Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 231: Wind 1 blows straight

On the other side, after hearing Mae May’s call, Allen, who reacted, flew towards the sky without looking back, until after passing through the thick layers of dark clouds, he arrived. Outer space.

Looking at the blazing sun in the distance, Allen only felt extremely excited and excited, because until now, Allen finally feels the feeling that the long-lost power in his body is constantly strengthening, compared to when he was in New York. Depressed, Allen here felt the incomparable comfort that he hadn't felt for more than a week.

Afterwards, in order to better absorb the sun’s radiation, Allen relaxed spread his hands and feet in a'big' character, in a posture of embracing the sun, so that every point of the body can be better. Enjoying the sunshine and feeling the warm sunshine oncoming, Alan is like a sleeping baby, deeply infatuated with this warm and comfortable feeling.

Then he fell asleep deeply with a sudden sense of fatigue and incomparable comfort.

After falling asleep, Alan fell asleep, and an invisible thin golden light slowly appeared on his body surface. At this moment, Alan’s whole person seemed to be hit by the outside world. The faint golden light effect is average, but this light effect is constantly becoming dazzling with the sun's rays.

It's just that Alan is destined to lose sight of the scene that is happening on his body now. At this moment, Alan's face is filled with a'rippling' smile, with a cute little mouth, and a gleam of crystal clear on the corners of his mouth. He fell asleep facing the sun without any image.


At the same time, on the other side of the earth, Monaco, a southern European city-state located in southwestern Europe, also ushered in its annual unforgettable Formula One World Championship.

Although the territory of this country is not large, its economic development, population density and folk customs can be said to be a developed aristocratic country, and it is a world-class formula racing based on this. The championship can better reflect its popularity.

At the scene, not only was the audience in the stadium crowded, everyone was cheering for them, cheering for their favorite racers, and even the crowds on both sides of the track were full of ebony crowds watching from a short distance. The degree of enthusiasm is evident.

It’s just that it’s different from the past. This year’s grand occasion may usher in a small change due to the arrival of some people, but from the point of view of the excitement alone, it may not lose to the F1 car racing on the track with all its strength. .

At the entrance of the home stadium on the other side, under the cover of two police cars, a newest Rolls-Royce also slowly stopped at the organizer of this game, and it was also the entrance of the game venue-- -Paris Hotel.

Then, with the screams of the surrounding crowd, Tony Stark got out of the car first, and after comparing the POSS who thought he was handsome to the fans cheering at him on both sides, he and his current girlfriend Miss Per, walked into the door of the hotel.

It’s just that compared to the two, Hapi, who is holding a suitcase behind him, seems a bit inexistent, but for Hapi, he has been used to this way after so many years as a bodyguard. I think I have a very important position in my boss, Tony's heart.

Then I turned my hand over, the golden-red suitcase, although it looked gorgeous and cool, but I am afraid that no one could think that under this gorgeous and cool appearance, what is hidden is actually Tony Stark's latest achievement.

And Hapi, who held this key thing in his hand, felt the heavy trust even more.

"Pepper, the first thing I need to tell you is that this is Europe, so no matter what happens, just go with the flow." After reaching the door of the hotel, Tony and Pepper walked towards the hotel while Said to it.

After all, if this is not explained in advance, so that Pepper has a bottom line, he is really afraid that Pepper will lift the table and make a scene where his original partner beats the mistress.

Although according to Tony's understanding, Pepper may not really do it, and he may not be able to win if he does it, but the key is that Pepper is now his true girlfriend.

Although Tony Stark never regrets what he does, but at this time he is still more or less so generous.

"Let's go with the flow? What does it mean to go with the flow?" As Tony on the side said something inexplicable, Pepper couldn't help but looked at his boyfriend aside with confusion, and then asked.

"Hello, Mr. Stark, is the journey going smoothly?" Just as Pepper’s words fell, Natasha, wearing a red deep V low-neck skirt, walked up to him and spoke to Tony with a smile on her face. Greeted.

"Well, very good, I am really glad to see you again, Natasha." Looking at Natasha in a red deep V dress and full of money, Tony couldn't help but even knowing that his girlfriend was right beside him. Say hello to Natasha enthusiastically.

"Well, there is a photographer from the Monaco Racing Club. If you have can you?" After finishing speaking, Natasha skillfully took the waiter and handed it to the two of them. Drinking, turned sideways and motioned to the cameraman to come and take pictures.

"When did you hire her." Seeing this unexpected secretary appeared in a foreign country, Pepper smiled and faced the camera while gritted his teeth at Tony.

After all, I had discussed with Tony about Natasha’s appointment, and I clearly rejected it. As a result, this big carrot still dug the opponent to his side without paying attention. Pepper only felt that he wanted to cut Of course, this is all imaginary, if it is really like that, it would be too unfair to be a lady.

"What? You said this? You forced me to do this." Tony said to him ‘innocent’ with a smile on his face looking at Pepper’s big angry eyes.

After all, if it wasn't for your righteous rejection of your application, would he have to spend a lot of money to hire this female secretary?

"What did I force you to do?" Pepper couldn't help but ask if he heard Tony's curse.

"Calm down, my dear, come here! Don't show your nostrils." Under the camera lens, Tony straightened his body and took Pepper and took a few more shots.

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"Your old problem just can't be corrected, right?" Pepper couldn't help gritted his teeth under Tony's words.

After all, when I was not in position before, I often took women home. When I didn't exist, I just closed the door and did things in the bedroom.

Now that I am in charge, I have to hook up with other young ladies in front of me, and they are still my own subordinates, which makes Pepper a headache.

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