Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 229: Tony's press speech

At this time, in a mansion in Washington, under the arrangement of his assistant Pepper, more than a dozen reporters with notorious names in the press gathered here.

At this time, they pointed the cameras that had been set up one by one, and the cameras were all pointed at the podium. The figure with its own focus, Tony Stark, after everyone accepted Tony’s invitation. , Took a long flight to prepare for an interview with Tony.

Even if the other party may not accept their questions, the news that they have spread through their media is already a huge focus.

At this time, as the main master stood on the podium, everyone began to fall silent, quietly waiting for Tony Stark's speech.

"First of all, at the request of my friends from journalists and the masses, I recorded this video and published it, a statement about the previous incident in Manhattan."

Looking at more than a dozen reporters on the ground, Tony didn't talk much, but spoke directly to the camera.

"First of all, the first point is for the shockwave woman who appeared on the scene and participated in the rescue time in time, and Superman, oh, yes, there is also a Captain America, my goodness, is this crazy? The dead will be resurrected? ?"

At this moment, Tony was thinking that Pepper had already written the manuscript on the podium in advance and said, but after half of the talk, he couldn't help being surprised.

After all, a person who had almost a hundred years of history and was originally declared dead suddenly appeared in the eyes of the public. Even if his assistant had already said it in advance, Tony was still incredibly surprised.

"Tony!" Seeing Tony's sudden appearance, Pepper, who was taking pictures of Tony's video with his mobile phone, couldn't help but reminded him in a low voice.

"Okay, okay, let's return to the focus. As a new generation of superheroes in the United States, this time I mainly want to thank these three people for their rescue in times of crisis and help us save our home."

After seeing Pepper looking at himself with an angry expression, Peter couldn't help but turn the topic to the whole, and spoke to the screen.

"The second point, I believe everyone wants to know, that is why I was not able to appear on the scene, after all, it took almost an hour before and after, and everyone knows that after all, with the excellent performance of my steel armor Ability, you can go back and forth in more than ten minutes at most."

Looking at the concise statement on the blackboard, Tony obviously did not continue reading, but once again followed his inner choice and chose to make an impromptu speech. At this time, Tony continued to speak to the camera in front of him.

"But why, I didn't show up? I can, I can, I can rush to it, and easily solve the guy with the genetic mutation. Sorry, forgive me for being straightforward."

"But in my eyes, he is nothing more than a bigger, crispy piece of paper. As long as I am here, then I can deal with them effortlessly. Even those who have died do not need to die. Our homes and our buildings. It doesn’t have to be what it is now."

At this time, Tony didn't read the speech on the desktop at all, but opened his hands and spoke passionately to the screen, as if he was venting something.

"Everything, in the final analysis, is the group of incompetent idiot military councillors. I believe everyone in front of the screen can also see why I am in this small house now because they restrict me from getting out of this house. They ordered me not to use steel armor, and even sent a subpoena, and I am now preparing to participate in the Senate Armed Services Committee."

While talking, Tony waved his hand and asked the camera to record the definition of the ‘small’ house he understood in the surrounding area.

I don't know why, even the audience watching this scene in front of the TV at this moment, although they can't experience it personally, they can still feel the inner complaints of the reporters who are on the ground.

There was even a media cameraman who perfectly recorded the expression of a male reporter's helpless twitching mouth and showed it to the TV.

"So, having said so much, everyone has seen that the reason why we were able to attend the event this time was not because of the backwardness of my mecha or my indifference. Are our compatriots."

"I can't do this kind of thing with my arms folded, so even at that time, when I knew the incident was happening for the first time, I was also applying to those idiots, but it was useless. They gave it for reasons that were irrelevant to me. Shirk it."

After the camera recorded his ‘small’ house and turned around to re-point himself, Tony continued to speak.

"The next day, when I got this casualty report, I only had pain in my heart, heart-wrenching pain. Because of these numbers, these lists can be completely reduced, but now it has become such a thick stack of casualties. List."

"And so far, what I can do is to make my company give a small amount of subsidies to the victims and the families of the victims. I believe that compared with the pain they have suffered, these money Meaningless."

Tony picked up the thick pile of injury reports on the podium, and said indignantly to the screen.

At this moment, his inner heart is only angry with those He is just doing his best to be a superhero loved by the whole people, but these idiots not only don't help themselves, but also desperately talk about themselves. Back.

When Tony learned about the data on injuries last night, he couldn't help but tremble. You must know that this is New York, the most developed country in the world.

If this data is placed in Iraq, Afghanistan or even other countries without war, he will not be surprised, but the place where this data occurred is just tens of minutes away, and even ten minutes away in armor. New York.

If it weren't for these idiots to hold back, he would be able to arrive in time to stop the genetically mutated monster.

"But I'm here, I... Tony Stark, I'm here to make a promise to everyone that this kind of thing will never happen again, even if those idiots want my steel armor so much, I don't It will be handed over, I am Iron Man, and Iron Man is me!"

After the heartache, Tony made a solemn promise to the camera and said strongly at the end.

Then he walked upstairs to his bedroom without looking back.

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