be no other supplements, so these consortia have come forward to donate.

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